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Vision-mod taillight sequencer question
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Posted 2012-04-18 7:09 AM (#112473)
Subject: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
Anybody here install the Vision-mod (glighton) taillight sequencer? I bought the set to install on the wife's vision (a surprise while she is away for a work seminar). I got the rear installed but the right blinker fails to operate. The left sequences as do the brakes, but the right side bottom light flashes once then nothing. No front either. Reinstalled the OEM harness and everything works. I sent an e-mail and waiting to hear back. Very frustrating. I am hoping it is an easy fix.
Sorry just needed to vent.
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Posted 2012-04-18 5:56 PM (#112498 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 4278
Call him
ask the man that makes the parts
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Posted 2012-04-21 10:57 AM (#112654 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
I did contact Gary. He has no idea what the problem could be. I ended up sendig the harnesses back to him. He is going to retest and if he finds it defective he will replace. If they test okay it will be assumed that something on the wife's bike is different enough thet the mod will not work, and he will refund my money.
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Posted 2012-04-21 11:09 AM (#112655 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
This is not the first time ive heard of this on (newer) models...
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2012-04-30 1:32 PM (#113252 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
I had that problem when I installed mine. After talking to Gary, I found it to be low voltage right after cranking it. Rev it until it shows at least 14 volts and it should work. It's not a problem on the road, but only when sitting, immediately after starting it up.
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Posted 2012-05-01 8:57 AM (#113294 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
Well, it's not a voltage problem. I have checked that and all is good. I did find that if I disconnected the front right turn, I could get the rear right to flash. It seems as if the signal module is a little too sensitive about the current draw and will not function. Gary has offered to give me a refund. Too bad. I really liked the safety aspect of the mod.
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Posted 2012-05-01 11:40 AM (#113303 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I didn't think the Vics ECU would care, but it could be drawing too much of a load now. Depending on the year of your bike, the ECU monitors your blinkers and alters their blink rate if it finds the loads in the wrong range. If the load is half what it should be (6 vs. 3 ohms), it will blink at double the normal speed, less load and it won't blink at all. Each bulb (front and back) is supposed to provide 6 ohms of resistance for a total of 3 ohms (6+6=3 funny huh?). Being that you now have 3 bulbs in the back instead of 1, you may be adding more load than the ECU is ready for, even though they should be sequential, thus not adding the full load at once.
One possible solution would be to go to LEDs and use a 6 ohm resistor that will trick the ECU into thinking there is only one bulb back there. The LEDs draw very little, and the 6 ohm resistor will give it the constant load it is looking for. You will need to splice the resistor in prior to the sequencer though.

Edited by Nozzledog 2012-05-01 11:45 AM
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Posted 2012-05-01 5:59 PM (#113317 - in reply to #113303)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 4278

Nozzledog - 2012-05-01 11:40 AM I didn't think the Vics ECU would care, but it could be drawing too much of a load now. Depending on the year of your bike, the ECU monitors your blinkers and alters their blink rate if it finds the loads in the wrong range. If the load is half what it should be (6 vs. 3 ohms), it will blink at double the normal speed, less load and it won't blink at all. Each bulb (front and back) is supposed to provide 6 ohms of resistance for a total of 3 ohms (6+6=3 funny huh?). Being that you now have 3 bulbs in the back instead of 1, you may be adding more load than the ECU is ready for, even though they should be sequential, thus not adding the full load at once. One possible solution would be to go to LEDs and use a 6 ohm resistor that will trick the ECU into thinking there is only one bulb back there. The LEDs draw very little, and the 6 ohm resistor will give it the constant load it is looking for. You will need to splice the resistor in prior to the sequencer though.

Please forgive my stupity but if you do LED's you have to wire in a 6 ohms resister for each light. So now doesn't that come up to more then what you want.

I'm trying to learn this so I can put LED's in the back of my cision.


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Posted 2012-05-01 6:35 PM (#113320 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
It will be a total of four 6 ohm resistors if you want front and back LEDs (Front-Left, Front-Right, Rear-Left and Rear-Right). Some people have used two 3 ohm resistors (front and back combined) but for some reason it would not work on my bike (I think the company I bought from used the wrong resistors in thier pre-packaged 'load manager' ). You can run as many LEDs as you want, once the 3ohms resistance is met (to a point I'm sure) since LEDs are such a low draw. If you put the resistor in after the sequencer, than you would need one resistor for each bulb because the sequencer would be shutting off power to those resistors in sequence with the lights. It probably wouldn't solve the aforementioned problem either.
I am not sure how the wiring is layed out for the sequential light harness, but you may need to add one 25ohm resistor into the braking circuit so that the cruise control will still work with LEDs in the brakelight slots. The ECU just needs to see an unbroken circuit for the cruise control to work. Double-pole (3157) LEDs are a broken circuit in the pole that is off.
The main thing to remember is - Never put a resistor into a the 'marker light' circuit (the ones that are always on). If the resistor gets hot when you are not turning or braking, that's bad. has a great selection of LEDs and resistors.

Edited by Nozzledog 2012-05-01 6:39 PM
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Posted 2012-05-03 11:43 AM (#113455 - in reply to #112473)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
Thanks for your insight Nozzledog.
I can run a LED light in the front turn and the rear will flash (at first start up need to activate the right side 2 -3 times). The wife is okay with this. She really wants the mod more for the brake lights anyway. Was thinking about trying LEDs for the rear too, but don't want to mess with the cruise not working.

Edited by xcrider 2012-05-03 11:44 AM
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Posted 2012-05-03 5:45 PM (#113472 - in reply to #113455)
Subject: Re: Vision-mod taillight sequencer question


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
I have the sequential harness I got from a member on this site and it never worked right from day one. The right side worked flawlessly and still is from day one, the left not so much. The left initially would flash all 3 lights to turn.After a while the bottom left light would light first followed by the remaining 2lights simutaneously in a 2 curcuit system. I changed my seat and then only the bottom left light would flash and I noticed that the sequenterpod for that side got really warm. Currently its' back to the whole side flashing together and no sequential function. I have contacted glighto for help and awaiting the reply. My VV is an early '08 purchased in December '07 making it an early '08. I really like the mod and for the price of the alternative it's a bargain. I really hope we can get it working cause it really is one of the best mods you can do to the VV.
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