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Home-made Pipes
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Posted 2010-05-17 2:53 PM (#60025)
Subject: Home-made Pipes

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
Well after having my Vision for 2 1/2 years and not liking the sound of the S1L1 exhaust, I tried something new. Haven't heard of it being done yet, if it has I apologize to them. Wanting a little louder and deeper sound but not wanting to purchase another set of pipes, I took my stock pipes and cut the ends off to see what the baffle system looked like. Gotta admit, I've never seen a setup like what was in there. Not knowing where to start, I cut the entire baffle system except for about 2" out of the pipes. Tacked them back together and put them back on the bike. Sounded better, but I still wanted a little more sound. Cut them back apart and removed the packing that was in the 2" of baffle. I figured if I left a little of the baffle in it would provide enough back pressure. Welded the pipes back together and installed on bike. I like the sound and it appears performance wasn't affected. Took the bike to Myrtle Beach this past w/e, ran great! From the drivers seat, sound isn't much louder than the S1L1 pipes, can still hear radio just fine. Behind the bike is a whole differnet story! I still have the baffles that I cut out if anyone wants to see I can take some pics and try to upload them. So, if anyone wants a little louder sound without the expense of new pipes, cut 'em up! Whole process took less than a full day to complete.
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Posted 2010-05-17 3:17 PM (#60027 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Hoss, very interesting write up, thought about it, but I like my tunes, that's the other side to it for me. Would still be interested as to what you found in that pipe!

However, We all know who drives and delivers the Marines to the doorstep! So, just like on your Vision, we all know who sits in the B!t@h seat. It's a shame Marines can't drive.

Without the Navy, you'd still be an itch in a Sailor's britches, thought of, but not quite deposited on the shore. HAHAHAHAHAHA

hohohhohhehehehehhe MMMUUUUAAAHHHH!!!!

On a side note: You go Devil Dog! Glad you could make it to at least 20.

Edited by pollolittle 2010-05-17 3:18 PM
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Posted 2010-05-17 5:35 PM (#60040 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 1436
Dang service war, LOL.... I always thought them JarHeads were "Department of the Navy, Ladies Department." But my momma always told me if you can't say somethin nice don't say nothin at all...... Lots of Retired Military and other vets here, nice to be amongst my brother in arms....... T
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Posted 2010-05-17 10:32 PM (#60070 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I wouldn't be able to shoot a jab to him homestly, if I hadn't done a little time on gator freighter hauling one of his kind around. Make that 1200 of his kind. Them boys is just a little different, but I couldn't tell you a more dedicated bunch.
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Posted 2010-05-18 7:51 AM (#60080 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Hoss, first, I salute you, literally, thank you for your 20+ years. I did 20+ myself in the Army and I am thankful for every minute, though there were times along the way I could have thought otherwise.

I'd like to see a pic of he baffles. I think I would like to see them in person being that you live in Eastern NC. My daughter lives down that way and I get through regularly, though it has been a while.
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Posted 2010-05-18 10:24 AM (#60084 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 1350
I always had a GREAT appreciation for the Marines, Navy and Army. We could always get them to start a fight and after they ran away cause the MPs were coming we had all the ladies to ourselves. :P

Thanks to all our fellow Vets.
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Posted 2010-05-18 5:47 PM (#60111 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: RE: Home-made Pipes

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
Well I honestly thought that disecting the pipes would get more attention than my signature...LOL All digs taken in good fun just as my signature is meant to be. Hell, my dad was a sailor as well. Varyder, let me know when you are down this way. I don't plan on throwing the baffles out, so they will be here to see. As far as tunes go, I like mine as well. The good thing about the design of the Vision, is that even with louder pipes, I can still hear my tunes just fine. All the noise is out the back end. I didn't think they were any louder till I had the wife crack the throttle with me behind the bike. If anyone wants to see the pics, I'll try to post them, just let me know. And last but not least, to all our vets and active military - Godspeed, fair winds and following seas!
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Posted 2010-05-18 5:54 PM (#60112 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: RE: Home-made Pipes

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
Forgot to mention... I have an appt with kevinx to get cams installed next month. Can't wait to see how the combination of the cams and exhaust sound/perform. I like the smooth idle now, for those of you with cams installed, do the cams give anymore lope at idle?
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Posted 2010-05-18 7:13 PM (#60123 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: RE: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 61
Southeast Idaho
pics of the baffles would be great

Edited by relic123 2010-05-18 7:15 PM
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Posted 2010-05-19 8:32 AM (#60151 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
HOORAH! Hoss, your getting all the cool toys, just like a Marine! Pics please!
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Posted 2010-05-19 10:49 AM (#60161 - in reply to #60112)
Subject: RE: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 353
Hoss - 2010-05-18 2:54 PM

Forgot to mention... I have an appt with kevinx to get cams installed next month. Can't wait to see how the combination of the cams and exhaust sound/perform. I like the smooth idle now, for those of you with cams installed, do the cams give anymore lope at idle?

At idle you don't even notice the cams are installed.......
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Posted 2010-05-19 1:00 PM (#60178 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: RE: Home-made Pipes

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
OK, attempting to load 3 pics of the baffles...




Attachments Baffles1.JPG (76KB - 9 downloads)
Attachments Baffles2.JPG (98KB - 6 downloads)
Attachments Baffles3.JPG (88KB - 8 downloads)
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Posted 2010-05-28 5:39 AM (#60944 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm trying to figure out what is causing my chrip from your pictures. I just don't know the over all construction with everything. It's getting worse, though not BAD, and it has a tendency to pop out the right side. I'll take a closer look at them this weekend by pulling them off and giving them a good inspection.

Which end is to the front?
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Posted 2010-05-28 4:43 PM (#60974 - in reply to #60025)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
varyder, the front is the end with the 3 tubes. The only thing i can think of that would make a chirping sound is if the plate that holds the 3 tubes worked its way loose. I'm sure there is alot of exhaust pressure on that plate. Hope this helps.
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Posted 2010-05-28 5:00 PM (#60975 - in reply to #60974)
Subject: Re: Home-made Pipes


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Hoss - 2010-05-28 5:43 PM

varyder, the front is the end with the 3 tubes. The only thing i can think of that would make a chirping sound is if the plate that holds the 3 tubes worked its way loose. I'm sure there is alot of exhaust pressure on that plate. Hope this helps.

After seeing the pics and understanding more of the construction, I would think maybe it is it. It'll be wet much of the weekend it seems so I don't know if I'm going to monkey with it. I've got a couple offers of "new" used pipes from those who upgrade, just had more important things to tend to. When I do swap out, I'll do a cross-cut of the muffler for anyone's viewing pleasure. Thanks for the reply Hoss.
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