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2011 Vision voltage high and low
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Posted 2012-02-04 1:15 PM (#106864)
Subject: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Going down the freeway I got the check engine error code voltage to high. The gage was reading 17.5 then the battery light came on and the error code was voltage to low. Gage read about 9.5. During the 25 minute trip it was jumping up and down constantly. After parking the bike and watching the gage I throttled it to about 3000 rpm and the voltage gage dropped to 9.5 then the battery light came on, I dropped to and idle which it held at 14ish then I throttled again to 3000 and it went to 17.5. You get the picture. I have lited Kewl Metal LED footboard that you could see the lights pulse when the bike was at an idle. If you gave the throttle maybe 4 or 5 more rmp the pulse stopped. Victory dealer said it could be the voltage regulator but was thinking maybe my footboards could cause it. Not sure I agree. They say they have never had to replace a voltage regulator on a Vision before so they didn't stock the part. The boards have been on since August and this is a new event. Anyone heard of such a issue? Any thoughts welcome.
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Posted 2012-02-04 1:18 PM (#106865 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
after 98,000 miles I had to have mine replaced, under warranty. Bone stock, no fancy, dancey lights...
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Posted 2012-02-04 2:04 PM (#106871 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Im pretty sure the floor boards did not cause thay to fail.. but thats the with aftermarket stuff, dealer always quick to blame something non-oem...
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Posted 2012-02-04 3:19 PM (#106879 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: RE: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
thanks for the feed back. I'll find out on tuesday if they warrenty it.
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Posted 2012-02-04 4:03 PM (#106882 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 228
Don't let them give you the BS that the lights caused the failure and they are not going to warranty the problem. According to federal law they have to prove that the lights caused the failure.
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Posted 2012-02-04 7:49 PM (#106897 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 4278
You can put a meter on the voltage regulator and tell its good or bad.

I'm sure you checked the battery wire Right
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Posted 2012-02-04 8:15 PM (#106899 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Yes checked the battery twice. Plus they made sure it had a fresh charge before I picked it up. I took it in for service because of this issue but they didn't get the error when they had it for a test ride. It happened again when I picked it up so I took it right back to them and they could see the voltage issue. The dealer is in Portland Oregon and has been very nice but they are the ones that said Victory might have concerns about the floor boards. I bought the bike new and have 4450 miles on it. Love regardless.
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Posted 2012-02-05 5:51 AM (#106910 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 130
Houston, Tx
<p>I'm not sure how you have the floorboard LEDs wired, but any chance you can disconnect them and see if you are still having the surging issue? Just a thought to fully eliminate that statement from the dealer and/or Ma' Vic.  Never know, you may find that you are now grounding out somewhere or due to where you routed the wires, there is a slice in one.  Hard to tell until you really eliminate all the possibilities....</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Edited by BlueByu 2012-02-05 5:52 AM
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Posted 2012-02-05 9:54 AM (#106918 - in reply to #106910)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
I think the dealer was going to do that very thing. They called me and asked if there was a resister install as part of the lights wiring. If there wasn't it would affect how fast the lights blinked not the spike and drop the voltage in my opinion. I don't know that for a fact but just my guess.
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Posted 2012-02-06 10:28 AM (#107011 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
The regulator failed on my 2011 at about 3K miles. The voltage kept rising till the warning light came on. I had to keep it below 1500 rpm with all the accessories on till I made it to the dealer in Tucson. It took me all I could muster to convince them to take a regulator off of a new bike. They ended up charging me $200 labor but at least I didn't have to hang around there while they ordered one from Victory. The voltage got up to about 16.5V when the light came on and stayed there.

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Posted 2012-02-06 9:13 PM (#107064 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: RE: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Well tomorrow is the day of truth. I have my fingers crossed they will cover the issue and we will all be able to move on
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Posted 2012-02-07 12:35 PM (#107107 - in reply to #107064)
Subject: RE: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 160
Camas Washington
JB, hopefully they get it fixed. Not to rub it in but having the bike in the shop made you missed a couple of great rides the last 2 weekends. It will be interesting to hear what the shop says is the problem since I also have a 2011 VV. I'm holding off for now on getting the Kewlmetal floor board LEDs until I know they are not causing the problem.
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Posted 2012-02-07 8:12 PM (#107155 - in reply to #107107)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
No bike yet. I guess the part isn't in. Promised done by Saturdays Shanghai LC62 meeting. When I talked to dealer today they didn't say a word about finding any other electrical issue other than the voltage regulator they just said they would have the bike good to go in the next couple of days and ready for the weekend. So fingers are crossed.

Edited by shezooms 2012-02-07 8:17 PM
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Posted 2012-02-07 8:24 PM (#107159 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
Voltage Regulator. You ain't the first with this issue by a long shot. get it repalced and you're issues disappear. Mine did and I ain't got fancy LED floorboards~
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Posted 2012-02-08 9:10 PM (#107265 - in reply to #107159)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Dealer called today said bike was ready and they checked the entire bike and it wasn't the floor boards or the voltage regulator. They said it was a loose battery terminal. I asked how that would cause the spike in voltage and I could see it drop, but he said they felt a loose connection causes havic on the electrical system. They were very nice and said they were really confident this was the true problem as they went over the bike top to bottom but he said they had the regulator in stock now if it happens again. I know less than zero about this kind of thing so I reach out to all for you to tell me it sounds possible. At least it made me feel better that they said it wasn't any of my bike bling that was the issue. They have always been really great folks. The question I will ask is if it was in for the 5000 mile service and the voltage issue I would have thought the battery and connections would have been checked as part of the service. right?
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Posted 2012-02-09 4:40 AM (#107282 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Hmmmm. Try not to think to hard, it will make you mad. But, I would think the same thing, not to stir anything up...or tell any of my own stories about a dealer...
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Posted 2012-02-09 6:59 AM (#107293 - in reply to #106864)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I would think they would have checked the battery cable but I know things get overlooked. I check mine a couple times a year, it's never been loose but it makes me feel better.
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Posted 2012-02-09 8:46 PM (#107357 - in reply to #107293)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision voltage high and low

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Well go figure bike runs like a top. It was the black battery cable. They said they should have checked it. They were great. not even a finger print on it when I picked it up. Thanks for all the help.
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