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vision goes in for repairs
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Posted 2014-07-18 5:05 AM (#163400)
Subject: vision goes in for repairs


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
I dropped my Vision off at the dealer yesterday for repairs from the recent deer strike. Plan is for them to remove the leg fairings, front fairing and grill pieces to reveal any other possible damage. Forks will be inspected as well as the entire front half. Once the have a complete parts list they will be shipped in from Ma Vic. I asked the dealer to let the lower air deflectors and the front fender go as I plan on buying upgraded aftermarket for those pieces. So for the next few weeks I'll have to rough it on my Hammer. Going from the Vision with all that storage and wind protection to a totally stock Hammer is dramatic. 52 degrees out this A.M. riding to work on the Hammer and had to bundled up for that ride. On the Vision I would have just worn a long sleeve t-shirt. Last night I went through my work bag and removed all the non-essential things to lighten the load.

I am still looking for damaged sets or unused lower air deflectors. I need new mounting pieces for the lower air deflectors so I can purchase the metal ones instead of the Victory plastic ones. I have one set of used lowers offered but still holding out hopes of finding just the mounting pieces. If you have them please sent me a private message.
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Posted 2014-07-19 5:21 AM (#163442 - in reply to #163400)
Subject: Re: vision goes in for repairs


Posts: 1350
Since you had lowers on the bike at the time of the accident wouldn't the insurance cover them and that way you would get new hardware? Also you may be able to sell a new front fender to someone who needs one and wants to stay stock?
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Posted 2014-07-19 5:25 AM (#163443 - in reply to #163400)
Subject: Re: vision goes in for repairs


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
State farm had me get an estimate for the work and then cut a check directly to me. If there is more damage than the estimate then I need to cal them and the will forward the difference to me. So they are still paying for the aftermarket items just not thru the dealer. I can not really understand why the mounting pieces are so hard to find since there are a few other deflectors being sold but they all require the victory mounts.
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Posted 2014-07-19 6:53 PM (#163453 - in reply to #163400)
Subject: Re: vision goes in for repairs


Posts: 4278
did you look on ebay or even amazion type in victory vision
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