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HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!
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Posted 2014-02-01 5:39 PM (#150948)
Subject: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

New user

Posts: 3
So I have to voice my experiences with this guy, I guess Mike could really give a dam about you if your not spending a million dollars....
First time I contacted HMD I enquired about the air ride system on his web page for a Vision, my answer was sorry we don't do those any more. So why advertise it on your site??? no big deal I guess.
Next I contacted him about his CUSTOM?? VIP bars- again my answer was sorry we don't make those anymore.... So why have them on the web page??? WTF?
next I ask about getting the lenses tinted and a Hawg wired amp and speakers. paid for them waited like a month ( not an issue as I am in Canada and shipping does get delayed) got my stereo and lenses back, stereo was great, lenses looked like they were F--king sandblasted???? anyway sent my lenses back ( core charge) and waited like 2 months to get a refund after about 10 e-mails he sent me a cheque??? I paid on Credit card WTF is up with a cheque??? Anyway after more than 2 months I got what I ordered but like I said a guy with 80 grit sandpaper and a can of spray paint could have done nicer lenses!!
I then about 8 months later I was asked to get the handle delete plates for a fella. I tried Arlen Ness and a few others with no luck.
So I then for some reason, must have banged my head or something, because with hesitation needed to goto HMD. Ordered the delete plates off their Christmas special flyer. The bill comes from the CC company and for some reason the JA tries to charge me full price when they were advertised for $199, again some e-mails back and forth and shit gets straightened out.... what happens if you don't notice???? he sticks it to you and your out $50 WTF again? Anyway get the delete plates and not even close to fitting the lines of the bike and the things are about as thin as paper Mache!!
going to get them beefed up a bit ( add some more fibre glass and do some bending I hope) see how that works? but the thing is you buy it, it should fit! I do realize that the web page says ( some finishing work MAY be required) But WTF again! next the delete plate came with mounting bolts too my surprise but the holes in the delete plates were like 2 sizes too small- so now I?m drilling something that HMD made for that part???? WTF why don't I just make my own from scratch? Same amount of work involved???
So with the same banged head I order a fender for this bike, I emailed first asking if they even still make the dam thing or is this Mike guy just trying to fill space on his web page with shit he don't carry?? He says he has the 21 inch fender and its ready to go out, I pay for it that day, well 9 days later... nothing, send some e-mails and his help, gota say the best thing HMD has going for them ( very kind and easy to talk too). says sorry about that we have one and will send it out right away, and she did! fantastic I thought just got a bad deal last two times maybe things are looking up? keep my fingers crossed the fucking thing even fits....
So after about 3 weeks I get the fender and went to open the box and no mounting hardware of any sort and no holes to mount the fender??? WTF again? some finishing work required??? may as well made my own? Pictures on the site show a fender with ALL mounting holes pre-drilled, So I send an e-mail asking about the spacers and the holes, Mike that sweet guy says Sorry they musta been overlooked when they shipped the fender and you have to drill your own holes because he says ? all forkes are different? WTF??- I ( Mike) will send them out first thing in the morning, OK I say but I am already a month waiting on this to send too paint but what can you do, so I say great please send ASAP and a tracking number.
( very good to have for international shipments). 2 days go by and no reply, I e-mail Mike AGAIN and he say "sorry slipped my mind I got busy" well fuck what am I? I just spent over $500 Canadian and a month of waiting and he's telling me he's too busy and he will do it when he has the time?? WTF!
So anyway the next 4 days go by and I send e-mail after e-mail requesting shipping info and Nothing!
So I am now making my own mounts, I am done with this turkey, you know I can work with a guy, but when he outright says he?s too busy, tries to steal money, and tells me too relax he will get to it? I don?t have time for that, I am a paying customer and only expect to get what is advertised and get it in a timely manner with a bit of customer service.
WTF I say about this guy, and Im trying to keep it nice too, but I think you guys should know my experience(S) with this WTF'er and beware, unless your dropping a few thousand bucks He don't have time for you!!
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Desert Dave
Posted 2014-02-01 6:26 PM (#150954 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: RE: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
True that. Ordered a lay down license plate from HMD, and the part arrived damaged ., and was all bent up. It was shipped in a manila envelope for gods sake. Raised this issue with Mike, and all he said was " shipped hundreds of those and never had a problem". He offered no recourse. Consequently, I have not, and will not buy from HMD again.
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Posted 2014-02-01 7:19 PM (#150958 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I don't think I've ever purchased anything from Mike (HMD) but I bought a set of his gently used handlbars (wonderful things!) with a set of his bar ends. As the bars were a couple years old, the mounting hardware for the bar ends (basically like everthing else out there, a piece of compressable rubber) has deteriorated over time. No biggie. I send him an email asking if I can buy just the bar end mounting kit. He sends me the necessary hardware FREE of charge. I received the kit a couple days after I talked to him. No complaints here. I'd order from him.
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Posted 2014-02-01 8:13 PM (#150960 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Wow that a nice fairy tale story...;.

How about telling them how you were rude and demanding. Instead of asking nicely for help .. you told me to FU-k off... If you were able to read the page on the website , it does not say anything about mounting hardware included. But you become rude and demand .. then tellme i do not know anything about building parts. If the service was soooooo badddd.. what the hell are you doing ordering from me again. ???
You can get what you want by being an ass... asking nicely gets things done. Or didnt your mother teach you right from wrong???
Been in business over 30 years.. i understand that in business your going to have 5 % that you can not please.... we you are one of them. As for you incorrect information... we sent the parts to you... FREE OF CHARGE AND EVEN PAID THE 2ND DAY AIR FREIGHT. So hows that for shitty customer service.. LMFAO
If you want to cry like a little girl scream your head off.. not sure it will do much good. If you could make the parts.. why even bother calling me and ordering. If you could do it all why make such a fuss. Yeah right..LOL
If our parts are so bad and you were told not to do business with us... then why did you time and time again.

DESERT DAVE.. We offered to replace it.. come on. Its a $24 part....
Some of Brian's emails: where he so nicely asked for assitance.
To Me
Jan 31 at 9:21 PM
So how about growing some nuts and man up asshole, such a child would only ignore his responsibilities and not carry out his end of the bargain!
Since you wanna play silly games I guess I will too! I will make it my mission too let as many people know how you fuck the paying customer!
Thanks for the great service !
Should have listened too all the GOOD dealers that do after market parts and the things they warned me about dealing with you!
Go fuck yourself, think I make my own spacers and call it mine I will.

Keep an eye out for the posts on your Facebook site and Vision Ryder web site.
Cheers Jack-Ass

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Posted 2014-02-01 9:03 PM (#150962 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

New user

Posts: 3
First I heard of anything being sent, funny how I get a reply after days of sending e-mails after I post the truth Mike. I did what I feel was right, and think business is built on service and simply put I did not get any. truth be told man, let the people decide what and who they buy from. I think they need to know both sides of the story is all. All it takes and would have taken is " COMMUNICATION" LOOK IT UP IN THE DICTIONARY!!!
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Posted 2014-02-01 9:31 PM (#150963 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Oh i have atleast 7 emails where i tried to talk to you and express that it was a simple fix.. but you decided to be rude and it resulted in you calling people names. After being harassed for several days.. i chose to let it go. I did the right thing and sent you the parts free of charge. Should i print out the label and display it here showing the shipping date? Do i need to dispplay the email where i tell you that it was shipped out? I refused to respond to your emails demanding a tracking #, and this is why you are all bent? You would not put up with someone treating you this way in your business. Bryan McNallie sorry but i wont be treated the way you want to treat people, respect is a two way street. You have to give to get.

As for never hearing that i sent them: Here is the email where i told you they were sent.. So i guess your lieing now... so i guess people can decide who is telling what happened and what they want people to think happened.

To Bryan McNallie
Jan 30 at 9:43 PM
They were sent. They don't come with the kit.
Tells you in the website. You need to be a little more patient and a little more nicer situation. You have not been either.
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It states on our website where you agree to terms. "WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE".. Well i guess you are the first customer to win this award. Im sorry it did not work out between us.. a simple thank you or please would have done wonders instead of calling people a jack ass or telling them to Fuc= off. Once again ... HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Posted 2014-02-01 9:31 PM (#150964 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Oh i have atleast 7 emails where i tried to talk to you and express that it was a simple fix.. but you decided to be rude and it resulted in you calling people names. After being harassed for several days.. i chose to let it go. I did the right thing and sent you the parts free of charge. Should i print out the label and display it here showing the shipping date? Do i need to dispplay the email where i tell you that it was shipped out? I refused to respond to your emails demanding a tracking #, and this is why you are all bent? You would not put up with someone treating you this way in your business. Bryan McNallie sorry but i wont be treated the way you want to treat people, respect is a two way street. You have to give to get.

As for never hearing that i sent them: Here is the email where i told you they were sent.. So i guess your lieing now... so i guess people can decide who is telling what happened and what they want people to think happened.

To Bryan McNallie
Jan 30 at 9:43 PM
They were sent. They don't come with the kit.
Tells you in the website. You need to be a little more patient and a little more nicer situation. You have not been either.
Sent from my iPhone
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It states on our website where you agree to terms. "WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE".. Well i guess you are the first customer to win this award. Im sorry it did not work out between us.. a simple thank you or please would have done wonders instead of calling people a jack ass or telling them to Fuc= off. Once again ... HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Posted 2014-02-01 9:56 PM (#150965 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Just so we can all be on the same page.. here is the tracking # and the page on USPS where we shipped the spacers to Mr. McNallie ...FREE OF CHARGE... AND DID NOT CHARGE HIM THE FREIGHT EITHER. Im not sure but i dont think this is bad customer service when a Vendor ships a part to a customer ,that is having a issue with another part. This part is not included in the kit, nor does it say that it is... but we did ship it to him to help him out .. and FREE OF CHARGE.. Im sorry i repeated myself.
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Edited by hmd520 2014-02-01 9:57 PM
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Posted 2014-02-01 10:00 PM (#150966 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

New user

Posts: 3
Right on Mike glad to hear they were sent, that's all I wanted to know, asked very simply many time with no reply, even called and well you must have been too busy to answer or scared because you had no excuse as why it takes 3 weeks just to leave your shop? still waiting for the post with the tracking number I requested long ago! post all the emails you want, and why not post all the PM replies that you are so ashamed to post publicly too, I am sure the audience would love too see more, I know and you know, and the longer this goes on the more people out there are going to know! only hurting yourself. quick start back paddling my friend, start back paddling. always 2 sides to a story.
I'm done with you, well not till I post on a few more forums, but as for replying I'm done, let the people decide.
Cheers and PS- careful what you say about CANADIANS you may offend more than you want with comments like that
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Posted 2014-02-01 10:12 PM (#150967 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Brian... we have nothing to hide.. you although were caught in a few lie.. yes lies. I emailed you they went out and they did. Not scared of anything. I posted how you responded to me telling you that it would be sent.. you went into a negative state and started acting childish.Therefore i chose not to respond to someone bashing my parts and calling me names. It seems that i have the only proof to post.... all your emails.... the tracking # where i do exactly what i say... the fact that i shipped out an addtional part at no cost to a customer that was not deserving of the treatment.. but i did anyway. Not sure what 3 weeks has to do with anything. Our parts are usually in stock and go out just like on the website 3 to 5 days.. but from time to time we do run out and get caught in between making part orders.. this is what happen when you are busy and sell alot of parts.
If Canadians knew that you acted the way you did.. and called yourself Canadian... they would ship you out( like Justin Bieber). I have alot of great Canadian customer.. but theres always that bad apple.

Once again.. Have a great day..

Edited by hmd520 2014-02-01 10:16 PM
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Posted 2014-02-02 2:42 PM (#150974 - in reply to #150967)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 25
I have ordered from HMD on several occasions and have always had excellent service with quality parts. Just my .02
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Posted 2014-02-02 3:15 PM (#150975 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Nothing against Mike, but if a customer has a problem, I wish they wouldn't start the tit for tat stuff such as this. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.
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Posted 2014-02-03 6:30 AM (#150987 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA
I have ordered several parts from Mike and have always had great service. As a matter of fact, last year I was having some issues installing his lowering link and left a message with him on a Saturday and received a call back within 10 minutes. I just wish more vendors would provide the level of customer service that HMD does.
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Posted 2014-02-03 7:51 AM (#150989 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Thanks Bill... i owe our cpmpanys success to great customers like yourself. In business its impossible to please everyone.
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Posted 2014-02-03 7:51 AM (#150990 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Thanks Bill... i owe our cpmpanys success to great customers like yourself. In business its impossible to please everyone.
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Posted 2014-02-04 9:14 PM (#151033 - in reply to #150948)
Subject: Re: HMD- customer service- i don't think so!!!

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 49
Doesn't sound anything like the Mike I know and have done business with. Great experience, great customer service, great parts. thanks Mike.
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