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Headlight farkle (just appearance)
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Posted 2014-07-22 8:41 AM (#163491)
Subject: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
So. Indiana
The headlight has never set well with me on the Visions. it breaks the lines of the rest of the bike. After a bit of doodling a while back I came up with something that could be added simply. This would be abs (or possibly HIPS or Fiberglass) secured with molding adhesive to the headlight. It does not reach to the reflector, so wouldn't impact lighting.

I just connected the upper and lower key lines in an attempt to match the rest of the contours on the bike.

Any thoughts or interest in something like this? (The photo is not mine, other than I modified it to show the pieces I am talking about). The first is with it, the second without.

Edited by rcb 2014-07-22 8:43 AM



Attachments lightmod1.jpg (113KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments lightmod.jpg (113KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-07-22 9:19 AM (#163492 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Yes it looks better now that I know it's there, but not sure I would have discovered it on my own.
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Posted 2014-07-22 12:53 PM (#163499 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
I can't see any difference between the two photos, what am I looking at other than the little white dots ?
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Posted 2014-07-22 12:57 PM (#163501 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
So. Indiana
Here you are.

(victory-vision-packedheadlight lines fix1.jpg)


Attachments victory-vision-packedheadlight lines fix1.jpg (54KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments Fix_Comp.jpg (43KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-07-22 1:08 PM (#163503 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
Ah I see. On the black vision I don't like it, but on the blue one I do. I've seen someone Plastidip that whole curved part around the light to blend it in to a black vision. Looked pretty cool. A little bit like a bike from the "cars" movie ;-)
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Posted 2014-07-22 1:26 PM (#163505 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 233
flagstaff, AZ
I like the concept but this makes the headlight look choppy and out of place. What about color matching the lower part of the headlight just along the reflector edge, something like the pic on the left.

Edited by roundtwig 2014-07-22 1:36 PM


Attachments 1406053977741.jpg (9KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-07-22 6:58 PM (#163511 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 4278
so you painted the 7jurock headlight cover ?
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Posted 2014-07-22 9:48 PM (#163513 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
from the side.. ok.. but from the front.. it doesnt look good.. its like robbing peter to pay paul... pick which one you want to look Not as good and then focus on the other angle looking better.
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Posted 2014-07-23 12:51 PM (#163531 - in reply to #163511)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
So. Indiana
johnnyvision - 2014-07-22 6:58 PM

so you painted the 7jurock headlight cover ?

No, I wasn't even paying attention to the headlight cover when I did it. It would actually be a likely HIPS piece that adheres onto the headlight. (mentioned in my initial post).

My idea behind this was to smooth the body line transition to the headlight. I know some people don't care/don't mind, but for me, it helps the flow of the lines. While it's easy enough for me to make one for my own purposes, I was seeing if others had any interest or other ideas and perhaps make it on a larger scale.
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Posted 2014-07-23 12:52 PM (#163532 - in reply to #163503)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
So. Indiana
ljurgens - 2014-07-22 1:08 PM

Ah I see. On the black vision I don't like it, but on the blue one I do. I've seen someone Plastidip that whole curved part around the light to blend it in to a black vision. Looked pretty cool. A little bit like a bike from the "cars" movie ;-)

Do you happen to have a pic?
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Posted 2014-07-23 5:47 PM (#163540 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm not sure what it is doing for me. I'd have to see it in person to make any real assessment.
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Posted 2014-07-23 9:17 PM (#163544 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: Re: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Perhaps I'm missing something but why couldn't you go to any local sign shop and get some color matched vinyl and simply cut it to whatever you desire and stick it on the headlamp? Or order some vinyl off Ebay.

Even if the color isn't a perfect match the vinyl will be cheap enough so you can afford to do some experimenting and make sure you have the look you want and then take it to the next step of painting after that.
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Posted 2014-07-25 6:48 AM (#163586 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: RE: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA

I really don't care for the look either from the side or the front.  I have seen where the whole non-reflective portion of the headlight was blacked out and that looked really good.  This...not so much.  JMHO.

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Posted 2014-07-25 7:02 AM (#163587 - in reply to #163586)
Subject: RE: Headlight farkle (just appearance)


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland

sarvbill - 2014-07-25 7:48 AM

I really don't care for the look either from the side or the front.  I have seen where the whole non-reflective portion of the headlight was blacked out and that looked really good. This...not so much. JMHO.

I agree.  You are trading one area to a broken line (headlamp eadge) to represent another frontal area of an unbroken line.

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Posted 2014-07-25 4:13 PM (#163604 - in reply to #163491)
Subject: RE: Headlight farkle (just appearance)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 45
The second without looks better
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