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Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)
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Posted 2009-06-03 11:10 AM (#35964)
Subject: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)


Posts: 244
Fargo, ND

How do you like the Scala Q2?  I'm looking real hard at a set of these, and they look to be about the best for the money.  Would you buy them again, or would you go with a different brand?  I use a full-face helmet with the flip-up front.  The Q2 comes with a longer boom than previous models and are supposed to work with this type of helmet.  How does the system perform and are you happy with battery life, etc.?

 Thanks in advance.

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Posted 2009-06-03 11:45 AM (#35967 - in reply to #35964)
Subject: Re: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Yeah, the battery life is fine. The only problem I have with mine is that it's a pain in the a$$ to get the headsets to work with each other when you first turn them on. Of course this was after using them together for the first time without reading instructions. After that they worked great. I had my gal on the back and could hear her fine over the wind and such. The bluetooth phone pairing is pretty good and they do a fine job as a bluetooth headset. You can only pair the primary headset to the phone, which is no bid deal to me since I don't really use that function anyway. I did find it useful once when I had to call 911 on the highway bridge because of a roll-over, so that function did actually prove itself useful. The noise cancelling is pretty good even for open helmets (what we use). I would imagind a full-face modular helmet would make it easier to hear. The volume was a little low at first but then I ended up building up the velcro mounts to get them close enough to my ears. That made a huge difference. All in all, I'd say I'd buy them again. They don't have the range that the 2-way VHF ones do but they are very good for driver/passenger comms on the bike which is all they're meant to do. I would say that they start to crackle about 20 ft and further from each other.
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Posted 2009-06-03 12:32 PM (#35970 - in reply to #35964)
Subject: Re: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
I have the TeamSet as the Q2 was not available when I got mine, but I would guess the performance is the same (or maybe even better with the Q2, but I don't know).

I am happy with the TeamSet. They worked perfectly out of the box, and have performed well over the last couple of years. In their stock form, they were good up to about 50 mph (My SO and I wear 3/4 helmets). After that it became difficult to hear, and over 70 mph was impossible. But I have made a couple of improvements that have made everything work much better. First of all, I purchased the extended boom for each mic, as the shorter stock mic did not reach completely to the front of our mouths. Secondly, I removed the helmet speakers and wired a female plug to receive headphones. I ride with earplugs, and I had a pair of iPlugs made by EarInc (with speakers molded into custom ear plugs). I just plug those into the system and everything works great. I can hear clearly at all speeds (with the volume turned down), and much of the high frequency background noise is blocked out. My SO was reluctant to use ear plugs, so for a while I could hear everything she said, but she could not understand me at speed (not a great combo!). But I finally got her to agree to be fitted with the iPlugs and everything should now work well.

I realize all of this just adds to the cost of the system, and it might not be necessary for everyone, but this works really well for me, and I would do it again.

We have ridden up to 12 hour days, never turning off the system (even when we stop), and have never had a problem with the battery. But we always use the VOX function, which is probably my only complaint about the system have to yell to get it to come on. No big deal, just something to be aware of. The phone connection works great, and people I have talked to from the bike say they couldn't tell I was riding....and that was at 75 mph! Having said that, I rarely use the phone connection as I do not like the distraction on the bike, and don't really want to be bothered on the phone when I am riding anyway. But for those times when I need it, it has worked great.

If I were to do it again, I would definitely get the Q2 for the extra functions, but overall, the system has worked well for me. If I could change anything, it would be higher volume and sound quality for the helmet speakers, but since I don't use them anyway, it doesn't really matter to me.

I hope this helps. Good luck and ride safe.
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Posted 2009-06-03 12:38 PM (#35971 - in reply to #35964)
Subject: Re: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)


Posts: 537
, FL United States
I love mine. My wife bought me a pair for Christmas and have worn them since. I have mine paired to my phone and can make our recieve calls. I have some most frequently called numbers on voice dial. one good thing about these are the compact size and theyy are duplex... over alloing a good product for the price... yes I would buy again
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Rainmans 09
Posted 2009-07-22 8:53 AM (#39273 - in reply to #35964)
Subject: Re: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 46
They're great! It's a great addition and allows conversation (we have full face helmets) with my wife (e.g., pointing out hazards, planning stops, points of interests, didn't make the green light...) and they last for hours. I like the options, Bluetooth, FM radio, MP3 connection, good range (up to 1/2 mile)...after having these devices, riding without them is a pain. I'd buy them again -- without question!
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Posted 2009-07-22 9:10 AM (#39275 - in reply to #35964)
Subject: Re: Hey Airguy (or anyone else with the Scala Q2)


Posts: 62
Des Moines
I agree with Rainmans. My wife and I have a Q2 teamset and they work great for bike to bike or rider to passenger comms. Pretty good range and the battery life seems to be pretty good as well. We both can pair our respective sets with our cell phones. Best of all they were cheaper than the intercomm/CB/headsets for the Vision! And we can use them when she's riding her own. Another good thing about them is the mount isn't permament, it just clamps to the helmet shell, so you can move them from helmet to helmet if needed.
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