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??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision
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Posted 2011-08-19 6:21 AM (#93993 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: RE: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA
I never have understood the whole issue about re-sale values. I don't buy a motorcycle as an investment, I know it's going to lose value - not increase over time. Having said that, I just traded in my 2009 tour premium on a 2011 Vision tour and was happy with the trade-in amount. Of course I bought the 2009 Vision in April of 2010 as a left over model and got it for a very good price after all the rebates. I've basically done the same thing this time by buying a 2011 at year-end with about $3,500 worth of rebates (includes the military rebate) which substantially reduced my cost.

So the bottomline is if you can get a year-end model with rebates, you have reduced the depreciation on your ride if you decide to sell down the road. IMHO rebates and reduced intial costs are a good thing, and something I try to take advantage of.

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Posted 2011-08-19 7:38 AM (#93994 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
I still have a my 2003 RG it has 54,000 miles on it and my 2008 Vision: 12,000 miles. I mostly take the Vision on trips now and use the RG for around town or short excursions. The Vision is just more comfortable. The bike are similar but do have different personalities. As for dealer support, HD is better, not because every Harley dealer is a gem, just because there is at least ten times more. That being said, HD been around 110 years, Victory only 13.

Edited by XRsteve 2011-08-19 7:39 AM
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Travelin Man
Posted 2011-08-19 7:43 AM (#93995 - in reply to #93813)
Subject: RE: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

Edited by Travelin Man 2011-08-19 8:10 AM
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Posted 2011-08-19 11:59 AM (#94005 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: RE: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 232
I'm new here don't want step on anyones toes.I have a Roadglide and a 05 gl1800 wing ,now i have 2011 vision tour. IMHO the vision is where it's at WE ride alot have several bikes. I have 300 mile on the vision,had it 3 days
and i love it, sept 5 will be heading to long beach WA. from ky will be gone 3 to4 wks. That will tell us if this bike will work for us. As it stands now i'd keep it over all the other bikes we have except for our 58 pan.
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Posted 2011-08-19 1:23 PM (#94013 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
I loved mine too... had 500 miles on it when I got home from the dealer. UNTIL the problems started while touring the Great Lakes... bad front tire - Dunlop replaced... Victory turned it down under warranty made me pay to have it installed. Rear brake ABS failure... dealer bled brakes and had no idea why they needed it. Victory covered this one. Rear brake failure in the middle of nowhere... I bled them down and they got me home. Rear brake failure... I found root cause... defective pressure switch... ordered switch from Surdyke in MO because no-one around here had one, and they are on back order with Polaris for two weeks. I'll fix it myself... much more reliable than Victory dealer tech's that I have dealt with so far. Oh, and until you take the time to weather proof your cruise control, you can count on it working when it feels like it... not necessarily when you want it to. I weather proofed mine and have had only one slight problem since... in a heavy downpour. Polaris's training of dealer tech's leaves alot to be desired... it's learn as you go... so those of us who are having problems are the guinea pigs.
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Posted 2011-08-19 3:18 PM (#94033 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 4278
You bleed the rear breaks threw the front calipers right? I lost my read brake and was told to bleed the center bleeder on the front caliper and all is great not.
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Posted 2011-08-20 7:46 AM (#94098 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
That makes no sense. Your wife works for a HD dealer so you had to buy an HD (WTF?) but she still rides her Kingpin (TO WORK). Just admit it, you were really thirsty and needed some HD Koolaid....
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Posted 2011-08-20 7:51 AM (#94101 - in reply to #93813)
Subject: RE: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
Handyhoward - 2011-08-17 8:47 AM
Stick with the Road Glide... at least if you have trouble there are plenty of dealers nationwide willing to help you out. I went from a HD to a 2011 Vision and have had three instances while on trips that my rear brakes have failed. Had to ride long distances to find Victory dealers... and have found out that for the most part they don't know their product very well... nor do they have a very substantial parts inventory. I wish someone had stopped sipping the Victory kool aid long enough to warn me away from Polaris.....

Damn dude, I would be pissed too. There are some really shitty dealers out there, we have one here in Lansing. They don't know jack about Vics and don't care one iota about the customers. That's why I don't go there anymore.
The key is finding a good one. Like someone else said, you need get ahold of Kevin Cross at Polaris of Gainsville. At the very least he can give you some good advice.

I hope you get past this and ride the hell out of that Vision because I have one and love it. Good luck.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-20 9:20 AM (#94108 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
One of the price to pay for riding a Victory is the lack of dealers on every corner, yet there is plent of support everywhere if you just look for it. Sadly, those who have bad experiences or have not given up on drinking the other koolade will speak the loudest and sharpest about the brand. It is easy to see that Polaris is a winning company, and Victory is a winning motorcycle. Those who appreciate that don't snivel about their own issues, but will go directly to a source of assistance. It is curious that I never even flinched when the local dealer shut down and the next close "support" is 2 to 3 hours away. But with that said, it has never changed my view that the Victory, especially the Vision, is the best motorcycle on the planet. I hope you get your problems worked out HH, and I certainly don't blame you that you go back to the Neverland of HD...

a footnote to HH: I am sorry for you messed up trip because of bike issues and would have hoped it turned out different. As many has pointed out, that is not an exclusive Victory problem, you face that with all manufacturers. It is sad that the one who wins the "prize" becomes a guinea pig.

Edited by Cap'n Nemo 2011-08-20 9:38 AM
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Posted 2011-08-20 10:47 PM (#94167 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: RE: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 177
No actually cookvegas I was bored with the Vision. No accs., no delaer network the one's on the west side of the state suck. Smokin Joes+a--holes, Village don't know S--t and well then.......o yeah that's it.
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Posted 2011-08-21 2:58 PM (#94215 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Being happy with both my 2003 Axtell 107" RoadGlide and my 2008 Loydz 106" Vision I see both sides of " the View" on this post. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. They are similar bikes but have different traits as well.............

(2011 6 cfr days e (2).jpg)

Attachments 2011 6 cfr days e (2).jpg (66KB - 2 downloads)
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-21 4:01 PM (#94221 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Very well put steve, I'm glad to read folks who will admire both bikes for what they are.
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Posted 2011-08-21 5:26 PM (#94223 - in reply to #93709)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Thank Cap. How ya doing today ??
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-21 6:09 PM (#94232 - in reply to #94223)
Subject: Re: ??? 2011 HD Roadglide to Vision


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
XRsteve - 2011-08-21 5:26 PM

Thank Cap. How ya doing today ??

Good here. I'll be in Atlanta Sunday, but not on the bike.
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