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Arlen Ness Billet Covers
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Posted 2011-06-25 11:23 AM (#89625)
Subject: Arlen Ness Billet Covers


Posts: 102
Cedar, Michigan
So I took the plunge and bought the brake, clutch, derby, and cam covers from Arlen Ness. I went for the scalloped theme and must say that they are a very nice addition. I just couldn't stand looking at the clutch and brake cover with all that writing on them and I figured as long as I'm doing it I mind as well get all the covers and be done with it. Well the cover arrived in fine shape and I went to installing them this morning.

The Phillips head screws on both the brake and clutch were just hand tight. The put a touch more torque than was required and 6 screws later the 2 cover on the bars were done.

Now for the Derby cover. It requires you remove the two 4mm hex flat head bolts to remove the cover. I thought I was going to break the bolts or strip the heads at best. I guess the factory put some type of white Loctite on them and it seemed more like epoxy than anything. After getting them out without tearing the bolts up I cleaned the threads on the bolts and the Derby holes and installed the Derby cover. A very sweet piece of billet I must say. It weighs about a pound and a half unlike the cover I removed which was about an ounce.

Now for the cam cover removal. By the instructions you would think this would be the toughest part, not so. The instructions state to pry the top of the cam cover with a small screwdriver and pour lacquer thinner down in the pry space to help with the removal of the adhesive. Not needed at all. Just place a piece of leather or silicone on the fulcrum of your prying instrument so as not to scratch the chrome on the bike and pop it off there. I used a single edged old fashioned razor blade to scrape of the remaining crap and prepped it with a couple of 70% isopropyl alcohol pads and let dry for 5 minutes. Now putting on this cover requires you to center the cover by eye, there is a good bit a play in the space it fits in so be sure of how you are going to place it on there before removing the red tape cover. Again this cover is very nice and a great look compared to the "6 speed" 1/2 ounce cover I removed.

Hope this helps, Matt
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