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my first problem with my 08
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dan camarco
Posted 2011-09-14 8:21 AM (#96547)
Subject: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 206
Lumber Bridge, NC United States
When I play my i pod there is no sound in my left speakers. there is sound when I play the radio. Is it something that I am doing or is it a loose conection to i pod? this is my first problem, anyone else ever had this problem and how did you solve it?
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Posted 2011-09-14 8:42 AM (#96550 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Check and make sure the plug is seated all the way in. If not it will only play one channel. I have the problem with my Droid X Phone. The top of the phone is angled and will not let the plug seat all the way in. Make sure the Ipod plays through both channels with another set of speakers.
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Posted 2011-09-14 9:36 AM (#96556 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 154
Cabot Arkansas
I had this happening with my mp3 player and found putting a LITTLE bit of pressure on the bend of the cable where it comes out of the mp3 player jack worked for me .
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Posted 2011-09-14 11:03 AM (#96559 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
Dan, are you running the audio or the ipod cable? With all the negative posts lately, I am reluctant to say it. I had issues with the white cable (not Apple approved) until I secured my ipod to the side of the glove box. The connector breaks down from the movement of the ipod. I went thru 4 of them until I figured it out.
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Posted 2011-09-14 11:19 AM (#96561 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 1350
I leave my Ipod connected all the time. I have it wrapped in a towel so it doesn't bang around. I have never had a problem with it. I did learn that I need to wrap my cellphone in the towel too or I get a banging sound that is hard to tell where it's coming from and drove me nuts.
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dan camarco
Posted 2011-09-14 11:52 AM (#96567 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 206
Lumber Bridge, NC United States
audio that is standard with the bike I will do some checking just from the responses I have already gotten. thank you love the bike and love the site. remember when you spend 5 minutes with a negative person it takes 55 minutes to recover. everyone just go for a ride and chill.
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Posted 2011-09-14 12:42 PM (#96574 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
You still have another 10 minutes for your recovery. Which way are you connecting your IPOD?
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-09-14 12:47 PM (#96575 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Another thing to check, especially if your ipod has been in your pants pocket is lint. Because I keep my iphone in my pants pocket, lint always seems to migrate into the headphone jack and the ipod connection. Take a toothpick and see if you can get any gunk out of those jacks. I was surprised to see how much gets compacted in there. It manifested itself as dropping one channel on my headphones and not charging correctly thru the multipin connector.
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Posted 2011-09-14 2:04 PM (#96581 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Mine had a corroded cable that wasn't allowing a proper connection to the IPod.

I swapped the cable for the 'new' white cable, and haven't had a problems since.

Hope you get your's fixed soon.
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Posted 2011-09-14 2:20 PM (#96584 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: RE: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
dan camarco - 2011-09-14 8:21 AM

When I play my i pod there is no sound in my left speakers. there is sound when I play the radio. Is it something that I am doing or is it a loose conection to i pod? this is my first problem, anyone else ever had this problem and how did you solve it?

Check on many of the things listed above. Also check the other end of the cable to make sure it is firmly connected on the other end. Check the connections on the radio. Like many have stated before check the iPod's connector and its mating connector on the cable.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2011-09-14 2:25 PM (#96585 - in reply to #96561)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
RedRider - 2011-09-14 12:19 PM

I leave my Ipod connected all the time. I have it wrapped in a towel so it doesn't bang around. I have never had a problem with it.

+1 but I used some bubble-wrap instead of a towel
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Posted 2011-09-14 2:57 PM (#96590 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I put mine in a hard case and velcro'd it to the side of the glovebox.
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Posted 2011-09-15 6:03 AM (#96652 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 92
THis happened to my sons I-Pod it had to do with something in the unit itself. We ended up swaping it out at the Apple store it was still under warranty.
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Posted 2011-09-15 8:50 AM (#96662 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: RE: my first problem with my 08

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I have a Zune mp3 player for long trips and I also use my phone for everyday trips. I got a cell phone soft case from the local drug store for $5. It keeps the devices from rattling around.

The stock headphone cable on my 2008 is very stiff. When I put my music source (Zune or phone) into the glovebox it put a lot of side load on the cable where it enters the Zune/phone because it will not flex. This caused wear on the metal tip of the cable which resulted in poor sound quality and sometimes no sound at all. Both my Zune and phone are programmed to pause when the headphone cable is pulled out of them. So, when the connection was loose due to wear, the music would quit playing while I was riding down the road because the Zune/phone thought the cable had been pulled out.

I got a 90 degree headphone plug from Radio Shack which has approx 6" of flexible wire and all my problems dissappeared.
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dan camarco
Posted 2011-09-20 2:02 PM (#97171 - in reply to #96547)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 206
Lumber Bridge, NC United States
problem solved thank you everyone for answers. it was a loose connection.
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Posted 2011-09-20 2:56 PM (#97182 - in reply to #97171)
Subject: Re: my first problem with my 08


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
dan camarco - 2011-09-20 3:02 PM

problem solved thank you everyone for answers. it was a loose connection.

thanks for sharing the fix.
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