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Vision Dyno
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Posted 2008-08-19 9:42 AM (#16486)
Subject: Vision Dyno


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
Here's the Dyno printout, before and after Lloyd Greer installed a VFC lll and his air intake plate at the AVR. Picked up 5 peak HP and about a foot pound of torque, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Note that the mixture is a bit richer across the power band. The engine smoothed out and the 98% of the popping went away, the throttle response is crisper and smoother, and the engine doesn't seem to be working as hard. Average gas milage went from 43.3mpg to 44.6mpg. Hank from Albuquerque had the same things done the day before me and though his before figures were a lower he picked up 9 Hp and considerable smoothing.


Attachments VisionDyno2.jpg (26KB - 14 downloads)
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Posted 2008-08-19 9:48 AM (#16487 - in reply to #16486)
Subject: RE: Vision Dyno


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
Trying a larger resize, may be clearer.
Max HP; Before 87.30 After 92.17 @4200 rpm.
Torque; 105.33 106.39 @4200 rpm.
A/F Ratio @4200: Before; 13.06/1 After; 12.37/1

Edited by Mudge 2008-08-19 9:55 AM


Attachments VisionDyno3.jpg (36KB - 5 downloads)
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Posted 2008-08-19 4:26 PM (#16508 - in reply to #16486)
Subject: Re: Vision Dyno


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Im shocked that the B4 air fuel ratio was in the 13's and not the 14.7-1 that the Epa would like....
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Posted 2008-08-19 5:44 PM (#16511 - in reply to #16508)
Subject: Re: Vision Dyno


Posts: 77
Arkainzeye - 2008-08-19 4:26 PM

Im shocked that the B4 air fuel ratio was in the 13's and not the 14.7-1 that the Epa would like....

At any throttle position above 80 percent or 4200 rpm's (I believe) it goes into open loop which at that piont is off the O2 sensors. This graph is a classic example of what we were doing at the AVR.
I had on one bike picked up 11 Hp. Almost half the bikes I tuned at the AVR were Vision's. We'll be doing some more great products for Vision real soon.

Read the blog on Decel and Tip in backfiring.

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Posted 2008-08-19 10:47 PM (#16539 - in reply to #16511)
Subject: Re: Vision Dyno


Posts: 296
Central Florida
Lloyd - 2008-08-19 5:44 PM

Arkainzeye - 2008-08-19 4:26 PM

Im shocked that the B4 air fuel ratio was in the 13's and not the 14.7-1 that the Epa would like....

At any throttle position above 80 percent or 4200 rpm's (I believe) it goes into open loop which at that piont is off the O2 sensors. This graph is a classic example of what we were doing at the AVR.
I had on one bike picked up 11 Hp. Almost half the bikes I tuned at the AVR were Vision's. We'll be doing some more great products for Vision real soon.

Read the blog on Decel and Tip in backfiring.
So why did I get such crappy #s? S1L1 pipes KN filter Lloydz diffuser plate..
KevinX did the install and dyno...


Attachments june.28.dyno.a.jpg (55KB - 7 downloads)
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