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Riding in heat
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Posted 2008-02-02 2:17 PM (#4814)
Subject: Riding in heat

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Las Vegas, NV
Greetings! I sold my Gold Wing 02 GL1800 ABS about a year and a half ago, due to restricted riding time, and I had some insane thought that mabey something like the new Mazda MX-5 Miata would be a good compromise for open air and riding fun. Needless to say, I was wrong. The MX-5 is fun to drive, but it's certainly not a substitute for two wheeled adventure. Anyways, to the question - I was looking at procuring something like a Kawasaki 1600 Nomad, when an unkind salesman pointed me in the direction of an 08 Victory Vision Tourer. I had seen them in magazines but never in person. At first I thought, kind of looks like an overgrown motorscooter, but the more I looked the more it grabbed me. Did I mention I have a question, oh yes, for those of you from hotter climates, (I live in Las Vegas, NV) how do they do running in triple digit heat without a water cooling system? Any and all feedback is appreciated. Ride safe! DW
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mike s
Posted 2008-02-02 4:36 PM (#4819 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat


Posts: 223
Valdosta, GA
All Vics run an oil cooler. The Vision is my 3rd Vic and I have run in temps as low as single digits and well into the triple digits. I have not had one issue with the bike performing in any temp.

That being said, like any air/oil cooed bike, it is going to push a lot of heat out on your legs. It's not so much of a problem when you're moving, but if you stop for longer than a red light you are going to want to get rolling again. It's not unbearable, it's just uncomfortable. I experienced similarities with water-cooled imports, but not to the same extent.

I haven't had the Vision in triple digit temps, yet, but I have been out in temps into the 90s and she performed (temperature-wise) no different than my Jackpot did.
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Posted 2008-02-02 7:15 PM (#4825 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: RE: Riding in heat


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Desertwinds - 2008-02-02 12:17 PM

Greetings! I sold my Gold Wing 02 GL1800 ABS about a year and a half ago, due to restricted riding time, and I had some insane thought that mabey something like the new Mazda MX-5 Miata would be a good compromise for open air and riding fun. Needless to say, I was wrong. The MX-5 is fun to drive, but it's certainly not a substitute for two wheeled adventure. Anyways, to the question - I was looking at procuring something like a Kawasaki 1600 Nomad, when an unkind salesman pointed me in the direction of an 08 Victory Vision Tourer. I had seen them in magazines but never in person. At first I thought, kind of looks like an overgrown motorscooter, but the more I looked the more it grabbed me. Did I mention I have a question, oh yes, for those of you from hotter climates, (I live in Las Vegas, NV) how do they do running in triple digit heat without a water cooling system? Any and all feedback is appreciated. Ride safe! DW

Desertwinds - I live in the PHX area and have had my V since later part of September when it was still triple digits. Yes the engine heat is noticeable, possibly a little more than my other bikes, but bearable. The thrill of riding will overcome any of those issues, has for me anyway. As far as the V overheating, never had any problem, even in stop and go. Plain and simple GET ONE!
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Posted 2008-02-02 8:46 PM (#4832 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat


Posts: 1324
So Cal
In my case, at 6ft. when I put my feet down at stops, my legs are fare enough away from the motor to notice the heat but its not objectionable. To compare with the only other bikes I have ridden (HD) My eglide (no lower fairing, air cooled only) gives off more heat at stops. Still not that bad. The Vision definately gives off less heat.
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Big Vic
Posted 2008-02-03 10:37 AM (#4856 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I have ridden several Victory's in triple digit heat and did not experience any problems with the bikes. As others have stated, you know your sitting on top of a running motor but it's not that bad. No triple digit temps with the Vision yet.
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Posted 2008-02-06 10:11 PM (#4974 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Las Vegas, NV
Thanks for the responses. I am feeling better about coming to the light!
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Posted 2008-02-07 5:17 AM (#5003 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
as cj mentioned, less heat than the HD. I went to the Vegas bike fest 2 years in a row on the HD. I think I would fair better on the Vision. I'm in the upper Mojave desert, and am yet to feel what the summer sun will bring, however I'm possitive you'll be happy with the Vision. The again, you did buy a Miata, so you may want to wait. OH COME ON! YOU ALL SEEN IT!
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Posted 2008-02-10 5:40 AM (#5146 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: RE: Riding in heat

New user

Posts: 1
i am so glad i found this forum, i seen a vision for the first time yesterday and wanted it the moment i saw it
my biggest concern was it was air cooled, but after reading this i am feeling a lot better about getting one

i have to wait a while since i want to pay off my vtx first (i am going to keep it when i get the vision) so i am planning on getting an 08 leftover in 09 :D
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Posted 2008-02-10 11:51 PM (#5161 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
I am a Las Vegas rider and have had my ViVi tour for a week now. I had a brand spanking new Kawi Nomad 1600 that overheated and spit it's radiator water out some while riding the "strip" on a 116 degree day. The two Kawi mechs that I know said that for the temp, and riding at idle speeds, yes this is expected.

I developed leather thighs from riding in the heat, and I know the Victory Vision will never cough radiator fluid! As far as feeling the heat, isn't that expected on any engine betwixt the legs?

Let me know if you buy, and we'll hook up and ride. Arlen Ness on Boulder Highway really treated me right on my purchase, and they help organize lots of rides for their customers every weekend - Weather Permitting (or not).
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Posted 2008-02-11 10:17 PM (#5186 - in reply to #4814)
Subject: Re: Riding in heat

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Las Vegas, NV
I did stop by Arlen Ness last week, and they offered to let me take a test ride, was short on time and did not take them up on the offer, but will in the near future. I am probably still about a year out from buying a bike - need to get all finances in order before taking the plunge again. Did take the wife to see the bike and she really liked the design - and the back seat felt comfortable to her - and that says a lot coming from one who had a lot of time as passenger on the Gold Wing. Ride safe! DW
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