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HOW TO: Include an online photo in a forum post
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2009-02-10 11:11 PM (#28027)
Subject: HOW TO: Include an online photo in a forum post

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Including an online photo in a forum post
Any photo that is on a website can be included in a forum post. Here's how:

  1. Once you've located the photo on the web, right click on it and copy the photo's address. Another way of doing this is to right-click the photo and open the photo in its own window. Then copy the url form the address bar.

  2. Now, In the desired place within your forum post, type this line of code:
    <img src="Paste the address between the quotation marks">

  3. Be sure the the "Disable HTML" checkbox at the bottom of the Reply window is UNchecked

  4. OPTIONAL: If the photo is wider than 640 pixels, you should specify a maximum width of 640 by adding width=640 just before the >

  5. For example, typing this:
    <img src="">

    will yield this:

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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2013-03-25 2:30 PM (#133639 - in reply to #28027)
Subject: RE: HOW TO: Include an online photo in a forum post

Fountain Inn, SC United States
You can also post an online image using BBS code:

will render this:

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