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37th or 38th oil change
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Posted 2013-10-25 3:59 PM (#147132)
Subject: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

In the effort for longevity I've gone to change the oil less than every 3,000 miles.  Since I've gone longer in the past, I'm guessing my average oil change interval is between 3,800 to 4,000 miles.   That would make my last oil change the 37th or 38th one since getting the Vision.  I'm still impressed there is there is minute oil loss, as if it was new.  No smoke, no leaks, everything seems tight. 

Some may say, big whoop.  I say ride hard, ride long, ride safe!!!

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Posted 2013-10-25 5:46 PM (#147138 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
Town creek, AL United States
hope i get this out of mine
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Posted 2013-10-25 6:34 PM (#147139 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Yeah, I share this to keep the rest of you encouraged. If this bike can stand up to me, it can stand up to anybody.
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Posted 2013-10-25 7:52 PM (#147146 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 209
that's good to know varydar...... these guys who brag on their low mileage bikes just don't get it.
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Posted 2013-10-25 8:01 PM (#147148 - in reply to #147146)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 573
Central Illinois

Banjodan - 2013-10-25 7:52 PM that's good to know varydar...... these guys who brag on their low mileage bikes just don't get it.

Why would you ever brag about not riding? Its like saying "Hey guys look at me, I'm not a rider I'm a mere poser."

I do like to think that I am making good use of the miles I have but since I bought the bike in mid-May I am only at 7700 miles. Maybe next year I will have less conflicts and get to ride more.


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Posted 2013-10-26 9:42 AM (#147165 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: RE: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
varyder - 2013-10-25 2:59 PM

In the effort for longevity I've gone to change the oil less than every 3,000 miles.? Since I've gone longer in the past, I'm guessing my average oil change interval is between 3,800 to 4,000 miles.?? That would make my last oil change the 37th or 38th one since getting the Vision.? I'm still impressed there is there is minute oil loss, as if it was new.? No smoke, no leaks, everything seems tight.?

Some may say, big whoop.? I say ride hard, ride long, ride safe!!!

probably foolish but i don't even check my oil between changes . I'm at 66,400
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Posted 2013-10-26 10:34 AM (#147168 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Never check my oil between either. I'll do it with my car, but never have with my motorcycles.
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Posted 2013-10-26 7:11 PM (#147180 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 4278
your valve seals will go before the rings. If your using some oil now I bet it the valve seals
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Posted 2013-10-26 7:26 PM (#147182 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm not losing any significant oil at all, even new motors will use some oil between changes. Thanks for that assurance.
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Posted 2013-10-26 10:05 PM (#147187 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
So your the reason our oil prices are the way they are.! Lol
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Posted 2013-10-27 2:12 PM (#147198 - in reply to #147187)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'll take the blame...
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Posted 2013-10-28 1:08 PM (#148247 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: RE: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 3204

Rolled 150 miles on the Indian odometer today.  I'm only 1/1000 of the way to varyder's odo.

Here we go!

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Posted 2013-10-28 1:25 PM (#148249 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
At a rate of 100,000 miles a year, it would be early 2015 you could catch up with me....

Edited by varyder 2013-10-28 1:31 PM
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Posted 2013-10-28 2:56 PM (#148251 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
There aren't many people on this site OR any other catching you...............
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Posted 2013-10-28 3:21 PM (#148253 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
You're right, not on the site, but occassionally I read of someone, usually written by someone else, that exceeds 100,000 miles in any given year.

I had a conversation with a gentleman, a Woodsmen of the Word, in Texas, who owned a Harley, but he drove his car instead, extensively. He said because of his "stuff" he had to carry, riding would be out of the question. I thought to myself, "not me, I'd be riding, even if I lived out of my suitcase." He really liked the Vision and we had lunch to talk motorcycles. He was able to take those long special trips every year and thought the Vision would be his next bike.
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Posted 2013-10-28 6:06 PM (#148256 - in reply to #148253)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 72

Keep rolling out those miles, be safe, and enjoy the smiles along the way brother!


Edited by PCNova 2013-10-28 6:08 PM
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Posted 2013-10-29 5:31 AM (#148273 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Thanks, PC. Riding is about life and freedom. Ride hard, ride long, ride safe, my friend.
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Posted 2013-10-29 9:59 AM (#148281 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I envy you the miles. I have ridden a lot of miles in the past my wife and I have made a number of cross country trips and enjoyed every one of them. She has taken ill and for the last three years she has been confined to a wheel chair and on Oxygen so travel in a car is not easy and the bike is out of the question so I have to be content with my Saturday ride for breakfast and meeting some of my friends. The couple of 100 miles don't add up to a lot over the year but it is worth it to keep my sanity. My suggestion to you is to make every mile and year count and never take for granted the pleasure and thrill of the ride you never know when your going to lose that or your partner. Archie
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Posted 2013-10-29 10:20 AM (#148282 - in reply to #147132)
Subject: Re: 37th or 38th oil change


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Archie, I appreciate your words very much. I've been able to make a couple cross-country trips in these few years and I would be content if I never could ride again knowing I went further than the next town. But I'll be like you, riding as long as I'm able, because there is a reality that my body may not allow me to do so in the coming years. My only want at this point is, is that my wife rides with me anywhere on an overnight trip. We've made a few day trips, and I count that as wonderful memories. I won't pressure her to do so, but pray she'll just one day say, "Let's go!" I like posting, and reading about rides, and I know if I'm not able to ride, I'll be the guy that will strike up the conversation with some biker and bore him or her with a story of yesteryear.

I thank you again for sharing, knowing there is a better day coming for you and your bride. I pray she will strengthened to enjoy her days with you.
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