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Drivers Ed........
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Posted 2011-08-30 8:38 PM (#95217)
Subject: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 554
2 mi from Jim Beam n KY

So I'm sitting at a redlight, in the inside lane. Theres two young dudes in a POS in the outside lane. We are both at the front. I glance in my right mirror and see another car pop over the overpass. No problem. They're in the other lane. I looked back at the light and in my peripheral vision I see.....and hear....WHAM!! The second drived rear ended the car next to me. The car next to got a jolt from it, but no visable damage. I looked at the driver of the 2nd car, and her cell phone was inf ront of her nose and she had the deer in the headlights look. she was young and totally was her girlfriend passenger........and I got pissed!!! My helmet is modular, so I flipped it up and yelled at her "HEY!!! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ME!!! PUT DOWN THAT DAMN CELL PHONE SO YOU CAN DRIVE!!! still ticks me off...........

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Posted 2011-08-30 8:45 PM (#95219 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
ILLEGAL in B.C. - and cops are still grabbing hundreds of the a-holes. Some get their vehicles impounded. But THEY should get pounded ...
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-30 8:48 PM (#95221 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
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Posted 2011-08-30 8:49 PM (#95222 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Glad they were not in your lane. Maybe because school just started down here but the amount of dumb asses on the road the past week ot two has been insane. Had 2 close calls today, both changed lanes with me beside them. One was a very close call, if there wasn't a left turn lane for me to escape it may have been ugly.
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Posted 2011-08-30 9:51 PM (#95229 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 520
Simi Valley, CA
Illegal in Cali too..... Doesnt stop them.
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Posted 2011-08-30 9:54 PM (#95231 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: RE: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 66
Oklahoma City
It's illegal in most states now, but sadly you see it more and more lately. I am a firm believer that they should be prosecuted the same as if it were a DUI. Both impair your ability to drive effectively, and can potentially cause you to kill someone.
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Posted 2011-08-31 5:14 AM (#95245 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
As bad as talking on a cell phone and driving is, texting is worse. And in Texas we see it all the time.
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Posted 2011-08-31 5:40 AM (#95246 - in reply to #95245)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 199
Salt Lake City
kris1956 - 2011-08-31 4:14 AM

As bad as talking on a cell phone and driving is, texting is worse. And in Texas we see it all the time.

This is also all too common in Salt Lake City. Scary.
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Posted 2011-08-31 7:10 AM (#95252 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 390
It's only illegal if you get caught!
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Posted 2011-08-31 12:06 PM (#95277 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: RE: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Probably texting. I'm of the opinion that texting should never have been invented in the first place, and should be outlawed/discontinued immediately. I drive a semi for a living, and I've had these dumb-asses move into the same lane I'M in with the semi while they're texting away.

I'm a biker and a trucker, and if you think people in cages "can't see you" on your bike, you're right, but you ought to try it in a truck. They "can't see you" in a truck either, and evasive maneuvers are very difficult/impossible in a truck.

Cell phones were bad enough.
Texting = very bad.
Neither should be allowed to be used in a moving vehicle.

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Posted 2011-08-31 5:01 PM (#95297 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 457
Green Bay, WI United States
I just don't get it. I also have had the mis-fortune more than once to have been cut-off by someone texting. The last time was in Wisconsin Rapids and it was a young gal and after I went into the center turn lane she had the dumb idea to flip me off, like it was my fault. I just dropped in behind her and followed her for over two hours, sure messed with her mind. I wish she would have stopped somewhere to confront me as I would have dialed 911 and had an officer on the scene. With my luck I would have been arrested for stalking. I hope for God's sake that if I am ever put on the ground by a cage that I cannot get up because I will figure they tried to kill me, an eye for an eye if you know what I mean....

Ride hard, ride fast but above all ride safe and free....

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Posted 2011-08-31 5:44 PM (#95301 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 27
Leduc Alberta Canada
It will become law here in Alberta Sept 1.
They are suppose to be the toughest laws in Canada.
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Posted 2011-08-31 6:11 PM (#95304 - in reply to #95301)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Cell phone use and/or texting while driving is illegal in many places now, but people still do it anyway. How are you going to enforce such a law?

In the trucking industry, many, if not most, of the insurance companies now have a clause in the policy that causes the insurance to be null and void, as far as coverage of the truck and/or driver goes, if it is determined that a cell phone was in use by the driver at the time of the accident. The liability portion of the policy stays in effect to protect the innocent, but the trucker is SOL. Using a cell phone while driving is against the company policy at many trucking companies now, and will get you fired if you get caught. I don't disagree with the policy. Maybe a "civilian version" of the insurance policies for car drivers would help.

The technology to cause cell phones to be inoperable when moving over a certain speed is available. I know that sounds drastic--- but so is running over somebody...............

I'm normally against anything resembling a "Nanny State", but this cell phone/texting while driving stuff is getting out of hand.

20 years ago cell phones were just being introduced. 15 years ago cell phones were still a novelty for the few. Today, they have nearly become weapons of mass destruction when being improperly used by inattentive drivers. I think it's time for technological limitations on their use in moving cars. Some will think that's an inconvenience.

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Posted 2011-08-31 6:17 PM (#95305 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
Had two teenage girls next to me on the highway today. I looked over and the driver was texting while the passenger was talking. I moved over a lane. Good thing because she moved half into the lane I just vacated. Sometimes I wish I was a cop.
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Posted 2011-08-31 6:23 PM (#95309 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: RE: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
I think this pisses everyone off! I don't think the person should be proscuted like a DUI rather, attempted murder with a deadly weapon!
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Posted 2011-08-31 8:28 PM (#95320 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 554
2 mi from Jim Beam n KY
It's illegal in Kentucky also. Problem is.....the fines are so low no one cares. If they had a $1500 fine for 1st offense and double each time after with additional $5000 fine for causing an accident, then folks may take notice and not risk it.
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Posted 2011-08-31 9:06 PM (#95322 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Using a cell phone for text or calls is illegal in most states, but if all police are like the ones here they never see the infractions, because THEY are always on their cell phone.
Just an observation.
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Posted 2011-08-31 10:18 PM (#95324 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: RE: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 66
Oklahoma City
The really sad thing is that there is a simple fix, but it's illegal per the FCC. All you would have to do is install a device that disables cell phones while a vehicle is in operation. Since we can't trust people to wait, because god forbid you miss a call while out and about, we should be able to deter this in other ways.
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Posted 2011-09-01 1:34 AM (#95326 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Yesterday I was driving the Las Vegas Strip headed northbound near the Mirage. I guy pulls up beside me and takes out his cell phone to make a call....not hands free...he was holding it up to his ear.....while riding a scooter with no helmet.

On cell phone with phone to ear + Riding a scooter = Future Organ Donor

He continues to talk on the cell phone in stop and go traffic for the next three miles until I turn off and he continues down the road.

I had to look away when he stopped at the light beside me. I told my wife how it so hard to hold a pleasant conversation with her that is nice and light when I really........have a strong urge to roll down the window and tell that stupid SOB to hand up the Fn phone and ride!!

He was wearing a RENT A SCOOTER T-Shirt. Brilliant! Just brilliant!

Ride Safe!

Edited by radioteacher 2011-09-01 1:59 AM
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Posted 2011-09-01 1:40 AM (#95327 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
I, too, drive a truck for a living. I also will talk on my phone. I DO NOT text. In fact what's the point? If you have something to say call say it and then hang up. I don't think its the phone as much as the idiot using it. Same idea as gun use. There is a time and place for everything, behind the wheel is no place for texting.JMHO.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-01 3:58 AM (#95329 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
distracted driving is distracted driving no matter how smart you think you are. Dead is dead even for the innocent. Save your phone calls for whhen you are parked or out of the vehicle.
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Posted 2011-09-01 9:28 PM (#95416 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 457
Green Bay, WI United States
+1 to all the comments.......

Ride hard, ride fast but above all ride safe and free....

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Posted 2011-09-04 8:54 AM (#95612 - in reply to #95217)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
The point I was tryong tp make is don't blame the phone, blame the the person. Place the blame where it belongs. The phone doesn't know where you are when it rings.
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Posted 2011-09-04 11:47 PM (#95682 - in reply to #95612)
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed........


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
wtwhitelaw - 2011-09-04 8:54 AM

The point I was tryong tp make is don't blame the phone, blame the the person. Place the blame where it belongs. The phone doesn't know where you are when it rings.

You are correct. I was not even thinking of yelling at that scooter riders phone....I was going to yell at the scooter rider!
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