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Upper Trunk Lights
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Posted 2011-05-27 12:18 AM (#87228)
Subject: Upper Trunk Lights

New user

Posts: 4
Is there a way to make the top trunk running lights, on a 2008 Vision Premium Tour, into Brake/turn signal, and running lights without using a modulator?

My dealer wants $170 for a Kuryakyn Modulator and another $400 for labor.
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Posted 2011-05-27 1:24 AM (#87231 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
I am including a step by step instruction list for the mod you are wanting to do. It should take you a hour or so to complete this. I have done it on my 2011 Vision as well. If you have a mirror in you trunk it may take a little longer. For that you will need a long and I mean long flat zip tie to run the wire up and through the light holes to run the wire. Hope this helps. Be safe.
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Posted 2011-05-27 1:26 AM (#87232 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
I can't get it to upload send will put it in a email if yours is listed

Edited by RobertDuval 2011-05-27 1:29 AM
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Posted 2011-05-27 6:38 AM (#87243 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Create a post in the Tech Reference Forum and it should upload. Then you can post a link here to that post.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2011-05-27 8:23 AM (#87250 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 160
Lennox, SD
Go hear and download the instructions:

Buy the Kuryakyn 4710 on line takes about an hour to install, a little longer for us color blind folks.
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Posted 2011-05-27 9:18 AM (#87252 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 189
Baltimore, Md
Possibly the dealer is selling a different Kuryakyn modulator than the 4710, but it's readily available online for about $60. The quoted price of $170 + $400 for less than an hour's work seems a bit high. I know they need to make a profit, but more than 3X the cost of the part plus $400/hr?
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Posted 2011-05-27 9:24 AM (#87254 - in reply to #87232)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 189
Baltimore, Md

RobertDuval - 2011-05-27 1:26 AM I can't get it to upload send will put it in a email if yours is listed

Are your step-by-step instructions the same as the one linked by Kioti that has been around a while?  I bought the 4710 and am about to do the install and while the linked instructions are good, they aren't completely step-by-step as they assume some things.  If yours are even more complete I'd be interested in reading them.  A good example is SongFan's Stingerz instructions.

Edited by flint350 2011-05-27 9:24 AM
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Posted 2011-05-27 10:14 AM (#87257 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York

Just a note for those that have asked about tying this mod with the taillight sequencing mod.


Where this mod details tapping into the brake and signal wires in the loom, you would instead hook to the provided "trailer" tap pigtail og the sequencing loom.



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Posted 2011-05-27 2:58 PM (#87273 - in reply to #87252)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
flint350 - 2011-05-27 6:18 AM

Possibly the dealer is selling a different Kuryakyn modulator than the 4710, but it's readily available online for about $60. The quoted price of $170 + $400 for less than an hour's work seems a bit high. I know they need to make a profit, but more than 3X the cost of the part plus $400/hr?

I agree. I had my dealer install mine (because I am not as skilled as some on this forum) and it was less that half what you were quoted.
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Posted 2011-12-30 8:30 AM (#104358 - in reply to #87257)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
glighto11 - 2011-05-27 10:14 AM

Just a note for those that have asked about tying this mod with the taillight sequencing mod.


Where this mod details tapping into the brake and signal wires in the loom, you would instead hook to the provided "trailer" tap pigtail og the sequencing loom.



Where is this "trailer" tap pigtail located?

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Posted 2011-12-30 11:24 AM (#104373 - in reply to #87257)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 244
glighto11 - 2011-05-27 11:14 AM

Just a note for those that have asked about tying this mod with the taillight sequencing mod.


Where this mod details tapping into the brake and signal wires in the loom, you would instead hook to the provided "trailer" tap pigtail og the sequencing loom.

Also looking for the "trailer" tap pigtail. ????


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Posted 2011-12-30 11:45 AM (#104376 - in reply to #104358)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 4278
Turk - 2011-12-30 8:30 AM glighto11 - 2011-05-27 10:14 AM

Just a note for those that have asked about tying this mod with the taillight sequencing mod.


Where this mod details tapping into the brake and signal wires in the loom, you would instead hook to the provided "trailer" tap pigtail og the sequencing loom.



Where is this "trailer" tap pigtail located?


should be behind the two taillights one for the left one for the right  


Attachments IMG_0300.JPG (97KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2011-12-30 12:07 PM (#104381 - in reply to #87228)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Mine have been replaced with duel intesity LEDs. I have not taken it apart to see what bulbs are in there. The running lights are not very bright during the day, but it looks great at night.
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Posted 2012-01-01 10:52 PM (#104575 - in reply to #87252)
Subject: Re: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"

flint350 - 2011-05-27 9:18 AM Possibly the dealer is selling a different Kuryakyn modulator than the 4710, but it's readily available online for about $60. The quoted price of $170 + $400 for less than an hour's work seems a bit high. I know they need to make a profit, but more than 3X the cost of the part plus $400/hr?. I absolutely hate it when dealers try to take advantage of people by trying to charge outrageous prices like this. They think the general population is stupid. I know we need to support our local dealerships, but stunts like this just chap my ass


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Posted 2012-01-02 11:26 AM (#104593 - in reply to #104376)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 244


Where is this "trailer" tap pigtail located?

should be behind the two taillights one for the left one for the right


Does any one know where you can get connectors to match the trailer pig tails.

P.S. When I first got mine, the dealer said you shouldn't pull a trailer with the vision. Doesn't look like the design people felt that way!

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Posted 2012-01-31 2:41 PM (#106497 - in reply to #104376)
Subject: RE: Upper Trunk Lights


Posts: 130
Houston, Tx
john frey - 2011-12-30 11:45 AM Turk - 2011-12-30 8:30 AM glighto11 - 2011-05-27 10:14 AM

Just a note for those that have asked about tying this mod with the taillight sequencing mod.  Where this mod details tapping into the brake and signal wires in the loom, you would instead hook to the provided "trailer" tap pigtail og the sequencing loom.

Where is this "trailer" tap pigtail located?

should be behind the two taillights one for the left one for the right  


Hmmmmmmm, wondering if Gary changed the design a bit b/c I don't recall having that on mine.  I had thought that the 'pigtail' he mentions is a set of loose wires (my term) that is roughly located about the saddlebag area, long before the 1st tail light connection.  Now I'm a bit confused.


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