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Heel Toe Shifter
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Posted 2010-08-11 4:26 AM (#66875)
Subject: Heel Toe Shifter


Posts: 109
Sturbridge, Ma


Need your help Bad! Got my bike yesterday, drove for awhile. It's awesome!!!Yes lots of attention!!!

But I decided to change into a heel toe shifter, thought it was easy and it was. But for some reason it doesn't line up and I cant shift the gears all the way? I tried adjusting but still cant get it to line up. I did leave it in the middle hole, so don't know whats going on? I aslo had to kinda hammer it in, but that's all looking good?

I checked manual how to adjust, but nothing?

Can someone help? Thanks!
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Posted 2010-08-11 6:07 AM (#66877 - in reply to #66875)
Subject: Re: Heel Toe Shifter


Posts: 388
Salisbury, NC
Which heel/toe shifter did you use? ET

Edited by etspastimes 2010-08-11 6:07 AM
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Posted 2010-08-11 10:45 AM (#66896 - in reply to #66875)
Subject: Re: Heel Toe Shifter


Posts: 189
Baltimore, Md
Did you possibly allow the hex bushing and shift lever to change alignment with the shift arm? It's important that the orientation of these parts be maintained or you can get a shorter movement of the shift arm. That is, when you remove the hex and shift lever from the arm, they are mated in the correct position. They must maintain that position when re-installed.
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Posted 2010-08-11 11:20 AM (#66902 - in reply to #66875)
Subject: Re: Heel Toe Shifter


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Here is my write up of the Heel Toe Shifter install. My dad and I pressed it on because it was so tight. I just moved mine to the middle hole. Make sure the shifter arm and parts do not hit the floorboards and keep it from shifting. If you are in the first hole for the floorboards you might have to shorten the all thread connecting rod.
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Posted 2010-08-11 9:24 PM (#66952 - in reply to #66875)
Subject: RE: Heel Toe Shifter


Posts: 109
Sturbridge, Ma
Thanks guys...I'm all set! Exactly shifted the assembly?

radioteacher- Just did brake mod! Thanks!

Loving the Bike!!! But Yes I feel the heat!!!!
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