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Winter Riding
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Brian G
Posted 2013-10-28 7:25 AM (#148232)
Subject: Winter Riding


Posts: 161
I have always found, when riding in cold weather, that one will always want something around ones neck. I have two textile jackets and one leather jacket. I have found myself using the leather jacket more as it is not as bulky as the two textile jackets I have. I am going to the coast this morning, and will ride along it as it will be sunny, hopefully, and I will wear my leather jacket with a neck warmer. I will have a Gerbing jacket liner with me also, since it is cold, and always seems to be a bit colder along the Pacific. Heading out in a few hours, and it should be a good day.

Edited by Brian G 2013-10-28 7:32 AM
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Posted 2013-10-28 8:45 AM (#148234 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I suspect it will be a good day. Enjoy your ride.
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Posted 2013-10-28 8:58 AM (#148235 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I suspect it will be a good day. Enjoy your ride.
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Brian G
Posted 2013-10-29 8:28 AM (#148280 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 161
The ride was brisk as expected, the temp when my wife and I started was 48 deg. It started to climb from there and topped out at 61. The weather was beautiful all day, and especially along the coast. I took pictures and would post them, but still can't seem to figure out how to do it. Can't reduce the picture enough to get it to attach. Oh, well.
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Posted 2013-10-29 10:50 AM (#148285 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
That is a spring/fall ride, not a winter ride at all. I rode colder than that yesterday with little thought about warmth. I was a bit toasty in my winter jacket and didn't bother with my gloves. The sun was out and I was just enjoying the ride.
I really like the coastal roads near you but winter simply does not seem to exist there. It is a place for year around riding unless you need to cross the coastal mountain range to get somewhere. My guess is that you would get actual cold weather and even snow in that coastal range. I will not ride on snow or ice for any reason. A motel room to wait for clear roads strikes me as a good idea.
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Posted 2013-10-29 4:15 PM (#148299 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: RE: Winter Riding


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Brian - your description reminds me of several SUMMER rides I have had in Oregon - on the coast.

Anyway, us West Coasters don't HAVE winter riding (unless we go up a mountain (see picture)). I ride year-round - and have since the 1970's. Totally spoiled now, with heated seat, heated grips, heated vests/pants. My only additional feature for winter is a boot/scarf that fits over my face/neck under my OPEN-FACED helmet. I can't recall ANY time since I have owned the SPCSHP that I have gone more than 2 weeks without a ride - and even more than one week is rare. I just ask for a dry road with no piles of leaves hiding ice underneath.



Attachments DSC06185_edited.JPG (152KB - 0 downloads)
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Brian G
Posted 2013-10-30 2:58 PM (#148335 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 161
Nice pic, maybe I spoke a little soon about a winter ride. Probably should have called it a fall ride along the coast. I do agree about being able to ride year round, however I do have to use a full face helmet.
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Posted 2013-10-30 8:53 PM (#148344 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
I stopped 'Full Face' when I started getting 'good' windshields. I have a BRAND NEW (worn never - tried on many) Full Face that sits in my closet in it's cover. I find full face restricts my vision too much. I'd rather be cold, than blind.

Wanna buy a Great full face - cheap ??? It's one of those 'flip-up' full face - I thought it might be better than the flip-visor ones - NOPE ...

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Posted 2013-10-31 12:02 AM (#148349 - in reply to #148344)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 599
New Mexico
donetracey - 2013-10-30 7:53 PM

Wanna buy a Great full face - cheap ??? It's one of those 'flip-up' full face - I thought it might be better than the flip-visor ones - NOPE ...

What size? What brand? How much?
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Posted 2013-10-31 9:32 PM (#148388 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 4278
watch out for wet leaves in corners. Keep eye out for black ice is shaded areas
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Brian G
Posted 2013-10-31 10:33 PM (#148393 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 161
Good hint about the black ice in shaded areas.
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Posted 2013-11-01 2:36 AM (#148397 - in reply to #148349)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Boots - The helmet is a ZEUS - size LARGE I think - a tad roomy for me.

I just want someone to enjoy it (but you pay for a bottle of vodka and shipping!) Here is a look at it:



Attachments MyZeusHelmet.jpg (104KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2013-11-01 11:41 AM (#148417 - in reply to #148397)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 599
New Mexico
donetracey - 2013-11-01 1:36 AM

Boots - The helmet is a ZEUS - size LARGE I think - a tad roomy for me.

I just want someone to enjoy it (but you pay for a bottle of vodka and shipping!) Here is a look at it:


More than fair - Thanks - But my Pumpkin-Head barely fits an XL

Edited by Boots 2013-11-01 11:42 AM
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Posted 2013-11-01 11:53 AM (#148418 - in reply to #148299)
Subject: RE: Winter Riding


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
donetracey - 2013-10-29 5:15 PM

Brian - your description reminds me of several SUMMER rides I have had in Oregon - on the coast.

Anyway, us West Coasters don't HAVE winter riding (unless we go up a mountain (see picture)). I ride year-round - and have since the 1970's. Totally spoiled now, with heated seat, heated grips, heated vests/pants. My only additional feature for winter is a boot/scarf that fits over my face/neck under my OPEN-FACED helmet. I can't recall ANY time since I have owned the SPCSHP that I have gone more than 2 weeks without a ride - and even more than one week is rare. I just ask for a dry road with no piles of leaves hiding ice underneath.


You poser. Your kick stand is deployed.

Edited by willtill 2013-11-01 11:53 AM
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Posted 2013-11-01 6:11 PM (#148424 - in reply to #148299)
Subject: RE: Winter Riding

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
donetracey - 2013-10-29 5:15 PMI just ask for a dry road with no piles of leaves hiding ice underneath.

I agree.  My rides depend on traction much more than ambient temps.  With the Vision, I can handle anything down to the lower 20s (and probably colder) without issue (except for my finger tips and the backs of my hands).  I refuse to ride when there's the danger of ice/snow.  I'm brave, but not THAT brave. 

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Posted 2013-11-01 7:15 PM (#148429 - in reply to #148232)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 4278
yup black ice
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Posted 2013-11-01 7:31 PM (#148430 - in reply to #148429)
Subject: Re: Winter Riding


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

I cringe every time I view it.  From the first time seeing I was screaming into my monitor, "TURN-BACK, TURN-BACK!!! WAIT UNTIL LATER, THERE'S BLAAAAACCKKKKKKKKK... OH, ICE....."  I'm thankful he mostly hurt his feelings, but it is also a stark reminder, "don't think that the road is good"


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