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New rear sprocket
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Posted 2010-05-26 10:56 AM (#60798)
Subject: New rear sprocket


Posts: 95
Alberta, Canada
My dealer is replacing the rear sprocket for free but is going to charge for installation! I have the extended warrenty as well! Does this sound right to you guys?? Thanks.
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Posted 2010-05-26 11:15 AM (#60799 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: RE: New rear sprocket


Posts: 99
Cold lake Alberta
I dont think so, what the deductible for on your extended warranty then?
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Posted 2010-05-26 11:23 AM (#60800 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket


Posts: 75
McHenry, IL
Plus another $20 for the replacement bolts. Don't know about your dealer but mine will not reuse the old ones.
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Posted 2010-05-26 12:01 PM (#60807 - in reply to #60800)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket


Posts: 1484
You should only pay the deductable if you have the Polaristar extended warranty.
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Posted 2010-05-26 12:14 PM (#60809 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Why is it being replaced? Or in other words is it being replaced due to anything you may have done?

Whats the dealer's reasoning for having you pay for labor? Did the dealer quote you a price yet? Shouldn't be much, I think its probably around an hour.

Until more information is given I'm going to say the dealer is wrong here.

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Posted 2010-05-26 12:48 PM (#60814 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: RE: New rear sprocket


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
definitely need more information. it could be right, or it could be wrong, depends. Based off the information you provided I absolutely don't know.
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Posted 2010-05-26 3:46 PM (#60820 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket


Posts: 118
Capitol Region of NH
Although I agree with the last 2 posts, I can speak from experience here. I had to have my rear pulley replaced, it did not cost me a dime. In fact I needed a new rear tire at that point and my dealer replaced the rear tire while they had the rear wheel off. I only had to pay for the tire and the labor for the mount and balance. No labor charge for removing the rear wheel and putting it back on.
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Posted 2010-05-26 9:04 PM (#60859 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Just got my pulley replaced at 0 cost to me. A warranty is not to supply you with parts. A warranty is to insure a purchased item performs as represented. If a defect in your bike can be corrected by waving the pulley at it, so be it. If the pulley needs to be installed to correct the defect then the party writing the warranty is responsible to do so at no cost to you. And that includes bolts, gaskets, oil, sweat, etc.
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Posted 2010-05-27 3:01 PM (#60909 - in reply to #60798)
Subject: Re: New rear sprocket


Posts: 1436
Polaristar likes to pull this crap. A couple times on Items they wanted to contest they told the dealer they would cover the parts out of the goodness of their heart (good faith) but they wouldn't pay for the labor to install the parts. The dealer in turn passed that info on to me and of course I passed it on to Victory. They paid for everything.
So here is what you do; Tell your dealer to call polaristar for you and put the phone on speaker. Once they acknowledge they will replace the part in good faith but want YOU to pay for the install, ask them if they are refusing a legit warranty claim. They'll try to double talk and tell you they are being kind but the bottom line is they will be in breech of the contract if they refuse the claim, push them to pay. By acknowledging the part needs replaced they are in fact agreeing that it is broke and therefore MUST cover the parts and installation, new bolts and all since the bolts are not a reusable item.
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