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Cross Country as a Cop Bike
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Posted 2010-02-07 7:38 AM (#52802)
Subject: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 3204

Even though the Vision has been converted by a couple of Motorcops I think the Cross Country would be the perfect platform to convert.  A huge advantage the Cross Country has is in the saddlebags that are bigger, more efficiently laid out and are top-opening instead of side-opening.  The outrageous frame protectors have all kinds of room to hang stuff on.  Throw a low profile radio pack behind the rear seat and it would be good to go.

Victory has a big opportunity here.  A lot of the Motorcops I talk to are really tired of their Harleys and would never own one.  (Not all but a lot.)  The BMW bikes are killing department budgets with maintenance costs.  The Honda ST1300 is gaining popularity rapidly.  I think if Victory sponsored head-to-head shootouts with existing motorbike options they would come out ahead.  Much more power than a Harley, as reliable as the Honda, much less maintenance costs than BMW, American made. 

Come on Victory,  it's time for a changing of the guard.

Edited by SongFan 2010-02-07 7:38 AM
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Posted 2010-02-07 8:24 AM (#52811 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 192
Republic of Tejas
A few insightful companies are already on it. The information I get from a Polaris contact is that Polaris is not interested due to the so called liabilites which might arise in the case of any malfunction or failure.

(but they do look so fricken cool!!!!!!!)
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Posted 2010-02-07 8:42 AM (#52813 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: RE: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 3204
Wow, you're not kidding!  Those look way cooler than I thought they would.  Lawyers and bean counters....grrrrrr. 
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Posted 2010-02-07 10:14 AM (#52822 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
Sounds like "possible liabilities" is a term for "just not interested". The liabilities would be the same that they currently have for HD
models and BMW models as well as the ST. Its not like Victory would pay a higher price. Once again, marketing at Polaris/Victory sucks the big one and proves that they cant see the forest for the trees.
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Posted 2010-02-07 2:23 PM (#52864 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 192
Republic of Tejas
I 'd head (can't vouch for accuracy) that HD has a trust fund or annuity set up precisley to cover those types of contingencies?
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Posted 2010-02-07 3:35 PM (#52867 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 400
Mr. Blackwell made a comment at the 10th anniversary that Victory is not interested in police bikes because there is no profit in them and resale would be difficult and could hurt new sales. He made it sound like Victory did some research and it didn't seem to be a good business decision, but the idea could easily be re-evaluated in the future.
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Posted 2010-02-07 3:50 PM (#52868 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Police bikes are gradually going sport-touring from my limited perspective. Honda and BMW makes bikes that HD and Victory can't dream of competing with in terms of performance and reliability. Here's what I'm seeing more of across the States and what I'm basing my opinions on:
and mostly
In California the only police bikes I seen were the BMW's (No Erick Estrada's on KZ1000's LOL). The Cop I talked to from NY said his department was all BMW now (which is what he was joyriding on at the time). It seems like the only time I see HD police bikes anymore are in parades or shows. Seems like the workforce has gotten away from big tour bikes altogether. I don't blame them. If my livelyhood was at stake, I'd prefer a more performance orientated bike that could keep up/get away with fast sports cars. If it weren't for that fact I'd stick to Touring bikes. IMO, big Tour bikes are better for the rider in terms of comfort and longevity. It would probably be better for your back.
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Posted 2010-02-07 4:11 PM (#52869 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I know a motorcycle cop and I was wondering how available part for broken down or worse laid down bikes would be? He ride a HD for the Pittsburgh PD,them cops have a lot of repairs.... lay Downs etc.. replacement parts might not be as quick to get the police bike back on the road? Just a guess. Example. Gas tank, fenders etc
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2010-02-08 10:47 AM (#52892 - in reply to #52802)
Subject: Re: Cross Country as a Cop Bike


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
My dealer told me last week that a Vision is now in operation as a police bike near Birmingham, AL. I'll have to see if I can get more info and pictures.
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