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Waxes and wax removal
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8 Ball Tunz
Posted 2010-05-24 2:06 PM (#60609)
Subject: Waxes and wax removal

New user

Posts: 3
Pure Victory Polishes has the answer to all of your questions. They have the most extensive line of products designed specifically around the needs of a Victory Motorcycle. From the best liquid wax available on the market which does not leave residue and has the greatest UV protectant available, to a great swirl remover, and thier engine tire and wheel cleaner will remove any wax residue on any surface of the bike. Their Instant detail is simple and easy to use between cleanings. For you Florida folks Engine tire and wheel cleaner is the best love bug removing wash out there, that product can even be diluted 50% to stretch it out. Contact for any questions or issues with your Victory cleaning needs.
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Posted 2010-05-24 2:19 PM (#60610 - in reply to #60609)
Subject: Re: Waxes and wax removal


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i wonder who makes this stuff for them since they dont own a chemical company. then i might be able to get it from the local parts store..
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Posted 2010-05-24 2:45 PM (#60612 - in reply to #60609)
Subject: Re: Waxes and wax removal


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
I use "Eagle 1" Wax as You Dry. There are a number of these types of waxes on the market available at any store that sells auto waxes. Literally you can use it while the bike is still wet and it does a great job. I'd say on a slow day with lots of detail I can do the whole bike in less than 30 minutes.
It even works great on the wind screen and the mirrors. Most of all it leaves no white film on the black plastic or the seat if you get some on these items. Just polish it off like you do the painted panels.

I usually just spray it on a soft cotton cloth and wipe the area with this first and then immediately follow with a buffing cloth.

Bonus: if you do this often the bugs just wipe off the fairing and wind screen with a rag soaked with hot water. As a matter of fact this is the only way I clean my whole bike from that dusty build up you get with normal riding. Just rinse that rag well with hot water often and don't scrub anything. Let the hot water soften anything that is stubborn. Make sure that rags you use are very clean and soft.

BTW the swirl removers work great if you do rub a little too hard.
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Posted 2010-05-24 7:35 PM (#60642 - in reply to #60609)
Subject: Re: Waxes and wax removal


Posts: 127
As with anything, this is a matter of personal preference. To make it simple if you want to remove wax,,,, just wash with Dawn dish washing liquid. You can pick it up at any grocery store.

After just recently waxing my bike for the very first time, I will always be using Zaino polish.
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Posted 2010-05-25 4:00 PM (#60734 - in reply to #60609)
Subject: Re: Waxes and wax removal


Posts: 1436
Liquid Glass!!! Nothing to remove due to build up. Removes the swirls as you apply more coats and it protects the bikes paint against scratches. The more coats applied the more shine you'll get and if you scratch the LG, you simply apply more and tada the scratch is gone. Just sayin..
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Posted 2010-05-25 6:03 PM (#60749 - in reply to #60609)
Subject: Re: Waxes and wax removal


Posts: 106
Liquid Glass may hide swirls but it will not remove swirls
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