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Corbin Vision smuggler
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Gray rider
Posted 2013-04-11 10:11 AM (#134590 - in reply to #134436)
Subject: RE: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 394
Tucson, AZ
I'm on my third Corbin, two on 1500 Wings, and now on the V. Like them a lot. Never had a problem with any of them so I don't know about customer service. Because the wife has short legs, she likes the Corbin because they are rounded on the sides and lets her legs reach the boards easier. They are much firmer, but I find I can ride farther before I get "monkey butt".
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Posted 2013-05-11 8:41 PM (#138759 - in reply to #134590)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
I went to the Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel last weekend and Corbin had one of these on display. Really well made but I swear it felt like it weighed 40 pounds! The storage area in the back is miniscule and you guys are right, the backrest would be useless.

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Posted 2013-05-12 1:37 PM (#138797 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
Too bad they didn't include a passenger rail removal kit from Arlen. I think it would look much better without hand rails that are no longer needed since the passenger is.........gone! LOL
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Posted 2013-11-15 9:59 AM (#148890 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Adding my 2 cents on comfort and ease of removal. For anyone who does take their normal trunk off and on is it the same amount of effort. 4 bolts and a heater harness clip. 10minutes max to swap out with whatever.
The trunk uses the std front seat mounts under the access cover and the upper 2 of the 4 holes for the std trunk at the rear.
I find when I slide my rear all the way back to the backrest that the position is actually comfortable (5'8" with stock bars). I do find my arm reach is a bit more than I like for a very long ride but any pullback bars would eliminate that problem.
The backrest is attached with 2 bolts and the engineer I spoke with mentioned that simple spacers could be put in place on the outside between the fiberglass and the backrest to extend it forward a little. I am toying with the idea of using a spring mechanism off an old bicycle seat to see how it feels.
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Posted 2013-11-15 11:40 AM (#148892 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 49
Madison/Huntsville, AL
That thing is way cool. I'd like to see first hand the storage size.
I've been sitting on a Corbin for eight years and it's all thumbs up for me. I've done a 1000 day iron but ride, 850 miles just a couple of days later to get home, and many other 2, 3, 400 mile days. Firm is good
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