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What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?
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Posted 2007-07-20 2:35 PM (#127)
Subject: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
What do you think of Michael Dapper's VR article?
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Posted 2007-07-20 3:56 PM (#130 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 74
Well I'll be, that's me and my better half!!!


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Posted 2007-07-20 4:58 PM (#132 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
Really?? How cool !!!
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Posted 2007-07-20 8:03 PM (#133 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
I think Mike does a good job as an author, and I was pleased by his "pros" and "cons" as well. I know he has worked as part of the PR efforts of Victory in the past (not sure if he still holds that post), but he has always put together professional publications, and he has always been willing to listen to Victory Owners.

I think his review, in addition to everything else being written, will help convince potential buyers that Victory "keeps it real" (i.e. they can't expect any model to be 'perfect' for everyone), and that the Vision is a great bike.
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Posted 2007-07-21 7:39 AM (#135 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 74
I thought the review was well done as well.

I really like the bike, for a full touring bike. I hopped back on my TCD and it felt like a old 750. The reason wasn't so much because of how the Vision felt, more that I haven't ridden a big touring bike before. It was obvious to me that the new bike would easily outhandle my TC, and by the time my ride was down, I was even getting used to having a HUGE fairing in front of me. I tell you, I instantly got hooked on NO buffeting around me! What a nice, quiet ride, at least compared with my TCD.

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Posted 2007-07-24 2:15 PM (#138 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 5
Hey Batman . . . so how did she like the back seat, really. That is so key for me . . . "when mama's happy, everyone's happy"! I know my baby will never read this so I can say that she is a little wide in the rear and she sat on it once and said it felt good. Do you think the curved lip is a problem for larger butts? In real testing does the leg positon feel comfy and can she go for long distances? Leg cramping is an issue with other bikes. How is the field of vision for her . . . looks like she sits higher and can see better. Is the backrest as padded as the seat?
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Posted 2007-08-07 5:28 AM (#188 - in reply to #138)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 74
Sparky - 2007-07-24 1:15 PM

Hey Batman . . . so how did she like the back seat, really. That is so key for me . . . "when mama's happy, everyone's happy"! I know my baby will never read this so I can say that she is a little wide in the rear and she sat on it once and said it felt good. Do you think the curved lip is a problem for larger butts? In real testing does the leg positon feel comfy and can she go for long distances? Leg cramping is an issue with other bikes. How is the field of vision for her . . . looks like she sits higher and can see better. Is the backrest as padded as the seat?

Sorry, hadn't seen your question until now.

She really liked everything about the bike except for the calf space. (something they also noted in the new MOTORCYCLIST mag) The seat was very nice, no issues there, (she is a bit wide, in a GOOD way, as well) and she liked the field of vision better then on my TC. She had no comment about the backrest, but I take that as a good sign. She had a full face helmet on for the test, and said she could hear the radio fine back there as well, and that it was nice and calm back there compared with my TC. I actually had a smaller gal sit on it with me at the AVR, and the seat was too wide, she said it spread her legs out a bit too much for her comfort.

I DO wonder if the "calf rubbing" will cause havac with the paint on the saddlebags. That would suck.
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Posted 2007-09-13 8:27 AM (#372 - in reply to #127)
Subject: Re: What do you think of Mike Dapper's article?


Posts: 1350
One thing I think that is important to remember about Dapper is that he is NOT a Victory/Polaris employee. I think this gives him a different view of Victory and allows him to speak how he feels more freely.
I think he does a great job with promoting Victory and he remembers everybody's name.
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