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Change Powerlet Socket to USB
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Posted 2012-01-24 9:22 PM (#106077)
Subject: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
The 2008 Victory Vision comes stock with a Powerlet socket in the glove box. All of my accessories (mp3 player, phone, nephew's Nintendo DS, etc.) use USB type A. Converting left a mess of adapters and wire. There was barely room for the device I was trying to power.

I changed the Powerlet socket to a USB port. It really cleaned things up.

This is the USB port in place of the Powerlet. The piece I am holding up is the waterproof, dustproof cover.

Close up of USB port installed.

This panel-mount USB port made the change possible for a measly $10. Powerlet wants $45 for the girlfriend's iphone cable, $50 for my phone (micro USB), and they do not have anything for my mp3 player. This modification allows charging of all our devices. Besides, the Powerlet plug just takes up too much real estate in my tiny glove box.

The existing hole had to be slightly enlarged to 7/8" dia. I used a step drill, but a file will work fine (not much material needed to be removed and the plastic cut quickly). I took the edge of a file and made a notch to prevent rotation.
All stock wiring was left in tact. The Vision wiring was not modified in any way. I simply crimped two male spade connectors on the USB wires and pushed them into the connector that came off the Powerlet socket.

If you have a cigar lighter instead of a Powerlet, all you need is the mini bullet adatper. It fits flush in the socket and has two USB ports. Go to ebay and type "mini bullet dual usb". I got one for the truck for $3.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2012-01-24 9:32 PM
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Posted 2012-01-24 9:51 PM (#106080 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Central Wisconsin

Nice write up!

I think I'll order one and thanks for the link.

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Posted 2012-01-24 11:37 PM (#106088 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA
Very nice solution and I LOVE who is on your MP3 Player! Joe Satriani! He is DA MAN!
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Posted 2012-01-25 4:46 AM (#106097 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Woot - Woot. Man oh man, why didn't I think of that. This is the very next mod to my bike. Thanks VVT!!!

Edited by varyder 2012-01-25 4:47 AM
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Posted 2012-01-25 7:32 PM (#106130 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I forgot to mention the amount of USB A cable options is limitless. Go to Google, click "images" at the top, and type USB A and the type of connection on your device... the results are unending.

Here is "USB A to micro USB"

"USB A to mini USB"

"USB A to iphone"

There is even a universal joint type USB A connector.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2012-01-25 7:39 PM
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Posted 2012-01-25 8:39 PM (#106136 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
NICE! VERY clean!!! Nothing a good, cheap, VERY useful upgrade!!!
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Posted 2012-01-27 12:20 AM (#106216 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
Remember to make sure the USB socket meets the nominal 5 volt (500 milliamp/10 watt) output most peripherals require. I have found that in the case of charging my iphones, not all USB sockets/adapters are equal, some just work better than others. Nice idea. I currently have a BMW to cigarette socket adapter, with a flush USB adapter for those times I choose to not feed the iphone through the Vision harness (like when I run earbuds). It would be nice to be able to fit something larger than a Seecamp in the glove box...
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Posted 2012-01-27 6:09 AM (#106220 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 74
Navarre, FL
I did the same thing, It can charge my phone and my wife's at the same time. As stated, if you have a smartphone, make sure the USB is a full output type. saves space, works great.
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Posted 2012-01-27 8:02 AM (#106223 - in reply to #106220)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
Thanks for posting this! I ordered the two port plug insert along with a 1ft USB cable with a right angle end for the phone.

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Posted 2012-01-30 4:43 PM (#106415 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Just got the units from Cyclenutz. Ordered Friday and received today....fairly quick !!

Quick question before I install these within the next few days. How do you remove the Powerlet plug in the glove box? And in the trunk?
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Posted 2012-02-04 4:22 PM (#106883 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 208
Wichita, Kansas
Don't use these to replace a powerlet that is hot all the time, i.e. the ones in the trunk. The glovebox is switched off with the ignition, so that is OK. The converters are always on when power is applied and they can pull down a battery in about 3 days. Don't ask how I know.
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Posted 2012-02-04 7:46 PM (#106896 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 4278
Great job.

Now if we could find a cable that would be cheaper then victory $100 one for ipod we would all be doing good.
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Mr Sug
Posted 2012-02-04 11:55 PM (#106905 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 117
Kansas City, MO
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Posted 2012-02-05 9:24 AM (#106917 - in reply to #106415)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Lotzafun - 2012-01-30 5:43 PM

How do you remove the Powerlet plug in the glove box? And in the trunk?

The one in the glove box is real easy to remove. Reach in between the cheese wedge and aluminum cowling. Feel around until you find the plug on the Powerlet. Pull it off. It's a tight space, but patience will make the job easier.

The Powerlet will turn a little bit from the top side. Hold the panel mount nut on the bottom side the best you can with your fingers. Wiggle the Powerlet back and forth as if you are unthreading and rethreading it. The nut came loose in two wiggles for me and I spun it right off.

I have not done the trunk so I have no comment on it.

Good luck.
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Posted 2012-02-05 10:58 AM (#106922 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
There is some flat surface area around the powerlet in the trunk. If you have to remove the bottom inner trunk to replace the powerlet, you could add a low profile on/off rocker switch. I wouldn't mind having the cig. lighter socket with the USB adapter.
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Posted 2012-05-22 5:42 PM (#114918 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 53
Raleigh, NC
I just got mine and there is a bracket that is a part of it and not removable. Did you have the same, and if so, how did you cut it off?
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Posted 2012-05-22 8:09 PM (#114933 - in reply to #114918)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Firejedi - 2012-05-22 6:42 PM

I just got mine and there is a bracket that is a part of it and not removable. Did you have the same, and if so, how did you cut it off?

If you got this one
A bracket comes with it, but it comes off easily. Unthread the chrome cylinder from the unit and the bracket falls off. Use the chrome cylinder as a panel mount nut to install the unit in a hole. It is very similar to the old conventional cigarette lighter socket.
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Posted 2012-05-22 8:22 PM (#114937 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 53
Raleigh, NC
I figured out how to get the bracket off, but you answered my next question about how to mount the new one. THanks a lot. I am planning on enlarging the hole and finishing the install tomorrow. THe nut on the powerlet was difficult to get off. It might be partially due to the size of my hands. Thanks again. I'm looking forward to trying it out. I am also in the process of mounting a couple RAM balls for cup holders. Got to be ready to ride by Friday.
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Posted 2012-05-23 6:02 AM (#114964 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 92
I had PM Powerlet asking if they made a USB adapter and the only one they have is for the cigarette size adapter. Powerlet told me I was the first to ask about the Powerlet to USB standard charging. It would make this easier if they would have made one. Life goes on!
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Posted 2012-05-23 8:49 PM (#115041 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: RE: Change Powerlet Socket to USB

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
If you don't want to replace the Powerlet socket, here is an easy way to get a USB port. You might need a 90 degree male USB cable to get it all to fit under the glovebox door.

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Posted 2012-07-29 2:39 PM (#120420 - in reply to #106077)
Subject: Re: Change Powerlet Socket to USB


Posts: 58
Saratoga NY area
What a great post! I just purchased the part from cyclenutz...
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