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2010 GPS connector
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Posted 2010-08-30 11:24 PM (#68325)
Subject: 2010 GPS connector


Posts: 111
Prairie Dog Heaven, CO
I need to find the male counterpart to the 2010 GPS connector (shown below). Who makes them and what kind are they? I know who makes the old style connectors (AMP Multilock) but I can't find anything in the catalog that looks like the new style...
I need to match the 2010 wiring harness with the 2009 cable. I would rather not cut the plug off the bike side but replace the connector on the old style GPS cable.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Posted 2010-08-30 11:25 PM (#68326 - in reply to #68325)
Subject: RE: 2010 GPS connector


Posts: 111
Prairie Dog Heaven, CO
this is the bike side (female) connector


Attachments IMG_0355_2.jpg (36KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2010-08-31 10:24 AM (#68344 - in reply to #68325)
Subject: Re: 2010 GPS connector


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
They changed connectors AGAIN!! This makes the 3rd or 4th time. ARGGGH! Someone needs to give the Victory Electrical Engineer something better to do. I had to cut my wires and solder on different connectors hooking up my Zumo to my 09 Vision . . . it did save me paying for the $100 + Victory integration kit, but even that was miss matched.
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Posted 2010-08-31 12:50 PM (#68363 - in reply to #68325)
Subject: Re: 2010 GPS connector


Posts: 111
Prairie Dog Heaven, CO
I think this one was changed only once (from the 2009 to 2010 model year). Why? I can only imagine that the Zumo 660 uses more power (=higher current) and the old connector might not have been rated for that (they are small pins). This is the only reason I can come up with as they still use the AMP Multilocks for the Ipod and Aux connectors.
I have the female Multilock on order and will cut off the bike side if I have to - unless someone comes up with a reference for the new connector style and I can find a source for them.
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Posted 2011-01-15 12:00 AM (#77305 - in reply to #68363)
Subject: Re: 2010 GPS connector


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
They changed the connector to support the stereo output of the new GPS connection. It was mono on the 2008 and 2009.
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