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Posted 2013-01-17 6:50 PM (#129706)
Subject: Heads up


Posts: 319
Castrol makes a Semi Syn 20w 40. That sems to be working fine for about $4.00 a qt
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Posted 2013-01-18 3:36 AM (#129719 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Goodyear makes a good car tire for the back of the bike.

Figured I might as well throw some fuel on the fire before someone else does.
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Posted 2013-01-18 4:59 AM (#129721 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 122
Westchester Co., NY
Just had to get that in, didn't you.
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Posted 2013-01-18 6:43 AM (#129724 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
Did you check to see if the new oil is JASO MA certified? It makes a difference if you run a wet clutch.
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Posted 2013-01-18 8:10 AM (#129728 - in reply to #129721)
Subject: Re: Heads up

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
efd158 - 2013-01-18 5:59 AM

Just had to get that in, didn't you.

Somebody was gonna. Figured I might as well be the one.
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Posted 2013-01-18 12:58 PM (#129741 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Thanks for the laugh Monkeyman. I needed something to keep me smiling.
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Posted 2013-01-18 10:47 PM (#129773 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 319
JASO MA certified? Yes it is its Motorcycle oil. lstayner
if you need useless comments to keep you smiling,I'm sorry.I hope life gets better for you. Best of luck to you and yours
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Posted 2013-01-19 1:11 AM (#129777 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Chill out, Banjo. It was humor. Like I said, if I didn't say it, someone else would have. Not all "motorcycle" oil is JASO MA certified.
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Posted 2013-01-19 11:57 PM (#129809 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 319
Hey monkeyboy, Please name one Motorcycle specific motor oil thats not JASO MA rated.
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Posted 2013-01-20 2:48 AM (#129811 - in reply to #129706)
Subject: Re: Heads up

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
At least one of the Yamaha oils, most of the Harley branded oils, etc. There are plenty.
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Posted 2013-01-20 1:29 PM (#129827 - in reply to #129809)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Banjo - 2013-01-19 11:57 PM

Hey monkeyboy, Please name one Motorcycle specific motor oil thats not JASO MA rated.

I cannot specifically name a motorcycle oil that is not JASO MA rated without reading the labels. Now there are some oils out there such at Rotella that do have different JASO ratings for their oils. I see JASO, JASO DH2 & JASO MA on the label of several grades. I also know there is a JASO B listed on some oils.

The key take away point here is ALWAYS check the label to verify that it is JASO MA grade oil. I would be very surprised if every oil sold for a motorcycle met the spec.
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Posted 2013-01-21 9:56 AM (#129876 - in reply to #129827)
Subject: Re: Heads up


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
lstayner - 2013-01-20 1:29 PM

Banjo - 2013-01-19 11:57 PM

Hey monkeyboy, Please name one Motorcycle specific motor oil thats not JASO MA rated.

I cannot specifically name a motorcycle oil that is not JASO MA rated without reading the labels. Now there are some oils out there such at Rotella that do have different JASO ratings for their oils. I see JASO, JASO DH2 & JASO MA on the label of several grades. I also know there is a JASO B listed on some oils.

The key take away point here is ALWAYS check the label to verify that it is JASO MA grade oil. I would be very surprised if every oil sold for a motorcycle met the spec.

JASO is the Japanese equivalent of our American SAE and API. It is a standards organization--not a rating in and of itself. Just because an oil has a JASO-XX whatever rating DOES NOT make it compatible with a wet clutch. The wet clutch rating is "MA". Therefore, use an oil with a JASO-MA rating. The other JASO ratings are for other applications. For example, JASO-DH2 is intended for light diesel trucks and buses.

Some Motorcycle Oils for motorcycles with dry clutches, such as Harley Davidson and BMW, among others, do not meet the JASO-MA requirement, yet they are marketed as "Motorcycle Oil". The JASO-MA oil rating requirement came into this country with the importation of lots of Japanese bikes with their wet clutches. It is not part of the American API oil rating system.


Edited by rdbudd 2013-01-21 10:11 AM
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