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Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders
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Posted 2010-12-02 11:18 PM (#74646)
Subject: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I updated the iPod Guide for the Vision tonight. Please look it over to see if I need to correct anything.

It has the latest information for the different iPod Cables for the different year model Visions.

Here is some of the new text.

"Charging not supported" problem for 2008 and 2009 Visions

Fix1: Some Vision-Riders, like me, have used the iPhone and iPod Charge Converter adapter with success. The link to get one is listed below. Thanks sjavera for the post on for this cheap fix!

If you will need an iPod cable for the 2008 and 2009 Victory Vision, here is the old part number. The iPod cable for the Victory Vision iPod Power Cord & Console Link Victory Vision $49.99 Victory Item #: 2876116. This plus the Cablejive charge convertor is less money than the newer charging cable.

Fix2: The easier way to fix the same issue for the 2008 and 2009 Visions is the newer Black cable (part number 2877894) that will charge any iPod/iPhone for $99.99. It has a box in the cable that coverts the voltage and sends it to the correct pin to charge the iPod/iPhone.

You can also run the older iPod Nano's (Generation 3 or older) without a charge adapter on any Vision.

2010 and newer Vision's
Starting with the 2010 year model they came out with a newer radio and a new iPod cable (Part number 2877195). This cable will work with any 2010 or newer Vision with a radio. (Sorry it will not for the stock Vision 8 Ball, no radio)

Ride Safe!

Edited by radioteacher 2010-12-02 11:19 PM
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Posted 2010-12-03 7:50 AM (#74651 - in reply to #74646)
Subject: Re: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
Thanks Radioteacher, I appreciate the update. I also have a IPOD cable that fits the 08*09 Vision that has never been opened (my 09 was totalled and never go it put on) Part number 2877894 that I would sell for $50.00 plus $5.00 S&H if anyone would like to have it. My email is Thanks.
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Posted 2010-12-03 12:57 PM (#74675 - in reply to #74646)
Subject: Re: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
Thanks, great job!

I have a 2011 Vision Tour.
Can you turn off the Itouch from the Vision controls or do you have to manually turn it off?
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Posted 2010-12-03 4:54 PM (#74684 - in reply to #74646)
Subject: Re: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 131
Edmond, OK 2012 Vision, 2012 Cross Country
I have to manually turn my ipod off, I am going to do more reading tonight when I get home to see if that can be done. Hope this helps.
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Posted 2010-12-04 2:44 AM (#74696 - in reply to #74646)
Subject: Re: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Normally, I turn mine off, set the switch that locks the controls then plug it into the Vision. After that I stick the iPod Nano to the side of the glove box with the 3M type of velcro and forget it is there for weeks at a time.

I never reopen the glove box and let the bike take care of charging and turning it on and off.

Although I have read of Visions killing iPods (and locking them up) I am still using the same two. The oldest iPod dates back to July 2008 when I bought it from a Pawn shop used. The other is from January of 2009 (also bought used).

I have had a few lockups over the years they are very rare since I had the code flashed along time ago to 5.12.

Ride Safe!

Edited by radioteacher 2010-12-04 2:45 AM
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Posted 2010-12-04 8:26 AM (#74711 - in reply to #74646)
Subject: Re: Updated iPod Guide for Vision Riders


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Thank you, alot of information..................
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