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OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller
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Posted 2012-12-17 11:30 AM (#128553)
Subject: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
OK,hearing of an opportunity to would allow for the ability to re-program ( read not just re-flash) the ECU thereby negating then need for a fuel controller.

What are the capabilities of doing this along with what would be the difference between the two ?


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Posted 2012-12-17 6:49 PM (#128564 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 4278
Do a search in the tech forum section you should find all you want
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Posted 2012-12-18 7:10 AM (#128589 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: RE: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
search has only lead me to comments about PC-V's w/ autotune- not what I was looking for, thanks

will keep looking.
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Posted 2012-12-18 5:59 PM (#128609 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 4278
you have listed that you have Lloydz ecu and power comander
so what are you asking or looking for?
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Posted 2012-12-19 5:37 AM (#128619 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Are you wanting to ditch the Lloydz ECU and PC-V and try to re program the stock ECU to take their place (and do the same thing they're doing)? Unless you're an electrical engineer and have the (closely guarded, I'm sure) Vic programing codes, I'd say it would be easier (and maybe cheaper) to keep what you've got.
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Posted 2012-12-19 7:16 AM (#128620 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
Jeff re flash and reprogram of the ECU is the same thing. When an ECU is re flashed the information /programs are changed, modified,or deleted or in other words reprogramed. Lloydz modified ECU is re flashed/reprogramed by modifying the ignition timing maps, deleting the top speed limtier, and changing the rev limiter upper point from 5500 to 6500. The Lloydz VFC3 and any other fuel controller modify the signal sent from the ECU to the injectors. They all widen the signal, pulse width, increasing the time the injector is allowed to flow fuel creating a richer mixture. The benefit of both is complimentary. When more fuel is added the ignition timing needs to be altered to compensate for the increased fuel so that the combustion event is more efficient. Increased efficiency equals more power and smoother engine operation. Hope this helps if this what you originally ask about.
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Posted 2012-12-19 7:28 AM (#128623 - in reply to #128620)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
V92SC - 2012-12-19 8:16 AM

Jeff re flash and reprogram of the ECU is the same thing. When an ECU is re flashed the information /programs are changed, modified,or deleted or in other words reprogramed. Lloydz modified ECU is re flashed/reprogramed by modifying the ignition timing maps, deleting the top speed limtier, and changing the rev limiter upper point from 5500 to 6500. The Lloydz VFC3 and any other fuel controller modify the signal sent from the ECU to the injectors. They all widen the signal, pulse width, increasing the time the injector is allowed to flow fuel creating a richer mixture. The benefit of both is complimentary. When more fuel is added the ignition timing needs to be altered to compensate for the increased fuel so that the combustion event is more efficient. Increased efficiency equals more power and smoother engine operation. Hope this helps if this what you originally ask about.

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Posted 2013-01-10 8:16 PM (#129383 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 116
So are you saying that the fuel map is still used with the vfc? And timing is changed in the ecm? is there a need for the timing gear with the ecm upgrade?
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Posted 2013-01-10 10:38 PM (#129385 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
The timing changes are very small and correct deficiencies in the factory programing enhancing drivability. The timing gear allows the owner the ability to fine tune the timing to get the most performance from changes like cams. What the timing gear would be like two owners with equally modified bike that are dyno'd and the one with just the ecu makes 119hp and the one with the adjustable gear dynoing at 123hp. The owner with the gear is able to wring the last bit of HP out of an identical set up. I've read here that the cams respond favorable with 4+ degrees of timing even with the ecm. The down side you'll need to run premium fuel. It all has to do with how you want to roll.
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Posted 2013-01-10 11:03 PM (#129388 - in reply to #128553)
Subject: Re: OK- help the non gear head again, program ECU versus using a fuel controller


Posts: 116
Thanks for the info.
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