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Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports
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Posted 2015-06-02 8:58 AM (#172639)
Subject: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
So with all the threads I see about negative dealer experiences I thought I would share a great experience I had with a dealer, Tommy?s Motorsports out of Crossville, TN. The bike in question here is a 2014 Vision that at the time had only 6500 miles on it. My bike had been acting up for the last month or so. It had been acting like it was lean at cruise (backfire, hesitation). So I increased the map in my PC5 by 1% in the cruise range only. This seemed to help. On our way to the SEVR via Arkansas (Arkansas is on the way to GA from MN right??), the bike started acting up again. So I added another percentage point to the cruise range. Once again everything seemed ok at this point. On Tuesday we headed out from Jonesboro, AR to Oak Ridge TN. Going across TN the bike started acting up real bad. After our last gas stop the bike was back firing, missing chugging, etc to the point that it was basically unrideable. I tried for 40 miles (it started working fine after 20 miles the previous gas stop) and had to pull off at the next truck stop. The only thing I could really try myself was to clean the battery terminals so I filed them as clean as I could and took it for a test spin. This didn?t do a thing and I was still dealing with a poor running Vision.

As luck would have it I had pulled off at the exit where Tommy?s Motorsports is located. We drove down the street and they started diagnosing the issue. It turned out that the fuel pump was dropping 30 psi when giving it gas so we had our issue determined. They didn?t have a fuel pump in stock for a vision so they had to order one. Unfortunately it was too late in the day to have the part show up on Wednesday so it would be Thursday before they got it in. While the bike was sitting in the shop it started acting fine and not dropping pressure. So we decided to give it a go and I would bring it back if it started acting up. Well, 10 miles down the road it started acting up again, not quite as bad though. So Wednesday morning while the rest of my crew went out for the next leg of our trip, I took the bike back to Tommy?s to drop the bike off. My plan was to rent a car for a day or two, drive down to Helen in the rental and come back up once the bike was repaired. While on the phone with Enterprise the service manager said to hold on. I told Enterprise guy I would call him back. What they decided to do was take the fuel pump off the Vision they had sitting on the floor and put it in my bike. So that?s what they did. They cannibalized a part off a new 15 Vision for me and got me back on the road Wednesday afternoon and I rode my bike down to Helen and had a great time at the SEVR! The bike has been running great since.

I want to say thanks to Joe, Craig, Bill and Virgil at Tommy?s Motorsports for their great customer service and the extra effort they put in to help out a rider on the road many miles from home! If you are in the area give them a chance to earn your business!
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Posted 2015-06-02 11:09 PM (#172645 - in reply to #172639)
Subject: Re: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports


Posts: 67
Rowebote, Thanks for the story about your problem I to started having the same problems with my 2013 after having it dyno tuned with a PC5 last Spring. After talking to two different dealers they could not figure out the problem. Last fall I called Stroker's of Dallas and the service guy told me about the fuel pump problem they had on a couple of the newer bikes they had come through. Just been waiting to get back to Ryland to have him take a look at it. One thing I found was the problem seemed to rare it ugly head when I would allow the tank to get down to a gallon or less. This is a frustrating problem account it is intermittent so to hear your story it gives me hope that I can finally get it taken care of......
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Posted 2015-06-03 4:43 AM (#172646 - in reply to #172639)
Subject: Re: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports


Posts: 1350
+1 good to hear.
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Posted 2015-06-03 8:58 AM (#172648 - in reply to #172645)
Subject: Re: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
Tom13 - 2015-06-02 11:09 PM

Rowebote, Thanks for the story about your problem I to started having the same problems with my 2013 after having it dyno tuned with a PC5 last Spring. After talking to two different dealers they could not figure out the problem. Last fall I called Stroker's of Dallas and the service guy told me about the fuel pump problem they had on a couple of the newer bikes they had come through. Just been waiting to get back to Ryland to have him take a look at it. One thing I found was the problem seemed to rare it ugly head when I would allow the tank to get down to a gallon or less. This is a frustrating problem account it is intermittent so to hear your story it gives me hope that I can finally get it taken care of......

Yeah, that sounds like how mine started. The initial hesitation and stumble was more present with a low tank of gas. It progressively got worse and got real bad on our trip. What you are describing is pretty much what I had going on. One issue may be that until it gets real bad the fuel pump may not show a dramatic decrease in PSI. I called and spoke with Rylan while Tommy's was looking at my bike since he did the cam job on my bike and I trust what he says. I think everyone is in agreement that a fuel pump going south at 6500 miles is odd. Maybe there is more in common with the Vision fuel pump and the rest of the fleet. As it is the Vision wasn't included in the fuel pump recall so hopefully more people don't experience what you and I have.
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Posted 2015-06-03 1:58 PM (#172652 - in reply to #172639)
Subject: Re: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
Three cheers for Tommy's Motorsports!

Great to know as we ride in Tennessee quite often!
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Posted 2015-06-17 9:49 PM (#172816 - in reply to #172639)
Subject: Re: Great Dealer Experience - Tommy's Motorsports

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
Always good to hear about a good dealer experience!! We so often only hear about the bad ones, and ya know the good ones are out there! hanks for sharing.
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