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Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash
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Posted 2011-09-13 12:45 PM (#96448)
Subject: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
9/12/2011 - Rescued motorcyclist pulled from burning crash remains critical in Logan, Utah

Click on Video on link below

A Logan motorcyclist rescued when several good samaritans lifted a burning car off of him had been stabilized in critical condition Tuesday.

Brandon Wright, 21, had been flown to Intermountain Medical Center in Murray shortly after his eastbound motorcycle collided with a BMW sedan about 11:40 a.m. Monday on U.S. Highway 89 in Logan.

Assistant Logan Police Chief Jeff Curtis said the accident occurred when the BMW, exiting a parking lot across the street from the Utah State University campus, drove in front of Wright?s bike. Wright and his bike then slid into and under the car.

The bike caught fire when its gas line ruptured, and the flames spread to the BMW. Passersby saw Wright wedged underneath the car. Several of them, despite the flames, rushed to lift the car off of Wright while others pulled him out by his feet.

Curtis said Wright suffered broken bones, cuts and burns. The driver of the BMW was not injured.

Firefighters quickly doused the flames and Wright was rushed to the hospital by medical helicopter.

It is nice to know that there are still people out there that will run to help and not run away.

I hope he recovers quickly.

Ride Safe

Edited by radioteacher 2011-09-13 12:52 PM
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Posted 2011-09-13 3:21 PM (#96466 - in reply to #96448)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash


Posts: 177
Fredonia, WI United States
I hope that kind of people are around if I am ever in trouble. Amazing!
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Posted 2011-09-13 4:36 PM (#96477 - in reply to #96448)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
No matter how many motorcycle safety courses you take it just won't stop the idiot from pulling out in front of you. It is sad to say, but you really need to treat every driveway as an uncontrolled intersection, the cages do.
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Posted 2011-09-13 5:30 PM (#96484 - in reply to #96448)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash


Posts: 70
I think I would have pushed that car all the way over on its top.
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Posted 2011-09-13 8:00 PM (#96496 - in reply to #96448)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash


Posts: 457
Green Bay, WI United States
+10 Hope they get over there spill. I always think twice about any cage and hope to never have to meet in this manner.... If I do I have already said, IF i CAN GET UP - AN EYE FOR AND EYE. SOUNDS HARSH BUT THIS SHIT NEEDS TO END!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL.... AMEN

Ride hard, ride fast but above all ride hard and free....
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Posted 2011-09-13 8:59 PM (#96504 - in reply to #96448)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
Good Samaritans are out there I have aided injured from a burning car and I was pulled from a plane crash by kennel workers in 1986 I like to think we all watch out for each other.
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Posted 2011-09-13 9:25 PM (#96510 - in reply to #96477)
Subject: Re: Motorcyclist pulled from burning crash


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
glighto11 - 2011-09-13 4:36 PM

No matter how many motorcycle safety courses you take it just won't stop the idiot from pulling out in front of you. It is sad to say, but you really need to treat every driveway as an uncontrolled intersection, the cages do.

Right after I leave my office, I ride down a 2000 ft long four lane street that has one curve and 17 driveways and/or intersections. The buildings along the street hold all kinds of offices including the headquarters of Taco Cabana, a very large school district main office, a Texas Agriculture office, a bar, a local IRS office and the area council that teaches future police officers.

Almost every day someone tries not to see least once a month I have to stop or take evasive action to avoid a wreck. The last two times I had to take such action they were both marked police cars that were pulling out in front of me.

One officer in the morning was from the school district. The other time it was a SAPD car and it followed me 90% of the way home. He had to follow me since I live near his area office. I did not mind the company and he made sure I made it home safely.

The school district employees are the worst drivers on the planet. They never signal....ever. They stop for no reason and turn from the wrong lane.

I always ride the speed limit because of the danger in that area and cover my brakes.

Ride Safe my friends.
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