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Fork Seal Driver
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Posted 2013-01-20 12:45 PM (#129823)
Subject: Fork Seal Driver

Central Wisconsin
I have my forks apart and plan on having my lowers black powder coated. The lowers have a M stamped on them. I measured the fork tubes at 45mm using a micrometer, does that sound like the right size for a 2009?  I was thinking of making my own fork seal driver until I saw the Motion Pro Ringer Fork Seal Driver.  Has anyone used this one? Is it the right size? Have you used a different one? Or did you make one yourself? 
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Posted 2013-01-20 2:22 PM (#129830 - in reply to #129823)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Tom, I've always improvised a seal driver, either using an old seal cut in half & placing it on top of the new seal & rotating & tapping to seat the new seal or making a PVC one ( 2" Schedule 40 works great) with tapered/ beveled end to drive the new seal home. The Motion Pro tool's nice and not terribly expensive, my problem is it always seems like it's late at night or a Sunday when I need a special tool and this one's easy to fabricate.
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Posted 2013-01-20 2:41 PM (#129831 - in reply to #129823)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN

Witchdoctors has one for a 43mm fork. Maybe he's got one for a 46mm fork?
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Posted 2013-01-20 6:08 PM (#129834 - in reply to #129823)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver


Posts: 4278
I went to hardware store and bought Some pvc pipe and drove my seals home. Pvc is light weight so you have to hit the seals a few times.
Make sure your pvc is flat on the bottom and if you can find a metal washer to sit on top of the seal while driving the seal in is great.
I'll just bet if you went to any aftermarket shop they would drive them in for nothing
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Posted 2013-01-20 10:09 PM (#129846 - in reply to #129830)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver

Central Wisconsin

ByteN2it - 2013-01-20 2:22 PM Tom, I've always improvised a seal driver, either using an old seal cut in half & placing it on top of the new seal & rotating & tapping to seat the new seal or making a PVC one ( 2" Schedule 40 works great) with tapered/ beveled end to drive the new seal home. The Motion Pro tool's nice and not terribly expensive, my problem is it always seems like it's late at night or a Sunday when I need a special tool and this one's easy to fabricate.

Thanks Brian, I think I'll try your improvised PVC seal driver. I was thinking of holding the split pieces together with either a zip tie or a large hose clamp.  

 Monkeyman - 2013-01-20 2:41 PM Witchdoctors has one for a 43mm fork. Maybe he's got one for a 46mm fork?

Do you know for sure the 2009 fork tubes are 46mm? I measured 45mm but could be wrong.

 johnnyvision - 2013-01-20 6:08 PM I went to hardware store and bought Some pvc pipe and drove my seals home. Pvc is light weight so you have to hit the seals a few times. Make sure your pvc is flat on the bottom and if you can find a metal washer to sit on top of the seal while driving the seal in is great. I'll just bet if you went to any aftermarket shop they would drive them in for nothing

If the PVC worked for you and Brian, it should work for me ... thanks.

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Posted 2013-01-21 2:08 AM (#129852 - in reply to #129823)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Sorry, I misread what you typed. I thought you typed 46mm. I have no idea what size they are. I'd still suggest you contact Witchdoctors. Most it takes is a 20 second email.
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Posted 2013-01-21 8:31 AM (#129858 - in reply to #129852)
Subject: Re: Fork Seal Driver

Central Wisconsin

Monkeyman - 2013-01-21 2:08 AM Sorry, I misread what you typed. I thought you typed 46mm. I have no idea what size they are. I'd still suggest you contact Witchdoctors. Most it takes is a 20 second email.

Thanks for the reminder.  Witchdoctor is who I plan on sending my lowers to. I did contact him and he is going to try to put together a fork seal/bushing kit.




Edited by Thomas 2013-01-21 8:41 AM
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