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Great sharing...!
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John Abraham
Posted 2013-10-25 1:58 AM (#147093)
Subject: Great sharing...!

New user

Posts: 1
Today the weather was perfect in South Texas and I had a blast! Bright and sunny this morning low was 42' and the high was 72'. I knew that the Victory "Fuel IT" truck was going to be in town today so I took a vacation day from work.

Big Paul was leading the groups out but when I got there at 1:00 PM there were no groups just me. He said "Want do you want to ride"? I said the 2010 Vision 8 Ball (V8B) and the Cross Country (CC). He said he would take the CC and for me to get on the V8B at the midpoint of the ride we could swap bikes and ride back.

Run One
As said by many before, the blade windshield on the V8B is too small and I was trying to thumb the switch to raise the windshield to no avail no motor installed to raise it up. The one thing I really liked was the seat on the V8B. I wish I could have a seat that is half way between the two. The lower back support is excellent on the V8B seat.

The CC is really nice but not my cup of tea. I do agree with all I have read about the windshield being too short. When I crouched down in my seat I could see where this bike needs a taller windshield. I did not find the audio very clear at 70 mph on the radio but I am comparing it to my Vision.

Run Two
This time I picked the Black 2010 Vision with ABS and lower wind deflectors and Big Paul took the other CC with the lower wind deflectors on the forks and the skulls art work.

This CC had better wind management with the lowers but still needed a taller windshield. At least I could hear the radio better.

The 2010 Vision was perfect. The transmission and gear noise was much less then my 2008 Vision. The transmission shifted very smooth into first and through the rest of the gears.

Run Three
Darn if others were showing up that wanted to take a ride on the demos. This time I rode as last in the group of six on a Yellow Jackpot and we took the standard path that they use for demo runs. I remember this ride from my last Jackpot demo run. I am just too spoiled by the Vision to ever buy a motorcycle without a windshield.
Run Four
This time I took the white 2010 Vision and I was fourth in a group of six. Riding third was lonestarmedic on the CC with the skulls. At the first stop he was already shaking his head indicating that the CC was not in his future, he will be getting a Vision.

After four demo runs we take a ride to the Guadalupe River. Lonestarmedic on his 86 Venture Royal, his cousin on a Blue 2009 Ultra and I took a trip from Kent Powersports to Gruene, TX to have some refreshments at Bubba Big Deck.

Bubba Big Deck is an open air bar right next to the Guadalupe River. All I am saying is that, Bikinis are in season and can be quite a distraction when you want to talk motorcycles. Since it was now Friday rush hour Lonestarmedic's cousin lead us through the "back roads" back to Selma.

Air Force Attack!
On the last leg of the trip while riding down Evans road it looked like the Air Force was out to get some bad guy in the area. First I see two fast moving fighters flying to the North in formation, then a type of cargo aircraft that I am not sure of followed by an air to air refueling tanker with the boom extended both headed Northwest. Next two F-18's are taking off and they are dipping their wings left and right repeatedly. As I say good bye to my fellow riders and head for my next stop, four fighters in formation are headed west.

I guess the Air Force pilots were showing off because the Vision pilots were in town.

Ride Safe

Edited by radioteacher 2010-03-27 8:36 AM


2008 Vision Black Tour Premium "Sparks" Stage 1 Level 2

This is a great sharing...!
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