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Posted 2013-05-01 12:05 PM (#138024)
Subject: tires

New user

Posts: 3
New Hampshire
dealer wants 800 to replace both tires on vision with avons what is a good price this seems vary high
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Posted 2013-05-01 12:51 PM (#138029 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 251
Mechanicsville, VA United States
As much as I hate to say this I think the Dealer is trying to make a living!
I buy/change my own tires and mount and balance them because I can.
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okie vision
Posted 2013-05-01 1:22 PM (#138030 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Set of Avon's, delivered to your doorstep, $379

Ask your dealer what he would charge if you brought in the tires.
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Posted 2013-05-01 1:35 PM (#138031 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 52
The Great Northwet
Set of Bridgstones delivered to my doorstep, $300. My dealer charged me $120 for mount, balance, and 90 deg chrome valve stems.

Edited by Amibrau 2013-05-01 1:38 PM
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Posted 2013-05-01 3:08 PM (#138034 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
What my dealer wants to install new tires paid for a motorcycle jack. Now they charge me $20 ea when I bring in just the wheels.
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Posted 2013-05-01 5:17 PM (#138039 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
The front tire should be a snap to remove but the rear looks like it would be a bitch. The local dealer wants 1.5 hours to remove the rear, swap rubber and reinstall. The next closest dealer wants just under $100. Still not a terrible deal as my next rear tire will only cost about $150 so I can have a new rear installed for less than $300. Unfortunately, it'll probably cost at least that for the front even with less labor.
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Posted 2013-05-01 6:04 PM (#138041 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I don't think my rear was that much harder than the front. When I had a HD it waa, then I had to remove exhaust.
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Posted 2013-05-01 6:26 PM (#138042 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 251
Mechanicsville, VA United States
1.5 hour for a rear tire is about right, it's not hard if you have a lift and they do! Front tire is about 45 mins....
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Posted 2013-05-01 6:34 PM (#138044 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 4278
I'm thinking one hour for front. Jack up pull axle go to tire machine take off old clean rim put new on and balance. Maybe a little more for whipping off spacer check break pads for wear now putt back on.

Rear if they don't have a 1 1/16th crows foot they have to pull muffler and that means valance. If there going to torque axle nut. So now that a good 2 1/2 hours.
What I would do is ask if they have a crows foot. If not buy them one.
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Posted 2013-05-08 12:56 AM (#138540 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 144
Did mine in 2 hours, bought Shinko's SE890 Journey Touring $105 front and $132 rear feel better than the e3's ever did. Just my opp.

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Posted 2013-05-08 8:03 AM (#138544 - in reply to #138540)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
$296.13 rear tire , pads , mount and balance . This is total cost for rear E3 and brake pads and mounted and balanced. If I brought him the tire , he charges $40 to mount and balance. He is independant but Victory certified. and 3 miles from my house. God is good.
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Posted 2013-05-08 12:28 PM (#138557 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I know there are write ups about changing the rear tire. You don't need a crows foot, you undo one bolt on the lower shock linkage and the swingarm drops. Undo axle nut and pull axle out, very simple and quick.

seems a bit steep for a price of tires, but find a best price online and ask them to get close or you'll bring the internet tires to them. Let the dealer barter / bargain for your business.
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Posted 2013-05-08 3:20 PM (#138567 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Removing either wheel is Not hard if you have a motorcycle jack.. ill never pay someone else to do it again!!
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Posted 2013-05-08 5:17 PM (#138578 - in reply to #138557)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
pollolittle - 2013-05-08 12:28 PM

I know there are write ups about changing the rear tire. You don't need a crows foot, you undo one bolt on the lower shock linkage and the swingarm drops. Undo axle nut and pull axle out, very simple and quick.

seems a bit steep for a price of tires, but find a best price online and ask them to get close or you'll bring the internet tires to them. Let the dealer barter / bargain for your business.

Works for me. Since I support them with my business, my dealer returns the favor by matching the internet prices on tires, and I let their shop change them for me. Takes about 1 1/2 hours to do both and check the brake pads and belt at the same time.

BTW, they put the bike on a lift and take one bolt out of the rear shock linkage and the rear wheel drops down so the axle can be pulled. Simple.

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Posted 2013-05-09 5:23 AM (#138635 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I change my own tires, 800.00 is high even for a dealer.
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Posted 2013-05-09 8:25 AM (#138644 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
kris1956 - what gear do you use to change your tires, I don't know why you gotta brag, but if you got it, do it. Been wanting a setup to do it myself for a while. Figure I'll have a full bike shop before too long.
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Posted 2013-05-13 9:29 PM (#138872 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 209
the dealer will probably match your online price for tires, and chaarge a flat rate for changing them. If they are too busy to barter, check another m/c shop.
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Posted 2013-05-13 9:59 PM (#138877 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I agree with everyone else. $800 is too high. I get my tires from the net (whoever has the best deal at the time). Remove the wheels myself and take them to the local dealer. It ends up costing me around $400 each time I change rubbers.

As mentioned above, take out the lower shock bolts (there are 2) and the rear wheel drops down making it easy to access (if you have a lift).

Good luck.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2013-05-13 10:12 PM
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2013-05-14 1:41 PM (#138905 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: RE: tires

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Just ordered a set if Shinko 777s (whitewalls) for my classic cruiser. Lots of good reviews, and very short $$.
$186 for the set from I'll let you know how they feel once I get them on. They're replacing metzler 880s which I found much to hard and not very grippy. Shinko make a bunch of good touring tires as well.
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Posted 2013-05-14 5:07 PM (#138914 - in reply to #138024)
Subject: Re: tires


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
You can get both tires, front and back for the unheard of, low, low price of $299 at Or Dunlops for about a hundred more, but the Bridgestone G704 G709 combo is one of the best tires at any price! Here's the link.
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