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Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.
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Posted 2008-02-14 12:49 PM (#5272)
Subject: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
My wife and I hit a deer last sat. going 60 mph. I didn't lay it down and still drove it 10 miles back to the nearest town to wait for someone to pick us up.So far the repair estimate is only $1500.00. It tore off the front fender, knocked the forks out of adjustment, and dented the stainless piece on the front left side where the head of the deer swung around and smacked me in the shin. Victory desinged a tough front end.
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Posted 2008-02-14 1:10 PM (#5274 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 185
I always get a sick feeling when I read about deer hits. I've had a few near misses myself. Around here it can happen any time. Glad to here your OK. Hope i never see for myself how tough they are.
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Posted 2008-02-14 1:15 PM (#5275 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Thankfully you're okay. It's a good thing they built such a strong bike. Out of all the hazards out there, a deer worries me the most. Them creatures are totally unpredictable. An idiot cager you can predict will act like an idiot and second guess them, but a deer...
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Posted 2008-02-14 1:15 PM (#5276 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: Re: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Thanks. I would take a Texas deer over a Nebraska deer any day of the week. Not everything is bigger in Texas.
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Posted 2008-02-14 2:07 PM (#5277 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: Re: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
OUCH!@ This is another travshamockery. I can't believe you didn't lay it down. I might have been a little scared. My bike falling into a wall made me cringe and I wasn't even on it. Now's the time to get those shiny new forks everyone wants. I have to agree with the amount of weight that hit the wall on the point where the left side mirror is, I'm also surprised there wasn't more damage. Keep us aprised of the repair and its impact on your ride time. Do you have a backup to fall on? Mark this down as the second damaged bike.
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Posted 2008-02-14 2:22 PM (#5278 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
Visionman, Glad you're both okay, and the repair costs aren't to OUCHy. It's amazing that you post that today, because yesterday an acquantance was just talking about how he'd never ride a M/C after dark just because of that. Animals and such that is.

Say does anyone know if those silent animal alert whistles that you mount on a vehicle really work? We don't have lotsa deer here in the sands of the desert, but just out of town are desert mountain goats with the big ram curled horns. They even play in the park in Boulder City when humans are present, they're not afraid.

Once again, glad you're okay!
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Posted 2008-02-14 2:32 PM (#5279 - in reply to #5278)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
Actually I should have said Mountain Sheep, not Goats... oops
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Posted 2008-02-15 12:53 AM (#5297 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 3204
(Shivers.) Man, I'm glad you guys are ok.
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Posted 2008-02-15 12:39 PM (#5305 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 109
WE are so happy you are ok. as everyone has stated too many close calls.
thank the Lord. tom
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Posted 2008-02-16 1:26 AM (#5331 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: Re: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I am glad you are ok!!! edradio, the deer whistles work really good until they get full of deer hair.....I have heard both that they work, and that they do not...Best thing is to be alert, and watch your butt! Can't hurt to stick some on, tho, just in case!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-02-16 1:24 PM (#5347 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
I think I'll get some deer whistles on the bike, and tell the folks that ask that they are "Space Alien Detection Devices"!
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Posted 2008-02-16 9:48 PM (#5367 - in reply to #5347)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I know a Winger who believe that the deer whistle work until one came running toward him. Fortunately it was near stopped strike and the deer litarally ran at him. He figured the deer saw the "deer whistles" and wanted to blow one.
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Posted 2008-02-16 9:57 PM (#5369 - in reply to #5272)
Subject: RE: Don't let all the plastic fool you it's tough.


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
D'oh, you had me going there!
It don't surprise me though. Deer can be territorial, and sure, it just might've perturbed him just enough to bull charge him!
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