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The power of the FLASH!
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Posted 2009-07-21 6:36 AM (#39183)
Subject: The power of the FLASH!


Posts: 143
Birmingham, AL 08 MC Tour Premium 2012 Bronze Mist
Yes the comic book hero still lives on. I've had several done on the bike to fix different annoyances and everything has been great until I bought an XM unit off of ebay from a guy who closed up shop in Lakeland FL. Sold as new, I received it and had my doubts because of the wear on the box and the fact it was missing the template to cut out the mounting hole for the unit.
It's a no brainer install, one connector to the audio harness and the antennae. I turned on the ignition and got no audio from it. Not only that, if I selected the XM and then FM, I had no audio from FM anymore. If I disconnected the XM module, all returned to normal. Convinced I had received a bad unit I contacted the dude on ebay and asked for a refund. He was willing to refund my money if I would just send it back. He did ask if I had received all of the flash updates. I thought I had!
I wanted to prove it was bad before I sent it back, so I ordered another straight from the dealer. When it came in I went over and let them check it out. They took the new XM unit out of the box, disconnected the first one and connected the new one, and guess what, it did the same thing.
The tech was bummfuzzaled at first, but then went into FLASH! mode. He flashed everything, I want to say 4 different flashes, CB, audio, XM and rear tire, I think. When he finished it all worked great, both units.
All of this to say, when in doubt, have them flash it (and I've got a brand new XM unit I need to sell $300 and free shipping)
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Posted 2009-07-21 6:48 AM (#39184 - in reply to #39183)
Subject: Re: The power of the FLASH!


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
What software version did they install?

Here is how to find out.

You can access this info by going into the Radio System Diagnostic menu on your radio.
To do this follow the instructions below.

1. Turn the ignition switch to ACC and turn the radio off (Victory Motorcycles is shown on display)
2. Turn ignition switch OFF.
3. Turn ignition switch back to ACC.
4. PRESS & HOLD the #1 preset button and MODE button while turning the radio power ON.
5. The diagnostics mode is entered. Press MODE to toggle through the diagnostic funtions. To exit diagnostics press Power button.

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