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Posted 2008-08-13 3:06 PM (#16000)
Subject: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Anyone have any suggestions for a good piece of luggage for the rack on the trunk of the Tour? I have one I used on my Harley, but I am afraid that its too big (it overhangs all sides of the rack) and will ultimately scratch the paint. I would like something that is easy to get on and off the rack, and has at least a reasonable capacity (yeah, I know the rack is small, and I am dreaming, but I'd like to get the most storage capacity reasonably possible).

Also, any experience with adverse handling with the added load on top of the trunk?
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Posted 2008-08-13 3:28 PM (#16002 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: RE: Luggage


Posts: 3204

markh has about 30,000 miles on his Vision and has a nice looking pack on his trunk rack (see the gorgeous picture on the homepage).  Made by Cortech.  He has more photos in his gallery.

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Posted 2008-08-13 3:40 PM (#16003 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
That photo is what made me think of asking. I just took a look at the photos in his gallery and I think that may be just what I am looking for. I will check it out. Thanks for the help.
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Posted 2008-08-13 3:49 PM (#16004 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: RE: Luggage


Posts: 141
I absolutely love my Kuryakin bag. It is rigid, yet nylon on the outside so it fits the look of the bike. I use the straps that came with the bag to attach it to the Vision rack. Very sturdy, and works great as a base to add more junk to strap down. Here is a picture of it, not very detailed but anyway:

(DSCF0034 (Small).JPG)

Attachments DSCF0034 (Small).JPG (55KB - 7 downloads)
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Posted 2008-08-13 3:53 PM (#16005 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: RE: Luggage


Posts: 141
Woops, here is the bag:
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Posted 2008-08-13 4:55 PM (#16008 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Thanks. I checked the web site but it didn't have any information on the size of the bag. Do you have any info on this? Also, how does the extra weight that high up affect the handling?
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Posted 2008-08-13 5:28 PM (#16011 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Another option is a Bikersfriend Bag ( I got one for my Suzuki (XL Size) specifically for the back support, but it also holds a huge amount inside (2 full helmets or associated stuff).

Only had my Vision for a week so have not tried putting it on that yet, but will soon in prep for a long trip. The PVC Interior makes it extremely sturdy and the handles and leather coverings are very well made.

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Posted 2008-08-13 5:33 PM (#16012 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Holy top heavy!! That must create a lot of drag. Have you ever considered getting a trailer? I think you would find it improve the handling big time.
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Posted 2008-08-14 10:15 AM (#16073 - in reply to #16008)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
Wizard523 - 2008-08-13 4:55 PM

Thanks. I checked the web site but it didn't have any information on the size of the bag. Do you have any info on this? Also, how does the extra weight that high up affect the handling?

Here is a much better link, and a much lower price for the same bag....

12" x 11" x 21" (24" expanded)

It does not hang over and touch any paint or anything. The solidness of the bag makes it set perfectly on top of the rack, and the attaching is rock solid. If you get it, let me know and I can send pics of how I attach it to the rack.

The weight is not a factor. To me anyway....
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Posted 2008-08-14 10:17 AM (#16074 - in reply to #16012)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
Crawford - 2008-08-13 5:33 PM

Holy top heavy!! That must create a lot of drag. Have you ever considered getting a trailer? I think you would find it improve the handling big time.

$1,000 for a hitch. I trade bikes at least every 3 years...I would get a trailer, bot not if I have to sink $1,000 every 2 or 3 seasons to pull it. A trailer can last forever, good buy. But the Vision is ridiculously expensive to equip to pull. I would be better off just getting a hotel for all my trips. Yes, I have alot of stuff on top of the bike, but it is no problem...There is a full campsite on top of it in that picture...
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Posted 2008-08-14 11:49 AM (#16076 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Thanks for the info and additional link. That bag seems to have a fairly good capacity, and I like the idea that you can add stuff to it. One more question though; since it sticks over the ends of the rack, is it stiff enough to not droop and scratch the paint, especially when fully expanded?

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Posted 2008-08-14 12:15 PM (#16079 - in reply to #16074)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada

$1,000 for a hitch. I trade bikes at least every 3 years...I would get a trailer, bot not if I have to sink $1,000 every 2 or 3 seasons to pull it. A trailer can last forever, good buy. But the Vision is ridiculously expensive to equip to pull. I would be better off just getting a hotel for all my trips. Yes, I have alot of stuff on top of the bike, but it is no problem...There is a full campsite on top of it in that picture...

Yes I agree the cost of a trailer hitch for the Visionis very expensive, $500 for the hitch plus installation but to me it's worth it not to have to pile stuff all over the motorcycle. The wife and I are headed out this weekend for a two week vacation, not camping, and everything is going to have fit in the saddlebags and trunk. I have a Bushtec trailer but unfortunately I don't have the hitch yet, that will get installed this winter.
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Posted 2008-08-14 1:29 PM (#16082 - in reply to #16076)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
Wizard523 - 2008-08-14 11:49 AM

Thanks for the info and additional link. That bag seems to have a fairly good capacity, and I like the idea that you can add stuff to it. One more question though; since it sticks over the ends of the rack, is it stiff enough to not droop and scratch the paint, especially when fully expanded?

The bag is really sturdy, almost hard bag sturdy...It does not come in contact with anything but the rack, and trust me when I say I have had it stuffed...Even with everything piled on top of it, it still does not sag. It truly seems as if it were made specifically for the Vision, but I know it was not. My main concern was a bag that gets on the rack and sags around and rubs the paint. The bag is so hard that it will not sag. Even in expanded form, it does not sag. The price of the bag reflects the quality of it. You need to see it in person to undertsnad how nice it really is. It is pretty much waterproof, but they include a rain cover anyway. The zippers are REALLY nice and waterproof as well. There are d rings all over the bag for more attaching etc...

What you see in the pic of my bike is all kinds of gear piled on in front of and on top of the bag. All the other stuff is on top of a microfiber cloth. I have done trips with the bike packed like that, and no damage to the paint at all. The high load is actually pulled forward by bungees attached to the passenger handles (not shown in the pic) then attached to the front of the load. None of which would be possible without this type of bag as far as I am concerened. The bag by itself is awesome, the bag as a base to hook on more stuff is just amazing. I couldn't store near as much stuff on my HD Ultra, nor can a Goldwing. The Vision has the advantage of a REALLY long trunk from front to back. On both the Ultra and Goldwing, you run into problems with the gear interfering with your passengers head.

One more thing about the ease of using the bag...The center partition (there are 3 storage areas, the middle section as well as both ends are seperated by walls inside) has it's own flap dead ceneter, and the outside areas open up seperately. You can put gear in each area and not have to dig through a bunch of stuff to get what you are trying to get. It is just a great bag...

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Posted 2008-08-14 1:47 PM (#16084 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Thanks golfer. To be honest, I really liked the look of the Cortech that was mentioned at the beginning of this thread, but the Kuryakyn is about 50% bigger, and seems to be better suited to my needs. I also like what seems to be much more flexibility with the Kuryakyn, and given your experience, it really sounds like just what I am looking for. I can also see how it might fit the Vision rack better as well. So I ordered one (from the site you suggested....much better price!).

Thanks again for your help!
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Posted 2008-08-14 2:08 PM (#16087 - in reply to #16084)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
Wizard523 - 2008-08-14 1:47 PM

Thanks golfer. To be honest, I really liked the look of the Cortech that was mentioned at the beginning of this thread, but the Kuryakyn is about 50% bigger, and seems to be better suited to my needs. I also like what seems to be much more flexibility with the Kuryakyn, and given your experience, it really sounds like just what I am looking for. I can also see how it might fit the Vision rack better as well. So I ordered one (from the site you suggested....much better price!).

Thanks again for your help!

You are welcome. And again, when you get the bag let me know so I can tell you the best way I found to secure it to the rack. Took me quite a few tries to get it right. Email me and I will shoot you back with some pics and the explanation:
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Posted 2008-08-14 2:36 PM (#16091 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
Will do, and thanks again. I just sent an email to your address so you can hopefully keep me out of your spam. I will let you know when I get the bag.
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Posted 2008-08-14 3:06 PM (#16094 - in reply to #16087)
Subject: Re: Luggage

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
Dear Golfer, i would also appreciate benifiting from your experience. I was looking for a bag and this looks like it will fit the bill. Please send me any attachment info. Thanks, Dennis
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Posted 2008-08-14 3:08 PM (#16095 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Valparaiso, IN
If you are riding single you should take a look at the Saddleman BR4100 ( I picked this up last week and it fits like a glove plus it remarkably resembles a similiar bag that Victory is now offering in the 2009 catalog for almost twice the price. I also added a Saddleman R1300 Roll to the top ( The really cool thing I think is that this also doubles as a really comfortable back rest all for less than the price of the luggage rack itself!
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Posted 2008-08-14 3:14 PM (#16096 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 103
Hi Golfer when your trying to get Victory to cover the warranty on your luggage rack and your trunk lid don't let them see the picture in this thread. Just having some fun!!!! Bruce
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Posted 2008-08-14 3:53 PM (#16098 - in reply to #16096)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
Codfather - 2008-08-14 3:14 PM

Hi Golfer when your trying to get Victory to cover the warranty on your luggage rack and your trunk lid don't let them see the picture in this thread. Just having some fun!!!! Bruce

LOL!!! I thought about that one too. Unfortunately, the damagae was done before I even got the bag or stacked the top. Both the side bag covers and the rack showed damage after a trip to Cedar Point. The rack was damaged from a leather duffle bag. The side bag covers were damaged from my gf pantlegs...The damage on the rack is cosmetic only, so not the end of the world.
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Posted 2008-08-14 3:55 PM (#16099 - in reply to #16094)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 141
pastor - 2008-08-14 3:06 PM

Dear Golfer, i would also appreciate benifiting from your experience. I was looking for a bag and this looks like it will fit the bill. Please send me any attachment info. Thanks, Dennis

I might as well just take some pics and post up the process on here. Will do soon.
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Posted 2008-08-14 9:46 PM (#16125 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: RE: Luggage


Posts: 141
Ok, here are the pics...

The first pic shows the rear of the bike and the front of the bag. Take the straps that are attached to the bag and loop the straps through the rack slot, down around the rack post, and cross back over itself up to the buckle. Tighten the straps as much as you can, then tie the ends together just in case of a failure, and to protect from the ends rubbing on your paint. (It looks like the strap goes to the outside of the rack in the picture, but it really goes through the hole in the rack first, then back up around the outside of the rack.)

The second pic is of the rear of the bag, toward the front of the bike. take the straps that come with the bag and loosen them all the way out. Attach the female ends to the top handle of the bag. Attach the male end to the d ring in the picture, loop the end down and around the rack post and cross back over itself up to the female part of the buckle and clip. Make sure you get both sides of the clip in and secure. You should not have to tighten the straps on the rear of the bag, this should be very snug even with the starp all the loose (that will make sense when you install it).

Last pic is of the bag on the bike with a bungee over the whole bag, attaching the bungee hooks around the 4 rack posts, and the middle hooks go under the sides of the bag onto the side of the rack. I only put the bungee on if I am securing more items to the outside of the bag...

Last step, go back to the front of the bag (rear of the bike) and tighten the straps all the way if there is any slack from securing at the rear of the bag. Retie the ends if you get too much slack.

Edit: I cut out a bunch of the first picture so it was small enough to post...That was hard to figure out...

Edited by golfer 2008-08-14 10:07 PM


(bagetc 016 (Small).jpg)

(bagetc 019 (Small).jpg)

Attachments yikes....JPG (55KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments bagetc 016 (Small).jpg (44KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments bagetc 019 (Small).jpg (47KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2008-08-15 12:47 AM (#16144 - in reply to #16125)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
Didn't want the factory tour box, so I went with the passenger backrest & luggage rack, on the V2V I used a Rapid Transit Platoon bag (4300 cubic inches) it expands if needed. just like my stomach.

Edited by buddahead 2008-08-15 12:55 AM


Attachments V2V_vision.jpg (59KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2008-08-15 11:57 AM (#16173 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
Creeping Conestogas Bat-man! What on earth was Alfred thinking? I told him to see how SMALL he could make it, not how tall!

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Posted 2008-08-19 11:11 PM (#16543 - in reply to #16000)
Subject: Re: Luggage


Posts: 377
O'Neill, Nebraska
Where are your golf clubs? Looks like there is a bit more room on the bike:-)
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