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Suspension pump
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Gray rider
Posted 2010-03-12 7:10 PM (#54921)
Subject: Suspension pump


Posts: 394
Tucson, AZ
For those of you who are interested you can buy a suspension pump on Ebay for about $27.00 delivered. It's listed under Harley Davidson parts. It's the same one, or very much like the one Victory sells for about twice as much. My Harley riding friend has one and works fine on my Vision. Just passing along information.
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Posted 2010-03-12 10:53 PM (#54932 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 105
Columbia, TN United States
Thanks for the heads up, that will save a few dollars!
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Posted 2010-03-13 9:27 AM (#54949 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 1436
Just a suggestion but I'd steer clear of the HD, Yamaha, and Victory pumps and go with the Progressive suspension pump. Couple reasons for this suggestion. First you lose a bit of oil when you bleed off air and the progressive allows you to add a little oil if need be (you have lost oil over time). Second the bleed valve on the progressive is like a tire shrader which allows more control at bleeding off air. They also come with a variety of gage ranges with easily replaced gages if you happen to break one, super flexible attachment hose which again is easily replaced if need be, and lastly they aren't very expensive. I've owned mine for more than 15 years and never had an issue with it. The HD pump I was given never bled air off correctly and broke after the 3rd use. I've owned several of the yamaha pumps over the years and they haven't held up well either (raced MX and needed it for that). Hope this is helpful. Most of the online bike stores sell them.

Edited by Teach 2010-03-13 9:30 AM
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Posted 2010-03-13 2:12 PM (#54964 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: RE: Suspension pump

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
There is more information on this subject in another posting:
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Posted 2010-03-14 10:49 AM (#55001 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
about the adding oil to our shock, i thought there was a bladder that held the air?
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Posted 2010-03-14 12:08 PM (#55005 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 1436
Ark, there is an air bladder that holds the air and suspension oil. It isn't a lot of oil, but air shocks cannot run up and down without oil. If you let the air out too quickly you'll end up with very oily fingers. You've probably noticed the oil smell and feel when you disconnect your pump? You don't lose a lot of oil each airing but you do lose some. So over time you may need to add a bit, depends on your air habits. I like to let all the air out monthly and then reset the air to the appropriate pressure for me. Some folks just check their air every few days, others just when it feels too soft or different. Regardless when you hook up and disconnect a small amount of oil/vapor escapes.
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Posted 2010-03-14 12:11 PM (#55006 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
what does letting all the air out and putting it back in do?
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Posted 2010-03-14 2:22 PM (#55013 - in reply to #54921)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 1436
Doesn't really do anything except allow all the load to rest on the spring without the air assist and allow those areas of the boot to collapse that wouldn't normally flex. Just one of those habits I've gotten into through the years. I can't say if it has any value but I've not had a single air assited suspension failure ever so I just do it out of habit. Stems from my MX riding where we bled air from the forks after each ride/race.
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Posted 2010-05-31 5:24 PM (#61214 - in reply to #54949)
Subject: Re: Suspension pump


Posts: 132
New York
Teach - 2010-03-13 10:27 AM

Just a suggestion but I'd steer clear of the HD, Yamaha, and Victory pumps and go with the Progressive suspension pump. Couple reasons for this suggestion. First you lose a bit of oil when you bleed off air and the progressive allows you to add a little oil if need be (you have lost oil over time). Second the bleed valve on the progressive is like a tire shrader which allows more control at bleeding off air. They also come with a variety of gage ranges with easily replaced gages if you happen to break one, super flexible attachment hose which again is easily replaced if need be, and lastly they aren't very expensive. I've owned mine for more than 15 years and never had an issue with it. The HD pump I was given never bled air off correctly and broke after the 3rd use. I've owned several of the yamaha pumps over the years and they haven't held up well either (raced MX and needed it for that). Hope this is helpful. Most of the online bike stores sell them.

What gauge range do you recommend? I noticed some on sale at 300psi...
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