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What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?
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Posted 2010-01-20 8:58 AM (#51681 - in reply to #51650)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 388
Salisbury, NC
The little one gallon can will fit in the bottom of your saddle bag. So carry one in each side to balance things out. ET
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Posted 2010-01-20 12:17 PM (#51699 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 181
Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
I do some first aid training, means i sometimes carry 2 half size resuscitation dummies over the passenger seat, always bag them though as they are a bit lifelike!

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Posted 2010-01-20 12:34 PM (#51700 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
I've packed boxes, and groceries, and guitars (not at the same time)... none of that seems strange to me. I guess the strangest thing I have ever carried on the back of my bike was my ex-Wife.

Sorry... someone had to say it, and in my case it's true.... both about the carrying and she was pretty strange.
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Posted 2010-01-20 2:22 PM (#51705 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I was in Shipshawana Indiana and found the perfect gift for my wife as she is into Wind Chimes. Found a set at the Amish store that was 6.5 feet long and tuned to sound like Church bells. I bought them then realized that I was on the bike so strapped them on the back seat and rode in the middle of the lane for 200 miles home no problem but a happy wife. Archie
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Posted 2010-01-21 8:04 AM (#51740 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
I WIN ! MY SISTER IN LAW nuff said....
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Posted 2010-01-21 8:38 AM (#51745 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 390
My brother caught hell from his BMW group for carrying a lawn mower on his GS.......
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Posted 2010-01-21 8:51 AM (#51748 - in reply to #51740)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
VaParadox - 2010-01-21 9:04 AM

I WIN ! MY SISTER IN LAW nuff said....

sorry, I would say that falls in the same category prohibited in the original post. mothther-in-laws or varyder???? One, I wouldn't be caught dead on the back of anyone else's bike except the wife unit...and she ain't got one.
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Posted 2010-01-21 9:03 AM (#51750 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I can't believe SandCamelJim, propping up my manliness, he said I was "pain in his arse!" I deliver on the promises with the goods I bring to the show. 'sniff, sniff'. While propped on his highness's perch, you have to sniff what's in front of ya! I still think he needs to up the shower frequency, or have the wife rub on him a little more. I can't tell if it's old man odor or just waftiness of muskiness, either way he don't smell purty like a PYT. Furthermore, I only got on behind him cause he was telling me we were joining a team racing event. He didn't tell me I could ride my own bike. I really think he was just wanting me to wrap my lovin' arms around him. One day back in college, might.... So, there we were, ready to team race. We started movin' and I was just trying to help drive, I can't believe he has held on to this thing for so long. Fine, let's get it out in the open. If I start to lose, I'm a gonna start in on the rest of the family.
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Posted 2010-01-21 9:27 AM (#51751 - in reply to #51750)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
pollolittle - 2010-01-21 7:03 AM

I can't believe SandCamelJim, propping up my manliness, he said I was "pain in his arse!" I deliver on the promises with the goods I bring to the show. 'sniff, sniff'. While propped on his highness's perch, you have to sniff what's in front of ya! I still think he needs to up the shower frequency, or have the wife rub on him a little more. I can't tell if it's old man odor or just waftiness of muskiness, either way he don't smell purty like a PYT. Furthermore, I only got on behind him cause he was telling me we were joining a team racing event. He didn't tell me I could ride my own bike. I really think he was just wanting me to wrap my lovin' arms around him. One day back in college, might.... So, there we were, ready to team race. We started movin' and I was just trying to help drive, I can't believe he has held on to this thing for so long. Fine, let's get it out in the open. If I start to lose, I'm a gonna start in on the rest of the family.

Sounds like Tiger Woods trying to justify his actions. I think most everyone here can read this TennPoottie loud and clear. Darn cryin shame - he used to be kinda fun-
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Posted 2010-01-21 10:01 AM (#51758 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: RE: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 3204
Yep, contest over.  DesertJim wins.
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Posted 2010-01-21 10:43 AM (#51762 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I see somebody broke into my account and posted a bunch of defaming, unjustifiable remarks, about my manliness. C'mon I love you guys. Can't we all just get along! (excerpt stolen from man getting the beat down by LA po-po)! Touch of Irony, I stole it, from the guy getting the beat down.
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Posted 2010-01-21 11:46 AM (#51766 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: RE: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 353
Hey we're not done yet.......

I often ride my 8-Ball to work and when I do I bungee an igloo 24 lunchbox to the rack, one day I needed to replace a chair for my break time so I bungeed a resin chair upright to my lunchbox and took it to work, people kept telling me that granny fell off.
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Posted 2010-01-21 4:59 PM (#51775 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: RE: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
A little flash back to the 70's for you guys; from my snapshot collection, a fellow motorcyclist enjoying the ride north on 1-75 out of Atlanta.

"Gee officer, I swear I didn't know that no drinkin' and drivin' meant no drinkin' and ridin' too!"

Edited by Tarpits99 2010-01-21 5:02 PM


Attachments i75crusier1.jpg (26KB - 0 downloads)
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az rob
Posted 2010-01-22 2:17 PM (#51816 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 110
Atleast he has a helmet.... is that a wool sweater?
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Posted 2010-01-22 2:58 PM (#51823 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Tarpits99 - Ok, now you've intrigued us, we need more nostalgic photos as such. That's awesome, wool sweater, bike that appears to be too small, and a ton of stuff on it and no saddlebags or trunk. Does appear there is another helmet behind him, unsure where the person would fit.
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-01-23 8:19 AM (#51848 - in reply to #51592)
Subject: Re: What's the strangest thing you've carried on your bike with you?

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Looks like Grizzly Adams came off the mountain and discovered the "High Life" courtesy of the Miller Brewing Company.
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