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Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?
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Posted 2011-01-05 12:34 PM (#76705)
Subject: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
I have a trunk on my Vision, do I need to remove it to take off the seat ? I understand the ECU is under the rear seat- is it marked ?

Need to send it off to Lloyd.


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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-05 12:51 PM (#76708 - in reply to #76705)
Subject: RE: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
No, the seat comes off by removing the two screws under the V-panel directly in front of the seat. Watch the wire if you have a heated seat. The ECU is held by a few screws and is easily removed.

What's Lloyd goin' to do with your ECU? Just being nosey.
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Posted 2011-01-05 12:57 PM (#76709 - in reply to #76708)
Subject: RE: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
Cap'n Nemo - 2011-01-05 1:51 PM

No, the seat comes off by removing the two screws under the V-panel directly in front of the seat. Watch the wire if you have a heated seat. The ECU is held by a few screws and is easily removed.

What's Lloyd goin' to do with your ECU? Just being nosey.

I do have the heated seat- is the ECU marked ?

After talking with Bri- I am going to do the following,

Air Intake Plate
Exhaust Gaskets
New Cams ( w/o the spring kit)- this requires the ECU to be reprogrammed. She said new ones are on B/O and have been for some time so easier to take out exisitng and have it re-flashed.

Question is, can I ride the bike without it in ?

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-05 1:08 PM (#76710 - in reply to #76705)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
The ECU is the brains of the operation, its funny that we sit on our brains, for the bike that is. You'll know it when you see, it has a big plug that has a pull tab to remove it. Be careful with the whole thing and ship it padded. Personnally, I would consult the manual to ensure that there is no pre-do's before removing. One thing I do recall is 1) Disconnect the battery 2) with the battery disconnected, turn the ignition switch to "ON" to drain any residual charge in any component. Here's where one of them professional wrenches could chime in, or a call back to Bri to get the skinny on anything that might not be covered in the manual.
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Posted 2011-01-05 1:41 PM (#76712 - in reply to #76705)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 4278
Maybe I am wrong and you don't say but I believe the ECU stays in the bike for re flash. If you do a search here most don't think do a flash is worth it they pretty much sat by a power commander v and save some money. Who is doing the cams? They should be able to tell you what and where if they know what there doing.
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Posted 2011-01-05 1:42 PM (#76713 - in reply to #76705)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 415
It's the square box under the passenger seat. Once you remove your seat you can't miss it.
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Posted 2011-01-05 1:48 PM (#76714 - in reply to #76712)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
john frey - 2011-01-05 2:41 PM

Maybe I am wrong and you don't say but I believe the ECU stays in the bike for re flash. If you do a search here most don't think do a flash is worth it they pretty much sat by a power commander v and save some money. Who is doing the cams? They should be able to tell you what and where if they know what there doing.

Lloydz is doing the cams and Bri said she wanted the ECU ahead of time for the re-flash.

I thought that would be something they would just do in-house right while putting the cams in.
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Posted 2011-01-06 5:25 AM (#76741 - in reply to #76705)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 1350
Maybe it's easier if they have a performance baseline to start with after the cams are in?

Hey Jeff, just can't leave it alone? When do you take her to Lloyd's?
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Posted 2011-01-06 6:48 AM (#76745 - in reply to #76741)
Subject: Re: Help for a non wrench- how to take out ECU ?


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
RedRider - 2011-01-06 6:25 AM

Maybe it's easier if they have a performance baseline to start with after the cams are in?

Hey Jeff, just can't leave it alone? When do you take her to Lloyd's?

As soon as the new cams are in.

I imagine if they need the ECU prior, I will need to ship it down then wait to get it back before I can ride down.

Has anyone done the ECU reflash with Lloyd before ?

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