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New replacement radio
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Posted 2008-08-19 6:47 PM (#16516)
Subject: New replacement radio

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 32
shelbyville tennessee
I had a funny thing happen to my radio a few weeks ago. Went to turn on the key and the radio screen went blank, there was no info what so ever on the screen just the blue back ground lite up. Ever thing still worked i could still change radio presets on the xm and fm but could not see any info. I went to the victory dealer showed it to them and they called victory. I then got a call from the service manger telling me that they were going to just put a new radio in the bike because they were not sure if a radio reflash would solve the probem. I went to pick the bike up today, and when i started the bike up all my info and radio settings were just like i had them in the old radio, even my xm presets was just like i had them. This did not seem right to me if this was a new radio, i would think that i would have to set the new radio up and even call xm and have the new 8 number code put over to the new radio, and then set all my presets over again, I walked back inside the dealership and ask him about this and his answer was that it was a new radio and they was able to download the info from the old radio to the new radio. Does this sound right to you guys? are do you think there pulling my leg.
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Posted 2008-08-19 6:54 PM (#16517 - in reply to #16516)
Subject: Re: New replacement radio


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
Being that i do work at a dealship. If they took the time to make the file and download the information from the previous unit, yes that would be perfectly normal. The XM only uses the Victory radio as an interface. The XM radio is its own module with its own memory settings. The Victory radio is only a control unit for the XM module that is located under the drivers seat.
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Posted 2008-08-19 6:58 PM (#16518 - in reply to #16516)
Subject: Re: New replacement radio

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 32
shelbyville tennessee
Thanks that helped alot.
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Indiana RoadRunner
Posted 2008-08-21 5:55 PM (#16619 - in reply to #16516)
Subject: RE: New replacement radio


Posts: 332
Dale, Indiana
misterclean911 - 2008-08-19 5:47 PM

when i started the bike up all my info and radio settings were just like i had them in the old radio, even my xm presets was just like i had them.

I too had to get a new radio (screen went blank).
However, all my presets and settings were gone.

No biggie since it only took a couple minutes to put it all back.

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