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Clutch Fluid
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Posted 2010-06-05 9:26 PM (#61568)
Subject: Clutch Fluid


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Having learned the hard way, old clutch fluid is not good, especially on a hot day on the highway. It has been 69,748 miles since I first rolled out on my Vision 2 1/2 years ago. The clutch fluid has never been changed, until today. It was a relatively easy procedure and I did it alone. I'll try to share a few notes here with you. First, I did not do it myself, but I always suggest "READ THE MANUAL FIRST!" If you've done clutch fluid change out, you'll find the Vision fairly easy. Here's what I did.

1. I had the bike on the jack, for other reasons, but found it was helpful to change the clutch fluid. The bike is level.
2. MAKE SURE you cover the bike below the clutch resevoir, DOT4 is not kind to paint.
3. Keeping the handle bars straight ahead, I removed the cover to the resevoir to inspect the fluid. For the most part the fluid was clear but it was turning black and had black sediment, it was past due a change. The clutch still work, but I don't think it had much hope on a long trip through the desert.
4. Remove the left side panel under the seat to expose the slave cylinder and bleeder valve.
5. Using a small clear hose and a 6mm wrench, I opened the bleeder valve.
6. I began pumping all the fluid out of the resevior by pumping the clutch handle. I also used a vacuum hand pump to draw the old fluid out also.
7. Once the fluild was out of the resevoir I used a shop paper towel and removed all remaining fluid and the settled black residue which was fairly heavy. Draining completely is the only way that I saw to remove this.
8. I then filled up the resevoir with new fluid and began pumping, and drawing that fluid down through the slave cylinder and out the bleeder valve. I did this until I saw clear new fluid in the clear hose.
9. When the fluid began to run clear, I closed the bleeder valve
10. I began pumping the clutch handle until I saw movement on the cable out of the slave cylinder.
11. I opened the line, pumped the clutch handle and held it in while I closed the bleeder valve.
12. Adding more fluid as needed I repeated steps 10 and 11 until there was a positive and complete response to the clutch.
13. I made sure the the bleeder valve was tight.
14. Filled the resevoir to the top of the glass. Any more than this I got run-over when I put the cap on.
15. Replaced the cap and reinstalled the panel below the seat.

All should be well, but in the morning will tell. If I need to bleed again in the morning means all the air was not removed, but I know it will be fine.

Post note: After letting it sit overnight I just checked the clutch operation and all is well. Success! The whole project took under an hour doing it the old fashion shade tree mechanic way. Next time, the brakes, stay tuned.

Edited by varyder 2010-06-07 11:07 AM
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