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Goldwing - Vision
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-02-08 6:37 AM (#5055 - in reply to #5051)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
cjnoho - 2008-02-07 10:51 PM

I worked with a guy that has ridden GL's since before 1985. He still has the 1985 (first year with FI) also has a 2007. Nice bike, but all the accessories arent integrated. The only thing missing from his dash and windshield is the hula girl doll.

Are you meaning that the accessories on the GL1800 are not integrated or are you meaning on the older GL1200? On the GL1800 (of which I have an '03) any factory manufactured option, such as CB or driving lights or cd changer, the controls already are on the dash or handlebars even before you purchase that option, installing any of these options is then a simple matter of plug and play.

BTW, EFI on the '85 GL1200 was the only year for EFI until the GL1800 came out for the '01 model year.

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Posted 2008-02-08 7:44 AM (#5057 - in reply to #3266)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision


Posts: 74
Pick up a new Motorcycle Cruiser magazine. Nice test on the Vision, small comparison with the Gold Wing and the HD. At the end of the test, the tester says if he were buying a touring bike, he'd probably pick the Vision, if it came with ABS, he would for sure. Nice write up.
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Posted 2008-02-08 11:44 AM (#5070 - in reply to #3266)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision


Posts: 256
I owned a 1998 Goldwing and forget the politics, it's a world class bike. It's quiet, smooth and reliable. Also, I never experienced engine heat issues. I had mine fully loaded with options and the electronics worked very well and the radio speakers are a bit superior to the ViVi...maybe that's because of the quieter ride. However, slow speed maneuvering can be a bear on a GW...especially if you're fully loaded or have a passenger. I used to tell my passengers, that when we're going slow or at a stop, don't wiggle in the seat! I'm only 5'6" and even with boots, it was near impossible to stop flat footed.

I spoke to the Honda management after owning the bike for a while and asked why they didn't make the trunk and bags removable for street riding. I received a non-answer. That's one aspect I like about the ViVi Tour's like two bikes in one: Street bike and Tourer.

The only Goldwing feature I'll truly miss on my ViVi is the Reverse Gear. This was great for head-in parking and not worrying about backing off a slope. I can only guess that if the ViVi becomes a success, that a future generation will include this feature. Granted, the ViVi has a lower seat height and is easier to back up than the GW. I get my ViVi next week and will do the safety class to focus on my slow speed maneuvering skills. After all, all touring bikes are easy to handle at speed, it's the stop and go and U-Turns that I know I'll need some practice on.

I just found out from the dealer that the panel for the trunk removal won't be in for a couple of weeks. My original plan was upon delivery to remove the trunk to get the feel of the bike. Now, I won't have that option as once it's in the garage, it will be impossible NOT to ride it in Sunny South Florida. But, the ViVi is a new bike and I can't be too critical that not every option is available this close to launch. I just hope the fender plate is not delayed further than another week or two.
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Posted 2008-02-08 12:56 PM (#5074 - in reply to #5070)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
I don't ever see a need for a reverse on the ViVi. I traded my 2000 Kawasaki Nomad on a Vision and it was almost as heavy as the Vision. It was just a matter of parking smart, if the parking stall is level it doesn't matter how you pull in, if the parking stall is uphill you just pull in, backing out is easy and if the parking stall is downhill pull up beside it slightly uphill and you back in. The Vision has a lower seat height than the Nomad did so I see no problem in backing it up without reverse.
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Posted 2008-02-09 1:43 AM (#5105 - in reply to #3266)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
TM, I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about GW's. I have to give honda credit for splitting the radiator in two and reducing the masive look the older bikes had. All I know is that he had a lot of stuff hanging off the dash and w/shield. May have been just his personal preferences. I've been riding HD for a long time and I'm just just getting up to speed with the rest of the world. The Vision is a great first step as far as Im concerned. I feel like I won the lottery and bought a Rolls.
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Posted 2008-02-09 5:34 AM (#5106 - in reply to #5105)
Subject: Re: Goldwing - Vision


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
There has been some great discussion and I'm glad I brought it back up.

I stopped by the Jeep dealer where I got the wife's Liberty and before I knew I had 5 salesman huddle around my Vision. The first comment was "That's different, who makes it." I was able to talk about the bike and tell them a little about Victory. A couple of other comments were that it look like a Cadallac of bikes and it didn't have that "old" look that Harley has. None were riders except one who had a sports bike, but some had friends who rode Harley's and commented that they were in the shop all the time. All seemed impressed with the styling and comments on the rear of the bike and the V for the taillight set it apart from the rest. I let the sports bike guy sit on because he said it looked heavy. After sitting on it he said it felt lighter than his bike and was amazed that it weighted almost 900 lbs.

When asked how it rode, I always find it hard to describe since it rides so well, but I said of the handling that it rode like I was in the movie Tron. I said that because I find unlike anyother bike I've ridden, it goes where I want it too without second guessing.
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