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Poll ABS or Billet Wheels?
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ABS or Billet Wheels?
Billet Wheels

Posted 2010-01-19 9:02 AM (#51571)
Subject: ABS or Billet Wheels?

New user

Posts: 3
If given the choice, would you prefer to have ABS or Billet Wheels on your Vision?
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Posted 2010-01-19 9:18 AM (#51573 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: RE: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
If given the choice I'd prefer not to see meaningless polls
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Posted 2010-01-19 9:22 AM (#51574 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
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Posted 2010-01-19 3:02 PM (#51617 - in reply to #51574)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Trekwolf164 - 2010-01-19 9:22 AM


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Posted 2010-01-19 3:11 PM (#51621 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: RE: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 266
Hartland, , WI
Had ABS on my BMW LT...hated them.
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Posted 2010-01-19 3:23 PM (#51623 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 390
ABS......It's something you never want to have untill you are forced to slam the breaks in poor road conditions. The front tire loosing traction is not fun.....
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Posted 2010-01-19 4:14 PM (#51625 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
^^Don't do that! Billet wheels for me.
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Posted 2010-01-19 8:30 PM (#51645 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
V2010 - if you are just getting your bike, think this way, after you get it you can add billets anytime, but you won't be adding abs. personally i don't care for abs but obviously you have an affinity toward them and want help making up your mind for what you want....
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Posted 2010-01-19 9:32 PM (#51658 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: RE: ABS or Billet Wheels?

New user

Posts: 1
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Posted 2010-01-20 3:02 PM (#51712 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 423
northwest florida
why can't I have both?
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Posted 2010-01-20 8:24 PM (#51721 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I've never had abs is 18 yrs of riding so I can't give a fair opinion on that. But I did have $3000 wheels wheels on my last bike. I will never do that ever again.. especially on a touring bike! All u do is clean them, and worry about getting caught in rain, knowing how much harder they will be to clean later. Then the more uu clean them they more they get scratched. Even with the best products and new polish rags. Then when it comes time for a tire change, you crfap your pants waiting to see if the shop just scratched ur wheels installing new tires. For me, it made me take my bike out less. If there was a 50% chance of rain, I didn't want to spend hours cleaning the wheels. When I got my 08 vision with the cast wheels it was a blessing! I don't even clean them. I just spray a wheel cleaner and hose it off.. if your anal, u will become a slave too your wheels... just my 2 cents
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Posted 2010-01-21 7:53 AM (#51739 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
My vote Neither.
Ive had ABS on my BMW 1100 I didnt have them on my ST1300 never noticed any real difference. I think it also has to do with
your driving habits. Granted we cannot schedule a time for an accident to happen, but we can always be pre prepared and drive defensively.
I have looked at billet wheels so many times and while my chrome fetish is out of control, there is one thing that no one but me
has seemed to notice about the Vision. Look at the profile of your bike. In actuality, you see very little of the actual wheel. The rear wheel is almost indvisible, the front wheel is covered by the rotors and pulleys etc. To spend 3k on a set that you and others really wont see all that much,,,, kinda silly. I also agree totally with Arkainz, unless you are like me and give the bike a weekly bath and polish the wheels will just drive you nuts. Chrome aint for any lazy biker thats fer sure darn tootin.
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Posted 2010-01-21 8:45 AM (#51746 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
splash guards and mudflaps for the redneck bikers! who needs stinkin' chrome!
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-01-21 6:49 PM (#51779 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I have a chrome fetish so it's billet wheels for me. I won't spend 3K for wheels that's just too much $. Bought a new set of Wrath billet wheels on ebay for $625 plus shipping. (actually 2 sets, one for my wife's Cross Roads) I don't let nice wheels run my life. I've never been scared to take the bike out in the rain because my wheels might get dirty.........that's just crazy. If your that far gone you don't want the rest of your bike dirty either. Some say you don't see the wheels, well I saw enough of my stock grey wheels to know that they were ugly and I see enough of my Wrath wheels to know they are not. Each to their own, but I don't find that cleaning good looking wheels is any harder than cleaning ugly ones.
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Posted 2010-01-21 9:48 PM (#51788 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 537
, FL United States
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Posted 2010-01-22 2:10 PM (#51815 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
We got a guy now who you can send your stock wheels to and he chromes em for 600.00 thats not bad at all. Waiting to see the the
first set of them to see how they look before i jump on that band wagon
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Posted 2010-01-22 2:39 PM (#51819 - in reply to #51571)
Subject: Re: ABS or Billet Wheels?


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Never had ABS, and don't need billet wheels. So if I had to pick, I'd go with the ABS.
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