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Taillight Sequencer Installation and Review
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2011-05-08 12:34 PM (#85766)
Subject: Taillight Sequencer Installation and Review


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA

I have been considering purchasing or building a taillight sequencer for my '08 Vision.  I wasn't sure I wanted to spend about $300 to buy one, but then looked at the cost and difficulty of building one and decided to bite the bullet and go for it.  I ordered one through Gary Lighton (glighto11 on the forum) after talking extensively with him about the system.  Here's his site:

Received it very quickly; he shipped it the same morning that I ordered it.

When I got it, I waited several days to install it.  I was kind of intimidated to tear into the back end and start removing wiring, but Gary's instructions were very detailed and helpful.  The hardest time I had was taking the trunk off and figuring out how to release all the wires linked into it, even though I had installed most of them myself back in 07!  I've slept since then and had forgotten how they were set up.

I've never had the trunk off before and got kind of aggravated because I didn't have my socket wrench extender with me to remove the four bolts in the CB well.  Took some time, though, and was able to get the trunk off with no major problems.

Removal of the existing wire harness for the lights was pretty simple.  Not nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be.  EXCEPT!!! Gary says that disconnecting the two relays on the harness is hard to do, due to limited space.  He ain't lyin', folks! It was a pain in the neck, but not as bad as changing headlight bulbs is. He says you may need to remove the relays from the bike.  What that means is that there are two relay caps bolted onto the side of the bike in the back of, and just beneath, the small storage space in the right saddlebag (you can see the clips in the storage space that the bolts thread into). You need a flashlight and a small socket wrench to get into there to remove the bolt.

Installation is a breeze, once you get the relays back into place.  I was tempted to just let them hang loose, but decided to do it the right way.  The hardest part for me was figuring out what connected to what after I reinstalled the trunk, and how to route all the wires back the way they were before putting the seat back on.  My recommendation: PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE THE WIRES ARE LOCATED BEFORE YOU START DISCONNECTING THINGS! It makes it much easier when you try to close everything back up. Learn from my fail!

Anyway, it's all back together and works great.  I love the way it clearly shows that my turn signal is on - making me feel much safer, as I am one of those strange people who do actually have turn signals installed and know how to use them! Religiously!  Also the the brake lights sequence, hopefully getting the attention of drivers behind me when I'm stopping.

Start to finish took me about an hour or an hour and a half.  Not difficult, and gives me a great sense of security with the modification.  Kudos to Gary for developing this mod and for offering it to the forum.


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Posted 2011-05-08 1:40 PM (#85771 - in reply to #85766)
Subject: RE: Taillight Sequencer Installation and Review

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
could someone explain what this mod will do

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Lone Ranger
Posted 2011-05-08 1:51 PM (#85773 - in reply to #85766)
Subject: Re: Taillight Sequencer Installation and Review


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
<p>There's a video on the link provided, but what it does is have all the lights flash in sequence on the side you are signaling: bottom, middle, top, repeat. In the standard configuration, only the top light flashes for the turn. Also, the sequencer has the brake lights do the same thing, bottom, middle, top, and all three stay on. This provides much greater visibility and is just frickin' COOL!  It's something the factory should have done to begin with.</p>

Edited by Lone Ranger 2011-05-08 1:56 PM
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