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Intercom for 2008 VV
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Posted 2011-01-04 10:16 PM (#76675)
Subject: Intercom for 2008 VV

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Mesa, AZ United States
Just got a used radio for a 2008 Vision (I rebuilt a wrecked one.) There are two plug positions for the wiring harness to connect to the radio. I have only one multi hole plug and the radio works just fine. Question is, what is the other plug position for that is covered with a rubber cover? Also, I have a wire with a smaller head that I have no idea what it is for. Attached are photos of the back of the radio as well as the wire to which I referred. Any help would be appreciated. Right now I am assuming that there is no way to hook up an intercom to this bike and am comptemplating buying a wireless set of intercom headphones and microphones (either Sena or Scala G4). Any comments on the pros and cons of either of these would be appreciated.

(IMG_4739 (Medium).JPG)

(IMG_4744 (Medium).JPG)

Attachments IMG_4739 (Medium).JPG (77KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments IMG_4744 (Medium).JPG (97KB - 4 downloads)
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Posted 2011-01-05 12:42 AM (#76679 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV


Posts: 144
Bruce you could have called since you got the radio from me. I have helped you every step of the way and I am glad to do so for a fellow Vision owner. As I told you on the phone before I sent the radio, the other cover is for the XM/CD player harness. If the plug wasnt right next to the radio plug then you dont have that harness in the bike. The other little plug is for the IPOD Aux cable, so looks like you will need that cable to hook up an IPOD. Now I am sure someone out there has found a way to hook up an intercom system to this thing but I myself don't care to hear the other talk in my ear while I enjoy the ride! I am guessing the radio works well for you. I will also call you tomorrow just to go over this stuff. Remember please don't feel that you are bugging me because I am glad to help you out. Dain
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Posted 2011-01-05 9:24 AM (#76691 - in reply to #76679)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Mesa, AZ United States
Morn'n Dain, was just fooling around on the computer late last nigh till about 2 am and didn't want to bug you on the phone that late. Thanks for the info. Radio works great, just reinstalled it and put the bike back together again. Will talk to you today sometime reference ipod cable and stuff. Bruce
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Posted 2011-01-05 11:10 AM (#76702 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Nice pictures! I have been wanting to have a shot of the back of the radio.
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Posted 2011-01-05 1:54 PM (#76715 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV


Posts: 4278
Say I have 2 cent to throw out. When I take any electric a part or un plug it I put some dielectric grease on them to prevent moister problems later. Even the anti. As for those connector you show the red and blue I always take them off over the years I have found you never get a good crimp. You can buy heat shrink at radio shack or fleet farm or auto store along with the grease.
I'm not saying you did anything wrong I'm saying a once of prevention keeps you riding longer.
Here is something for guys looking at this in photo 2 where he plugged in his wires you see the gray plug and it has a black (dot) that dot tells you that there is power there.
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Posted 2011-01-05 4:13 PM (#76721 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: RE: Intercom for 2008 VV


Posts: 308
Vineland, NJ United States

My wife and I use the BlueAnt Motorcycle Interphone Kit for wireless intercom.  Works great, we love it.


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Posted 2011-01-05 6:58 PM (#76733 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV


Posts: 144
Hey john frey, already told bruce to put dielectric grease on the conections before plugging it all back together. Your right an once of prevention.
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Posted 2011-01-06 6:05 AM (#76743 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 31
To your question about wireless intercoms, my wife and I use the Scala Rider G4 and love it. It was scratchy at first and I thought we had made a mistake, but I download the firmware update (free) and they work great now. We used them in the LOE Rally for 24 hours and the batteries lasted the entire time (I forgot to recharge them on our break). The ability to pair with my phone is great as well. I don't pair it with the GPS, but you have the ability. When my buddy and I ride, I let him use my wife's so we can have bike to bike conversation. We tested the range and it was about 3/4 of a mile on a straight stretch where we were in line of sight. Once I topped a hill, it went out, but within decent distance, no problems. Web Bike World did a great review.
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Posted 2011-01-06 8:11 AM (#76747 - in reply to #76675)
Subject: Re: Intercom for 2008 VV

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Mesa, AZ United States
I love this forum! Incredible amount of help, advice and suggestions. Thanks to all. Will put some dielectric grease on the parts.
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