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Jumping Ship
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Posted 2014-07-29 3:32 PM (#163720)
Subject: Jumping Ship

New user

Posts: 1
I am currently riding a 2012 Level 1 Goldwing. I am seriously looking at a VV and was wondering for those of you that have made the switch, what are the good and bad of making that switch?

Thanks for your input both good and bad.
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Posted 2014-07-29 4:12 PM (#163722 - in reply to #163720)
Subject: Re: Jumping Ship

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Welcome Wingboy - you should follow the Gl1800 to VV? thread. A bit of searching will reveal other testimonials from riders with experience on both bikes.
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Posted 2014-07-29 6:50 PM (#163730 - in reply to #163720)
Subject: Re: Jumping Ship


Posts: 4278
Traded in my 09 SG and have loved the vision every minute. I test road five different ones first. Next day I grabbed the tittle and went and did the deal
Still love the vision can't wait to ride it and get real cranky when it rains or snows
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Posted 2014-07-29 10:18 PM (#163740 - in reply to #163720)
Subject: Re: Jumping Ship


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
Welcome to the forum Wingboy. I have never owned a 'wing but I have test ridden more than one, before I bought my Vision. For me, the ride on the Goldwing felt very harsh and the bike felt top heavy. One other thing that bothered me, but it is strictly a case of perspective, was the riding position. I like to cruise in comfort and having my heels up under my a$$ is anything but comfortable for me. One thing I did notice was the seat height. I am rather short with a 29 inch inseam and that 'wing had me trying very hard to reach the ground at every traffic light. My '13 Vision has a very nice seating position where I can stretch out and relax in my motorized Barcalounger. When I come to a stop the ground is close enough that there is no struggle to reach it. The Vision has enough available rear end travel that the ride need not be harsh to prevent it bottoming like an HD does. I sit in my Vision, not on it the way I felt with a Goldwing. If you are aller or shorter the Vision has foot controls that the owner can move in a matter of minutes to suit themselves. The 6'3" guys like their ride as much as I do at 5'9" because of that foot control adjustability.
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Posted 2014-07-30 4:34 AM (#163743 - in reply to #163720)
Subject: Re: Jumping Ship


Posts: 1350
Also test drive a Cross Country Tour and the new Indian Tour. You should be able to find dealers that will let you. I plan to demo the Roadmaster at Sturgis. Depending on your riding style you may like one of the others better. I am a Vision rider with 65,000+ miles and love it.
I demoed a GW in 2004. Don't like one position sitting cause of short legs. LOVE the electric windshield on Anny.
Good luck in your decision.
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Posted 2014-07-30 7:34 AM (#163745 - in reply to #163720)
Subject: RE: Jumping Ship

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
Wingboy, i too came from Honda having had two Valkyries before the VV. I love the handling of the Vision but sure wish i could have the Honda motor in the Victory. I guess having never experienced a V-twin i didn't know what to expect. it's like comparing an apple to an orange...i do enjoy the wind free advantage that the Vision offers and sport bike handling and low center of gravity that the VV has to offer. i am going to ride the new F-6 that Honda offers but it's Butt ugly appearance is something that i don't think will grow on me... Good luck with your decision,,,
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