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Posted 2008-02-09 12:10 AM (#5096)
Subject: Insurance

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Between Rockford and Sterling Illinois
I just got a quote from Progressive and to add the new Vic to my existing policy is only going to be $210 a year. Anyone else seen or heard of a better deal?
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Posted 2008-02-09 7:43 AM (#5112 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I also use Progressive, as I have my F350 & toy-hauler insured through them as well.
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Posted 2008-02-09 8:10 AM (#5115 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: RE: Insurance


Posts: 256
I wish my insurance was that inexpensive! That's just for pure basic, minimum coverage. It won't cover the passenger or many other perils to the full extent. I've found that it's best to opt for the maximum coverage to reduce any personal liability. One problem with many motorcycle policies is that in the case of theft, you'll only get a fraction of your investment back from the insurance company. Please ask your insurance agent numerous questions to make sure you understand your coverage.

Also understand, that on most policies, if someone other than the listed insured is riding the bike and an accident occurs, you will NOT be covered and open to liability. While we all know NOT to allow others to drive our bikes, most don't realize it voids your coverage in case of a peril. So, while your Harley friends are drooling over your ViVi, and want to drive it, do what I do...have them follow you to the Victory dealer and introduce them to the owner or sales person. Let THEM give your buddy a test drive on their demo bike.

This will make your dealer very happy and release you from any liability.
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Posted 2008-02-09 12:16 PM (#5127 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Also have progessive was 510 for full coverage here in NC. Didn't find any better deals so went with them had my last 3 bikes insured with them and never had any problems but then never any claims either.
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Posted 2008-02-09 2:42 PM (#5129 - in reply to #5127)
Subject: Re: Insurance


Posts: 256
All insurance companies are good...until you make a claim.

I had damage during Hurricane Wilma. While my claim was paid in two weeks, I had neighbors who waited more than six months before seeing a check. So, paying a little more is not necessarily a bad thing.
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Posted 2008-02-09 5:35 PM (#5131 - in reply to #5129)
Subject: Re: Insurance

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Between Rockford and Sterling Illinois
Haven't had a vehicle claim with them yet but know some who have and they were quite satisfied with them. I have had my VTX1800 insured with them for the last 6 1/2 years and after the initial premium being higher they came down to a very reasonable rate. The passenger and accessory coverages are good, especially on the Tour Premium. Everything is included because it is a factory/stock item on that model. On the VTX I have the windshield, bags, seat, bacKrest, lowers, etc. and that gets pretty close to the accessory maximum.
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Big Vic
Posted 2008-02-09 7:18 PM (#5135 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Outback101 - $210 seems too cheap. I live in rual Iowa which has lower rates than many areas of the country. I have never had a claim and pay well over $400 year. Make sure you know what coverage your getting for your $210, my guess it is not enough.
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Posted 2008-02-09 10:39 PM (#5141 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Are you sure its not a 6 month policy? When I lived in Pa. many riders would let it lapse during winter months.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-02-10 9:02 PM (#5158 - in reply to #5115)
Subject: RE: Insurance

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
PalmBeachRider - 2008-02-09 7:10 AM
Also understand, that on most policies, if someone other than the listed insured is riding the bike and an accident occurs, you will NOT be covered and open to liability. While we all know NOT to allow others to drive our bikes, most don't realize it voids your coverage in case of a peril. So, while your Harley friends are drooling over your ViVi, and want to drive it, do what I do...have them follow you to the Victory dealer and introduce them to the owner or sales person. Let THEM give your buddy a test drive on their demo bike. This will make your dealer very happy and release you from any liability.

I don't know what kind of crappy insurance you have, but with most decent (BikeLine, Progressive, Dairyland) insurance companies as long as the person you allow to ride your motorcycle has a proper motorcycle endorsement on their license your bike is covered (comprehensive or full coverage) and you are protected by the liability coverage. This is law as far as I know in most states as well. Just make sure that the person you allow to ride does have a proper motorcycle license and there will not be any problems as long as the motorcycle itself is in good repair.

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Posted 2008-02-11 2:41 PM (#5177 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance

Nalcrest, FL United States
I am paying $358.00 for my Vision and $407.00 for my H-D. Progressive 12 month policy @ N.Y. prices!!!
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Posted 2008-02-11 3:19 PM (#5178 - in reply to #5096)
Subject: Re: Insurance


Posts: 293
$455 through American Nat'l in AR. Need to be in a rider group for that price; VMC & VRA are not on the
list. AMA is. HOG & GWRRA are (if you also own one of those).
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Posted 2008-02-11 6:25 PM (#5180 - in reply to #5158)
Subject: RE: Insurance


Posts: 256
Possibly, insurance in Florida is higher as we get to ride ALL YEAR LONG!
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