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ridig in the cold
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Posted 2013-10-31 12:23 AM (#148350 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

New user

Posts: 2
I bought the tourmaster synergy heated vest & chaps for my wife, I use them more than she does and love it, they also go up to 4xl but you want it to fit snug against your body
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Posted 2013-10-31 12:42 PM (#148362 - in reply to #147120)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Another tip for cold weather riding. 

Get some flannel/fleece with optional polartech/thinsulate lined jeans.  They are made in different weights for more or less insulation.  The flannel lined jeans are usually the lightest.  You can always add long johns under them and/or chaps over them.


There are a few suppliers including Wrangler, Cabela's  and Carhartt.


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Posted 2013-11-02 5:18 AM (#148436 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
If you dont want to wear heated clothing think about Carhart. I have the extreme Artic biberalls and a carhart Jacket. I have winter boots rated to 40 below and I also use mittens instead of gloves. The mittens can be a little clunky but they are so much warmer than gloves. I also use a good ski mask. I was out last winter in 4 degrees and it was not too bad.
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Posted 2013-11-02 12:48 PM (#148439 - in reply to #148436)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

.... I have the extreme Artic biberalls ...


How are the bibs and the exhaust pipes?  Do the legs melt or are they of a heat resistant material ???

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Posted 2013-11-02 6:11 PM (#148445 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Griswold, CT
I have no problem with the cold, I worked side all my life.
Dampness get to my back (old injury) Just dress worm ( dress in layers)
Will ride all winter, weather and roads permitting.
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Posted 2013-11-03 10:54 PM (#148485 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 166
Bullhead City, AZ

just get a copilot to wrap their arms around instead of using the unheated handles
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Posted 2013-11-03 11:26 PM (#148487 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
I tried a friends neoprene face mask yesterday and was amazed at how warm it kept my face. She said she got it for about $8 and it has the skeleton face on it. My daughter said it was pretty sinister looking but I could care less about looks. Wearing a half helmet and the face mask was much warmer than using a full face without the mask.

Edited by baadawg 2013-11-03 11:28 PM
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Posted 2013-11-04 10:00 AM (#148496 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
The only issue with the neoprene face masks is eyeglass fogging. I can't see without glasses and every facemask I've used has fogged up my glasses every time I exhale. I have a cloth neck gaiter that I use with my 3/4 helmet (with face shield). I keep it low enough to just cover my chin. Works well in the 30s and 40s. Any colder than that and my face still gets cold.
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Posted 2013-11-04 11:13 AM (#148501 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Beard and bandanna...
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Posted 2013-11-04 2:14 PM (#148507 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Griswold, CT
Went to breakfast this morning (28 deg )
Left at 8:00 back at 12:30
Sunny and no wind
One day closer to spring
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Posted 2013-11-04 3:07 PM (#148510 - in reply to #148501)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN

varyder - 2013-11-04 12:13 PM Beard and bandanna...   

If my job allowed me to grow more than a very short goatee, I would.  Sometimes, it's just a doorag but most of the time I need a helmet just to keep the breeze out of my eyes.  Insurance lets me get new glasses in March.  I think I'll get some gasketed glasses this time.

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Posted 2013-11-04 3:12 PM (#148511 - in reply to #148510)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I have these prescription and wear them not just for riding but full time glasses. Transition so they aren't dark at night.
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Posted 2013-11-04 3:51 PM (#148512 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I'll have to look into those. I'm also considering something from 7eye. I'm planning on Transition (or Transition XTRA) lenses as I'll use them for regular glasses, too.
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Posted 2013-11-08 7:17 AM (#148685 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: RE: ridig in the cold

New user

Posts: 1
Jacksonville, FL 32202, FL United States
Banjodan - 2013-10-24 9:13 PM

is it just me? when riding in the cold, my cold spot is my back. I raise and lower the windshield to no avail... I have the stock windshield...17" I think. would a taller shield help this or maybe a flip? any suggestions from you northerners........I know mid to upper 30's is like springtime to you...cold for me...

I'll suggest you to go for either cycle gear or warm clothes that provide some heat!!
And if you're really welling to wear such clothes then please prefer some branded ones, I know it would cost you a bit more but its better to invest a bit today rather than to cry for tomorrow.

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Posted 2013-11-08 7:54 AM (#148686 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 111
I've been using Safe and Warm (Firstgear) for a couple of years now. Makes all the difference in the world. Being a CA boy, winters weren't a problem. New England has instilled a healthy respect for cold. Last weekend I rode up to Amherst NH (25 that morning) without discomfort. Texas Jeans are a good source for riding pants, flannel lined, heavy denim, affordable and American made.
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Posted 2013-11-08 11:13 AM (#148695 - in reply to #148686)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
rebelce - 2013-11-08 7:54 AM

I've been using Safe and Warm (Firstgear) for a couple of years now. Makes all the difference in the world.

I've been using Safe-N-Warm (FirstGear) heated jacket and pants liners for about 5 years now. Nary a problem with them. The heated collar is sure nice!!

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Posted 2013-11-08 7:10 PM (#148711 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold


Posts: 209
has anyone noticed a difference with cold air on the back of your neck, is it the same with and without the trunk?
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Posted 2013-11-08 7:15 PM (#148712 - in reply to #147088)
Subject: Re: ridig in the cold

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
It's the same either way. I had the trunk on last winter and off this winter. I still feel the cold air on the back of my neck and back. Try lowering your windscreen a bit (seriously).
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