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Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success
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Posted 2012-02-01 9:57 PM (#106632 - in reply to #106624)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 337
san antonio, tx
hulign - 2012-02-01 8:49 PM

I'm going to give it a go. It's always good to have options. I will let you know how it works.

There's no reason why it won't work. Let us know how it turns out though!
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Posted 2012-02-06 2:15 PM (#107035 - in reply to #99076)
Subject: RE: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 401
Bluetooth from your phone to your radio.

This is not a cheap solution, but a very reasonable one. Get an iPod/iPhone plug ($50 or $99 depending on model year) and a fipo bluetooth adapter ($30-$45). And just plug them in. You can't control the phone from the radio, but you can pipe music to the radio. The sound is ok, and can be prone to interferance.

I spent $70 for my set up.

Edited by sgiacci 2012-02-06 2:17 PM


Attachments 2011-06-25_16-23-21_124.jpg (46KB - 11 downloads)
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Posted 2012-02-06 6:01 PM (#107042 - in reply to #107035)
Subject: RE: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 337
san antonio, tx
sgiacci - 2012-02-06 2:15 PM

Bluetooth from your phone to your radio.

This is not a cheap solution, but a very reasonable one. Get an iPod/iPhone plug ($50 or $99 depending on model year) and a fipo bluetooth adapter ($30-$45). And just plug them in. You can't control the phone from the radio, but you can pipe music to the radio. The sound is ok, and can be prone to interferance.

I spent $70 for my set up.

I might be missing something here but, would you not achieve the same exact result by just plugging the iphone into the 1/8" stereo plug that comes standard on the bike, and select the AUX input? Or, if you have the Ipod cord, you can just plug the Iphone in to that and select the IPOD input? It would eliminate the interference you mentioned too.

What the dongle (this one or the factory version) does is allow you to turn off your speakers and stream everything (AM/FM/WX, XM, GPS, Ipod, Mp3 player, etc, that plays through your stereo into your bluetooth enabled helmet, communications system, or earbuds.
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Posted 2012-02-07 11:25 AM (#107098 - in reply to #107042)
Subject: RE: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 401
cchristo - 2012-02-06 6:01 PM

sgiacci - 2012-02-06 2:15 PM

Bluetooth from your phone to your radio.

This is not a cheap solution, but a very reasonable one. Get an iPod/iPhone plug ($50 or $99 depending on model year) and a fipo bluetooth adapter ($30-$45). And just plug them in. You can't control the phone from the radio, but you can pipe music to the radio. The sound is ok, and can be prone to interferance.

I spent $70 for my set up.

I might be missing something here but, would you not achieve the same exact result by just plugging the iphone into the 1/8" stereo plug that comes standard on the bike, and select the AUX input? Or, if you have the Ipod cord, you can just plug the Iphone in to that and select the IPOD input? It would eliminate the interference you mentioned too.

What the dongle (this one or the factory version) does is allow you to turn off your speakers and stream everything (AM/FM/WX, XM, GPS, Ipod, Mp3 player, etc, that plays through your stereo into your bluetooth enabled helmet, communications system, or earbuds.

What you missed was us non-iPod/iPhone owners who have Android phones for our music, GPS, and so on. Since there isn't an adaptor for us, the Bluetooth allows us to run the music into the Vision Radio while allowing us to keep the phone charged through the USB. Yes I can use the 1/8" plug, but some mounts make it difficult to use both plugs at the same time, and the bigger phones are really cramped in the glove box with both plugs too.

One other really good use for you setup is a low level output for people who want to add a high power amplifier and speakers.
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Posted 2012-02-13 8:57 PM (#107674 - in reply to #106632)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 79
cchristo - 2012-02-01 9:57 PM

hulign - 2012-02-01 8:49 PM

I'm going to give it a go. It's always good to have options. I will let you know how it works.

There's no reason why it won't work. Let us know how it turns out though!

The 2 dongles are on the way. Will try them with just a generic Y cable first.

Fingers crossed!
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Posted 2012-02-16 12:39 PM (#107893 - in reply to #99076)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 79
Just to let everyone know the dongles from work just fine off of a Y cable. So you can share the same music source to both headsets that way. Now I just need to hardwire it all.

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Posted 2012-02-18 11:04 AM (#108029 - in reply to #107893)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 337
san antonio, tx
hulign - 2012-02-16 12:39 PM

Just to let everyone know the dongles from work just fine off of a Y cable. So you can share the same music source to both headsets that way. Now I just need to hardwire it all.

Good to know. Thanks for the update.
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Posted 2012-02-28 10:10 PM (#108850 - in reply to #108029)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 79
A fresh update.... After a longer ride we noticed the music cutting out at times. Couldn't seem to reproduce it by just moving things around. Might have been interference from having 2 of them side by side? I didnt even take time to troubleshoot it. We talked over the issue and decided to bite the bullet, I ordered a complete Starcom1 digital setup. I can always add Bluetooth to it later but the reviews and info I could find gave it pretty high marks. Unfortunately my job requires I answer the phone or at least hear it and pull over to return the call. A corded system with priority settings makes good sense. Not having to charge it is a bonus. I do still plan on building the link for the stock stereo. So now I have 2 Bluetooth dongles and the parts to make 2 patch cables. Maybe someone can use them for this project.
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Blue Ice
Posted 2013-03-10 7:20 PM (#131975 - in reply to #99076)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Billings, Montana
Just found out after adding the RamMount for our TomTom Go920 that when TomTom came out with the Rider series they disabled the headset bluetooth compatability on all their regular gps units. As soon as you plugged in for an update the compatability was gone as it was deleted with the update. I am about as handy with a soldering iron as a pogo stick in quicksand. I would like to know if anyone who has built the dongle setup to work with the Scala headsets would be interested in building one for us. I would plug the TomTom into the stereo input and not be using a phone. I would certainly be willing to pay for your time as well as materials. Thanks in advance.
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Posted 2013-09-12 10:59 AM (#144406 - in reply to #99076)
Subject: Re: Budget Bluetooth Dongle Success


Posts: 337
san antonio, tx
For those of you who have been following this thread, and have sent me messages with questions. My apologies. I haven't been on the forum for a very long time. Lots of stuff going on. In any case, I received a lot of questions about the built in power supply. I've ended up actually not using it. Not because it doesn't work, but because I've just not had time to wire it in. If interested, you can build one with these directions
All of the parts can be found at Radio Shack. I used a 3/4"X1" by about 1/4" thick piece of aluminum channel for the heat sink and body.
I now just have a dual cig lighter to USB adaptor that I run the dongle and my GPS off of.
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