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What did you ride before the Vision came to you???
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Posted 2008-01-04 11:27 PM (#3835 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Hey stretch! The KZ 750 was an awsome bike!!! Had the expansion chambers. Shifting was like an automatic. 2 stroke butting heads with the EPA killed that bike.
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Posted 2008-01-05 12:20 PM (#3854 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
My bikes prior?? I started in dirt, with a KS 125, then a RM250, a YZ465, then after that got stolen, a YZ 490, and then I was back to enduro riding...a Suzuki 250, then a Honda Shadow 1100, and a rat bike, a Honda VT700, and the Vision now. I still have the Vt1100c, and the Vt700c. They are just too fun to get rid of. I put a 14 degree rake on the 1100, with 10" extended is way fun. My Rat bike has mailboxes from Lowes on it for saddlebags....UGLY, but FUN!!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-05 8:51 PM (#3858 - in reply to #3854)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

I want to see pics of the rat bike (specifically the mailbox saddlebags)

I've ridden all Hondas up til now. I started (front seat) two years ago on a '02 VT750 Shadow ACE, sold that and then on to a '03 VTX1300 Retro. That bike was wrecked (not my fault). During the 8 weeks it was in the shop, I was jonesing, and they had a'06 CB600 Hornet 599 on the dealer floor one day. I fell in love with that bike! Rode it for about 6 months, but it is wasted here in the flat straight roads here, with all of the container trucks going to the ports. I fell in love with the riding position, and got a '06 ST1300 Tourer. At the same time, my VTX 1300 was still giving me problems after the wreck, so I sold both of those bikes (599 amd 1300 X) and got my VTX 1800 Neo. I still have the ST1300 and the VTX 1800 Neo. I've added a bat wing fairing and hard bags to it. Now, adding my 3rd bike, the Vision, one of my bikes is feeling neglected. I think it's my ST. I might sell her come spring.

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Posted 2008-01-06 12:01 AM (#3861 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
Prior bikes include a Kawasaki 400 back in 1978. Then enduro riding came about for awhile on an 1987 Yamaha TW200 (I still have that bike). In 2001 I purchased a Suzuki Volusia 800 a metric cruiser. From that point I needed higher performance so I traded for a 2004 BMW 1150RT. The RT is hard to beat for handling and performance. It has great touring capabilities and corners like a sport bike. I really enjoyed the ride but I missed the cruiser so I purchased a 2005 Victory Kingpin. The Kingpin is also a great bike but when I read and heard about the Vision I wish I had waitied for the Vision. Oh well, I got the Vision anyway, traded the Kingpin. Now the Vision is the most comfortable ride yet. It performs close to the BMW and far exceeds it for touring and comfort. The Beemer will remain for now but considering the handling charactisitcs of the Vision the Beemer could end up for sale in the spring also.
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Posted 2008-01-06 9:13 AM (#3867 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I will have to get out the digital camera, then. A few others from other sites have expressed intrest in seeing pics of the rat also----Metalguy
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